Home / Archived For September 2016
Suicide Prevention Week was September 5 through 11. At this year’s Show Me You Care About Suicide Prevention Conference on July 21-22, 2016, Bart Andrews, PhD gave a presentation titled “Community Saves Lives and Community Can Happen Anywhere – Suicide Prevention and Social Media #SPSM”. Click here to view it for free from the Missouri Institute of Mental Health.
More resources from the Web:
Books at the St. Louis Public Library include:
More resources from the Web:

- Stay: a history of suicide and the philosophies against it by Jennifer Michael Hecht.
- Understanding and preventing suicide: the development of self-destructive patterns and ways to alter them by Kristine Bertini.
- Out of the darkness: teens and suicide by Marion
- Crook.
Nutrition Today is another magazine with a focus on nutrition. It leans more toward the professional side of things than the popular/consumer, with in-depth research articles. It also offers the chance to earn Continuing Professional Education Credits.
Every two months you will find a new issue to read in Central Library's Science and Technology Room.
Every two months you will find a new issue to read in Central Library's Science and Technology Room.
Cara Membuat Puding Susu Cokelat Keju - Lawas saya tidak memosting olahan puding setelah kemarin sempat posting Resep Chocolate Lasagna Enak Praktis. Bukanya bosan, tapi memang sedang program diet menurunkan berat badan. Jadi saya stop bikin yang manis-manis. Tapi apalah daya ditahan-tahan kalap juga heehe.
Awalnya saya ngiler banget dengan postingan Bunda Hesti soal penampakan puding susu keju nya. Rada aneh juga sih sebenarnya, kok ada puding susu keju? Pasti rasanya bukan manis ya, tapi asin gurih gitu. Apa lagi pas saya baca resep dan step by step cara membuatnya ada vla santannya juga. Di benak saya langsung berfikir pasti rasanya asin gurih gitu. Apa lagi toppingnya juga pakai keju cheddar parut, pasti tambah gurih deh.
Pengin banget icip-icip, tapi entah mengapa saya tergolong orang ndeso yang tidak terlalu suka rasa keju yang stong. Akhirnya saya modifikasi sedikit resep puding susu kejunya dengan menambahkan cokelat bubuk ke dalam adonan. Untuk vla nya juga saya ganti dengan vla cokelat dan saya tidak pakai telur ke dalam adonan puding susu cokelat keju ini. Jadi hasil akhirnya nyoklaat banget dengan gurih parutan keju di atasnya.
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Cara Membuat Puding Susu Cokelat Keju Vla Cokelat Super Lembut |
Selain keju sebenarnya penggunaan topping bisa diganti dengan cokelat putih, choco chips atau irisan buah-buahan trawberry, leci, anggur, kiwi dan buah naga merah layaknya Resep Puding Susu Sutra Buah Ekonomis Yang Pas Untuk Bisnis Rumahan. Tapi karena saya ingin ada rasa gurihnya jadi di resep dan cara membuat puding susu cokelat keju ini saya pakai keju sebagai toppingnya. Jadi sesuai judulnya deh! Buat yang suka cokelat, puding susu cokelat keju ini rasanya pas di lidah.
Apa lagi kalau di makan sewaktu dingin, nyess banget di leher. Teksturnya lembut layaknya puding ala KFC goceng yang sering saya makan kalau berkunjung ke restauran KFC hehehe #lebay. Oh iya karena bukan puding busa kaya puding susu keju Hesti jadi di dalam adonan saya tidak memakai kuning atau putih telur ya bun. Jadi lebih simple dan praktis di buat deh!
Cicipi Juga : Resep Puding Cincau Susu Kedelai, Enak, Murah dan Sehat
Yowis dari pada penasaran, mending siapkan bahan-bahan yang digunakan dan baca langkah pembuatannya dengan seksama. Berikut Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Puding Susu Cokelat Keju With Vla Cokelat yang wajib dicoba. Cekidot!
Resep dan Cara Membuat Puding Susu Cokelat Keju
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Resep dan Cara Membuat Puding Susu Cokelat Keju In cup |
Resep by Bunda Musdalifah
Bahan Puding :
- Air 900 mili liter
- Bubuk agar-agar plain / putih tanpa rasa 1 bungkus
- Cokelat bubuk 25 gram
- Gula pasir 100 gram
- Susu kental manis putih 1/2 kaleng
Bahan Vla / Fla Cokelat :
- Tepung custard 2 sendok makan
- Susu kental manis 100 gram
- Air 300 mili liter
- Susu bubuk fullcream 4 sendok makan
- Cokelat bubuk 2 sendok makan (atau sesuai selera)
Bahan Topping / Taburan :
- Keju parut secukupnya
- Bisa diganti cokelat putih atau choco chips
Langkah Membuat Puding Susu Cokelat Keju :
- Puding : Pertama-tama larutkan agar-agar plain dengan sedikit air hingga rata, sisihkan.
- Selanjutnya masak air, susu kental manis, larutan agar-agar dan gula pasir. Aduk terus dengan menggunakan api kecil agar adonan agar-agar susu nya tidak gosong. Kemudian ambil sedikit adonan untuk melarutkan cokelat bubuk, aduk rata. Lalu masukkan ke dalam adonan puding, aduk cepat. Kalau perlu di saring larutan cokelat bubuknya, supaya tidak ada yang menggumpal. Didihkan.
- Jika sudah mendidih, angkat lalu tuang adonan puding cokelat susu ke dalam cetakan atau cup, dinginkan.
- Vla Cokelat : Campur semua bahan ke dalam panci lalu masak dengan menggunakan api sedang sampai mengental. Jangan lupa untuk coklat bubuknya dilarutkan terlebih dahulu dengan sedikit air sebelum di masukkan agar tidak menggumpal di adonan. Angkat, dinginkan.
- Penyajian : Hidangkan puding susu cokelat vla dengan taburan keju di atasnya. Sajikan dingin lebih mantap!
Untuk pemula atau yang baru belajar memasak puding, pasti seringkali mengalami bubuk agar-agar atau bubuk nutirjell nya menggumpal di adonan puding. Dengan ini saya kasih Tips sederhana untuk membuat puding agar hasilnya tidak ada yang menggumpal. Seperti step by step langkah membuat puding susu cokelat keju yang saya tulis di atas. Untuk bubuk agar-agar saya selalu larutkan terlebih dahulu dengan sedikit air supaya tidak ada yang menggumpal.
Sama untuk cokelat bubuk juga seperti itu, jangan lupa larutkan terlebih dahulu dengan sedikit air. Tujuannya sama agar tidak menggumpal di adonan. Dengan tips sederhana ini hasil pudingnya pun akan lembut sempurna dan pastinya super enak.
Selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Cara Membuat Puding Susu Cokelat Keju Vla Cokelat Super Lembut. Semoga bermanfaat :)
Jangan lupa share ya bun, makasih..
An article in USA Today on 30 August has the disconcerting headline: "Health care choices choked further" with the subtitle: "More than 2 million people could be bumped from insurance plans in 2017".

The reason: insurers are leaving the states' marketplaces. This means that people in 14 states, or 17% of Americans, will have only one insurer remaining, which means they will have no choices, because there will be no competition. One county in Arizona has no insurers at all. North Carolina is worried that an insurer, that is the only option for 90% of counties, will leave the state.
ACA signup period (open enrollment) starts November 1.

The reason: insurers are leaving the states' marketplaces. This means that people in 14 states, or 17% of Americans, will have only one insurer remaining, which means they will have no choices, because there will be no competition. One county in Arizona has no insurers at all. North Carolina is worried that an insurer, that is the only option for 90% of counties, will leave the state.
ACA signup period (open enrollment) starts November 1.
As a contrast to the popular and more accessible magazines we've been looking at, with bite-sized articles which are easy to dip into and out of, the Library also offers one of the preeminent scholarly medical publications, the New England Journal of Medicine. To lure you in, the September 8 issue includes brief articles on lyme disease, typhus, and acute care, as well as longer articles on sleep apnea, uveitis, and sinusitis.
It is also available with your St. Louis Public Library card online through two databases: EBSCO MasterFile (since 09/06/1984) and ProQuest (since 01/04/1990 with a 3 month delay, and abstracts since 05/15/1986).
It is also available with your St. Louis Public Library card online through two databases: EBSCO MasterFile (since 09/06/1984) and ProQuest (since 01/04/1990 with a 3 month delay, and abstracts since 05/15/1986).
Resep Sate Daging Kambing Goreng - Satu lagi olahan sate yang wajib dicoba. Bernama sate goreng, makanan ini merupakan salah satu kreasi dari olahan sate daging yang ada di Indonesia. Jika biasanya sate identik berupa potongan daging kecil yang ditusuk-tusukan ke tusukan bambu. Seperti sate kambing, sate padang dan Resep Membuat Sate Ayam Bumbu Kacang Khas Madura Sedap.
Berbeda dengan sate goreng yang memiliki julukan sate tanpa tusukan ini dibuat tanpa dibakar di atas arang, tanpa tusukan bambu atau tusukan dari besi seperti layaknya Resep Membuat Sate Klatak Khas Jogja Enak. Namun untuk membuatnya cukup diberi bumbu sate saja kemudian di oseng seperti akan membuat gulai kambing, Tongseng Kambing Khas Solo dan daging masak bumbu kecap.
Untuk membuat sate goreng bisa menggunakan daging apa saja ya bun. Mulai dari daging kambing, sapi dan ayam. Semua olahan daging ini selalu enak di masak sate goreng. Namun menurut saya yang rasanya paling nendang dan lezat ketika dimasak menjadi sate goreng adalah daging kambing. Maka tak aneh lagi jika banyak orang yang menyukai sate daging kambing goreng, tak terkecuali mantan bpk Presiden Soeharto dan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Beliau suka sekali dengan olahan sate daging kambing goreng yang merupakan salah satu menu andalan di warung sederhana Pak Budi. Warung Pak Budi ini adalah rumah makan dengan hidangan kambing yang cukup populer di Jakarta. Selain terkenal dengan sate goreng kambingnya, di sana juga ada menu Gulai Kambing yang terkenal memiliki bumbu gurih nan sedap.
Nah, dari pada harus jauh-jauh pergi ke Jakarta hanya untuk mencicipi lezatnya sate daging kambing goreng Presiden ala Warung Pak Budi, mending buat sendiri di rumah yuk bun. Resep sate daging kambing goreng yang harianresep.blogspot.com bagikan kali ini cukup mudah di pratekan di rumah loh. Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan juga terjangkau dimana-mana, jadi wajib dicoba!
Berikut Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Sate Daging Kambing Goreng homemade super enak dan simple yang cocok untuk menu makan siang dan malam yang special. Cekidot!
Resep dan Cara Membuat Sate Daging Kambing Goreng
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Resep dan Cara Membuat Sate Daging Kambing Goreng |
Bahan-bahan Sate Goreng :
- Daging kambing 250 gram (dapat dicampur dengan jeroan)
- Bawang merah 10 siung
- Bawang putih 4 siung
- Cabe rawit utuh 5 buah
- Minyak samin atau margarin 3 sendok makan
- Tomat hijau (tomat sayur) 3 buah, iris kasar
- Kecap bango 5 sendok makan
- Lada bubuk secukupnya
- Garam secukupnya
- Air 100 mili liter
Bumbu Sate :
- Bawang putih 5 siung
- Ketumbar 2 sendok teh
- Kemiri 5 buah
- Daun jeruk 5 lembar
- Gula merah 100 gram
- Asam jawa secukupnya
- Air secukupnya
- Kecap manis secukupnya
Bahan Pelengkap :
- Tomat merah 2 buah, iris kasar
- Kol 100 gram (iris halus)
Step By Step Membuat Sate Daging Kambing Goreng :
- Bumbu Sate : haluskan bawang putih, ketumbar, kemiri dan daun jeruk. Kemudian campurkan gula merah, asem jawa dan air, kemudian tambahkan kecap manis.
- Sate Goreng Kambing : Potong daging lalu celupkan ke dalam parutan nanas selama 5 menit. Angkat, lalu lumuri daging dengan bumbu sate. Sisihkan.
- Selanjutnya tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih dengan minyak samin atau margarin sampai tercium aroma sedap, kemudian tambahkan cabai rawit utih dan tomat, aduk rata.
- Setelah itu masukkan daging kambing yang sudah dilumuri bumbu sate tadi, aduk rata sampai berubah warna. Tambahkan kecap manis, aduk rata.
- Tuang air sedikit demi sedikit, aduk kembali sampai bumbu meresap. Masukkan lada dan garam secukupnya, aduk rata, angkat.
- Resep sate goreng kambing siap disajikan bersama irisan kol dan tomat. Nyumiii!
Icip Juga - Resep Membuat Gulai Cincang Kambing Khas Padang
Rahasia agar daging kambing empuk adalah dengan di rendam dengan parutan nanas terlebih dahulu. Namun jika di rumah tidak ada nanas tak perlu direndam nanas tak apa, asalkan memasak dagingnya sedikit lama agar hasilnya empuk sempurna. Jika bunda mengikuti langkah membuatnya dengan benar, hasil akhir dari masakan kambing goreng ini sangat enak, empuk dan lezat.
Selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Sate Daging Kambing Goreng Favorit Presiden Ala Pak Budi. Semoga bermanfaat :)
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epinephrine |
This is local news because the name brand version is already produced here in St. Louis and the generic version will be made at the same facilities in Brentwood and Maryland Heights by Meridian Medical Technologies, a subsidiary of Pfizer.
Cara Membuat Nachos - Menurut Wikipedia Nachos atau nacho merupakan salah satu makanan a la Tex-Mex yaitu Tekan dan Mexican yang berasal dari Meksiko bagian Utara. Versi nachos sederhana makanan ini terdiri dari keripik tortila jagung yang permukaannya disiram dengan keju cair dan parutan keju. Karena memiliki rasa yang enak dan gurih, banyak orang yang menyantap nachos tortilla chips sebagai camilan ketika bersantai.
Sedangkan untuk nachos versi komplit, makanan ini bisa di kreasikan dengan berbagai isian lezat yang bisa dihidangkan sebagai makanan utama atau sarapan di pagi hari. Bahan-bahan yang biasa digunakan untuk melengkapi nachos bisa berupa daging sapi/ayam cincang, potongan cabai atau lada meksiko, bawang bombay, salsa (saos dari potongan tomat, bawang bombay, cabai, bawang putih dan daun cilantro), guacamole (saos dari buah avokad), kacang merah yang dimasak dua kali (ala meksiko), sour cream (krim bewarna putih yang rasanya asam) serta potongan buah tomat dan daun selada.
Resep dan cara membuat nachos tortilla chips ini sebenarnya cukup simple dan mudah dibuat, dengan bahan-bahan yang terjangkau dan mudah ditemukan dimana-mana. Namun yang membuat saya tidak mengerti kenapa harga seporsi makanan Meksiko seperti Enchiladas, Quesadilas, Taco, Burrito atau bahkan yang super mudah seperti nachos memiliki harga yang sangat mahal di restoran Meksiko? Padahal cara membuatnya super gampang dan bahan-bahanya pun termasuk ekonomis.
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Cara Membuat Nachos Tortilla Chips, Camilan Gurih Ala Meksiko |
Bagi bunda yang penasaran akan nachos ala Meksiko ini saya sarankan untuk membuatnya sendiri saja di rumah. Soalnya dari pada merogoh kocok dalam-dalam untuk seporsi nachos kan sayang ya bun. Mending uangnya untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga lainnya #versi emak-emak zzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D
Cicipi Juga : Resep keripik Tempe Khas Bandung Renyah Gurih
Agar lebih mudah dan praktis keripik tortila yang digunakan dalam resep dan cara membuat nachos Meksiko ini saya gunakan tortilla siap makan yang dijual dalam kemasaran di mini market atau super market terdekat. Cukup gunakan 1 bungkus keripik jagung tortilla dengan harga sekitar Rp 10.000.- saja, urusan tortilla chips beres deh. Tapi kalau bunda ingin mencoba membuat tortilla chips homemade buatan sendiri bisa cek resepnya di sini Resep Cara Membuat Keripik Jagung Keju Renyah.
Tortilla chips yang memang sudah memiliki rasa gurih original dan sambal balado, membuat tortilla chips snack enak di makan dengan saus apa saja. Jadi tak aneh lagi kalau nachos memiliki banyak kreasi rasa yang menggoda. Seperti nachos chips Bolo Jalapeno, snack nachos cheese bologneses, hotdog braised lamb with nachos & coleslaw, minced beed nachos, nachos with cheese sauce (nachos saus keju), nachos salsa sauce, nachos tomat keju, easy nachos sour sauce, nachos BBQ (Baberque) dan nachos simple.
Resep dan Cara Membuat Nachos Tortilla Chips Meksiko
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Resep dan Cara Membuat Nachos Tortilla Chips Meksiko |
Resep Nachos By Mustika Indah W Cookpad
Bahan-bahan Nachos :
- Tortilla chips (saya pakai happytoz)
- Bawang bombay 1 buah
- Bawang putih 2 siung
- Daging giling 200 gram
- Tomat 2 buah (rebus lalu potong dadu)
- Pasta sauce secukupnya
- Garam 1/2 sendok teh
- Merica bubuk secukupnya
- Air 100 mili liter
- Margarine 1 sendok makan
- Bubuk oregano secukupnya (opional)
- Mayonaise secukupnya untuk topping
Step By Step Membuat Nachos Simple Rumahan :
- Panaskan margarine, lalu tumis bawang putih, bawang bombay dan tomat.
- Setelah itu masukkan daging giling, tambahkan garam, merica, pasta saus (bisa diganti saus tomat), air dan bubuk oregano. Cicipi rasa, jika ada yang kurang bisa disesuaikan dengan selera. (saya menambahkan sedikit air perasaan jeruk nipis biar segar).
- Jika saus sudah matang, siramkan saus di atas tortilla chips yang sudah ditata rapih dipiring saji. (Bisa juga tambahkan thousand island untuk menambah citarasa yang kaya).
- Nachos sederhana yang simple dan mudah dibuat siap untuk dinikmati. Nyam!
Ini adalah cara membuat nachos simple yang sering saya buat di rumah. Tak butuh waktu lama untuk membuatnya, soalnya super praktis dan gampang sekali dibuat. Saus nachos ini bisa digunakan untuk menemani spagetti, macaroni, burritos dan untuk olesan pizza juga oke loh bun.
Oke, selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Cara Membuat Nachos Tortilla Chips, Camilan Gurih Ala Meksiko. Jangan lewatkan camilan terbaru lainnya dari Harianresep.blogspot.com seperti Cara Membuat Risoles Amerika Isi Mayo Special yang layak untuk dicoba.
Semoga bermanfaat ya bun, silahkan share :)
Nutrition Action HealthLetter is a short but information-packed magazine. The articles are also short but full of information, perfect for quick browsing. It is published by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, making it reliable and trustworthy. Stop by the Central Library to read it!
Though an attempt to place marijuana legalization on the November 2016 ballot in Missouri failed, we can expect to see this issue resurface in the future. Recreational marijuana is currently legal in four states and Washington, D.C., and medical marijuana is legal in 25 states.
Resep Cumi Woku Tinta Belanga - Versi Wikipedia woku adalah bumbu makanan ala Manado, provinsi Sulawesi Utara Indonesia yang terbuat dari berbagai macam bumbu dan biasa digunakan untuk memasak daging dan hidangan laut. Daging yang digunakan mulai daging sapi, ayam, bebek dan ikan seperti ikan nila, ikan kerapu, ikan mas, udang, kepiting serta cumi-cumi. Di Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara kini terdapat dua jenis woku, yaitu woku balanga (masakan woku yang dimasak dengan belangga) dan woku daun (masakan woku yang dimasak dalam daun).
Konon masakan woku mendapatkan namanya dari daun woka. Daun Woka adalah salah satu jenis daun lontar yang sering dipakai untuk pembungkus nasi. Jika ditelusuri lebih jauh lagi, dalam sejarah kuliner Manado, bumbu woku adalah bumbu masakan campuran ala Manado yang kaya rasa dengan ciri khas pedas.
Bagi bunda yang bukan asli Manado pasti bertanya-tanya, bumbu woku itu terbuat dari apa saja sih? Sebenarnya bumbu woku menggunakan bumbu dapur yang sering kita gunakan untuk memasak sehari-hari. Bumbu dapur tersebut di antara lainnya adalah daun kemangi, daun jeruk, daun pandan, kunyit, serai, daun bawang, tomat, cabe rawit, jahe dan bawang putih. Untuk membuat woku belanga / balanga harus menggunakan panci atau kuali untuk menunis / menggoreng bumbu hingga matang.
Umumnya bumbu halus dan bumbu rajang ditumis terlebih dahulu di dalam kuali dengan menggunakan sedikit minyak, kemudian masukkan aneka daging, binatang laut atau bahan lainnya yang akan dimasak woku sampai matang. Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini harianresep.blogspot.com akan membagikan salah satu masakan woku yang patut untuk dicoba. Kali ini kami akan menggunakan cumi yang dimasak dengan bumbu manado yaitu Cumi Woku Tinta Belanga.
Jangan Lewatkan : Resep Membuat Cumi Pedas Bumbu Kemangi Enak Makyus
Kenapa disebut cumi woku tinta? Karena dalam pembuatan cumi masak pedas ala bumbu Manado ini kami menggunakan sedikit tinta cumi ke dalam bumbunya. Sebenarnya tak harus menggunakan tinta cumi atau bahkan malah menggunakan tinta hitam cumi yang banyak ke dalam bumbunya. Semua sesuai selera saja, kalau dalam resep cumi woku tinta ini kami menggunakan sedikit ya.
Untuk aroma sedapnya, selain menggunakan daun jeruk dan daun kunyit di sini kita juga akan menggunakan daun kemangi. Penggunaan kemangi bisa di atur sesuai dengan selera. Jika tidak ada skip saja daun kemanginya tak apa-apa, tetap enak dan wangi khas woku kok. Karena bumbu rempah yang digunakan sudah cukup komplit sebagai bumbu woku yang sedap.
Oke deh, yuk langsung saja bun di simak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Cumi Woku Tinta Belanga Khas Manado seperti berikut ini.
Step By Step Cara Membuat Cumi Woku Tinta Belanga
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Resep Cumi Woku Tinta By Bunda Junetha Cinthya Cookpad |
Bahan-bahan Cumi Woku :
- Cumi-cumi segar 8 buah
- Cabe rawit hijau 2 buah
- Cabe rawit merah 2 buah
- Cabai merah besar 1 buah
- Kunyit bubuk 1/8 sendok teh (bisa diganti kunyit segar 1/2 ruas jari)
- Sereh 1 batang
- Daun bawang 1 batang
- Daun kunyit 1 lembar
- Daun jeruk 3 lembar
- Tomat cherry 4 buah (bisa diganti tomat biasa 1 buah)
- Minyak goreng 5 sendok makan
- Air secukupnya
- Garam secukupnya
- Gula secukupnya
- Bawang merah 6 siung
- Jahe 1 ruas jari kelingking
- Daun kemangi secukupnya
- Tinta cumi sedikit saja atau sesuai selera
Cara Membuat Cumi Woku :
- Langkah pertama bersihkan cumi, potong-potong lalu sisihkan.
- Bumbu Halus : blender bawang merah, kemiri, cabe rawit, cabe besar dah jahe. Sisihkan.
- Selanjutnya iris tipis daun bawang / bawang prei dan potong-potong tomat, sisihkan.
- Setelah itu siapkan panci yang sudah berisi minyak goreng. panaskan, masukkan sereh yang sudah digeprek, bumbu halus yang diblender tadi dan daun jeruk. Tumis sampai tercium aroma sedap. Masukkan potongan cumi-cumi, aduk-aduk sampai bumbu tercampur rata. Tambahkan air secukupnya, masukkan daun kunyit dan tomat aduk rata. Tambahkan garam, gula dan bubuk kunyit, aduk kembali hingga merata. Masak sampai mendidih, lalu tambahkan irisan daun bawang dan kemangi.
- Aduk rata dan terus masak sampai air agak sedikit berkurang, matikan kompor. Angkat.
- Cumi woku tinta balanga siap untuk sajikan hangat-hangat. Nyam!
Cumi-cumi yang biasa dimasak Resep Membuat Cumi Saus Tiram Enak Mudah, cumi rica, cumi saus padang, cumi pedas, Cumi Asin Cabai Hijau, cumi goreng crispy, enak juga loh di masak dengan bumbu woku seperti ini. Rasanya segar dengan aroma rempah yang khas woku. Paling enak disajikan ketika masih hangat bersama nasi putih pulen.
Oh iya dalam Resep Cumi Woku Belanga ini kami menggunakan sedikit tinta cumi. Tidak semua dan tidak yang harus menjadi hitam. Kami gunakan tinta cumi hanya untuk menambah aroma dan rasa saja. Kalau ingin banyak tintanya juga tak masalah, jadi tergantung selera masing-masing ya bun. Untuk penggunaan cabai juga begitu, silahkan atur jumlahnya sesuai selera. Jika suka pedas ya tinggal tambahkan saja dari pedas, pedas banget dan super pedas :)
Selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Cumi Woku Tinta Belanga Khas Manado Special. Semoga bermanfaat, jangan lupa like dan share ya bunsay :) makasih.
It was for Lydia's Birthday in 2015.
My MIL was around and will be flying off two days before her actual birthday. So, I made a 'less-cream' cake to suit the taste buds of the elderly family members. I brought the cake over to my in law's that night.
Lots of Branches have this health-related magazine; every location, in fact, except for the 3 mini-branches (Central Express, Marketplace, and Charing Cross). This is due to it being a very popular magazine with engaging articles on topics ranging from diet and exercise to relationships and life issues to fashion on beauty to diseases and stress. Focused on women, it encourages health and happiness. Weight loss is emphasized.
In addition to the many copies available for checkout, you can also find it in the Science & Technology Room at the Central Library. Because that copy doesn't circulate, it will always be here when you want to stop by for a quiet moment of reading.
In addition to the many copies available for checkout, you can also find it in the Science & Technology Room at the Central Library. Because that copy doesn't circulate, it will always be here when you want to stop by for a quiet moment of reading.
Discrimination in health care was institutionalized in Independence, Missouri on July 30, 1965 when President Johnson signed the Social Security Amendments of 1965 into law, creating “two moral frameworks for public financing of healthcare”. Medicare was supposedly an “earned” right for the elderly, while Medicaid was framed as a “welfare” program for the poor. It was a necessary political compromise. It was just a first step and bigger and better things would certainly be accomplished in due course. It was better than nothing. But fifty years later, and after taking yet another “first step” with Obamacare, the wasteful, divisive, discriminatory, and ultimately self-defeating direction we chose back in 1965, and again in 2010, has not changed one bit.
After 45 years of tinkering with Medicare and Medicaid, Obamacare in a bold stroke expanded the welfare model of medical care upwards into the heart of what used to be known as the American middle class, the former engine of progress and prosperity. First, Obamacare expanded the Medicaid program itself to include people who are less poor than current Medicaid recipients. When Medicaid opened its doors in 1966, it provided charity health care to approximately 2% of Americans. Today, over 22% of Americans (72.6 million) and almost half of our children (35.3 million) are receiving their medical care via this welfare program and the numbers are trending sharply upwards.
In recent days, Aetna announced that it will drastically reduce its participation in the Obamacare marketplaces, joining a long string of other health insurers, including giants like United Healthcare and Humana, and small local outfits like Scott & White in Texas, all of which cited massive financial losses in this market. It looks like next year the many “choices” available to these people in the Obamacare marketplace will be severely curtailed, particularly in areas where poor, uneducated, low-information voters reside. The “choices” were not great to start with, seeing how most Obamacare plans rely on managed care provided by narrow networks of doctors and hospitals, and the level of charitable support is fixed, regardless of your “choice”. The optics of many choices was there to create an illusion of consumers “shopping”, as opposed to just having people apply for welfare.
The price for sparing these people the social stigma of being on welfare turned out to be not only too high, but also too low (think Escher paintings here). People who qualify for Medicaid are prohibited from “shopping” on the Obamacare marketplace, unless they are willing to forgo handouts and pay full price, because a “Marketplace insurance plan would cost more than Medicaid and usually wouldn’t offer more coverage or benefits”, and a government website proudly declares that Medicaid “generally provides a more comprehensive benefit package than private insurance”. If this is true, the Obamacare architects decided to pay private insurers on the marketplace more for less, which is not preventing insurers from bleeding cash. On the other hand, some of the same insurers, and many others, seem to be making money hand over fist in the Medicaid market which pays less for more.
How is that for a brain twister? Yes, yes, I know, if you are a physician and you accept Medicaid, you know precisely how to untwist this nasty little knot, but this narrative was not created for you. The first thing, or person (loosely speaking) to remember here is Jonathan Gruber. A while back Mr. Gruber shared with us that the guiding principles in the rooms where Obamacare was designed were that American voters are stupid and that lack of transparency is a good thing. It should be obvious by now that the introduction of Obamacare to the public was false and its initial incarnation, chockfull of choices, “subsidies”, marketplace “shopping” and all, was (designed to be?) temporary. But hey, it was just a first step and it was better than nothing. So what’s next?
See, the more the premiums go up in 2017, the more people would be able to pay less for marketplace plans. This is because very poor people are disproportionately more likely to use the Obamacare marketplace, and these people seem to have a predilection for cheap health insurance plans. Theoretically, all Americans except the 20% or so at the top (the fifth highest income quintile), are eligible for welfare in the marketplace if their stars fall slightly out of alignment. Right now, the self-appointed elites are piloting this marketplace solution for people who have few if any choices in life in general, but make no mistake, the forthcoming rollout to the rest of us will be fast and furious.
After you read a dozen or so articles on the subject, several options surface as the popular wisdom of the unpopular elite minority who won’t be caught dead anywhere near an Obamacare marketplace:
In Baton Rouge, there is one (1) oncologist in the United Healthcare network and zero (0) plastic surgeons in the Aetna network. Sometimes, you just have to travel to New Orleans, Shreveport or Lafayette. It’s only a few hours by car. Most people don’t need oncologists and plastic surgeons. Most people are perfectly fine just having 100 family practitioners, almost half of which are doctors. In Louisiana, Medicaid pays $41.53 for a typical office visit (99213), which is a bit more than half the Medicare rate, and usually less than half of what private insurers pay. With a full time schedule, and average overhead, a primary care doctor seeing nothing but Medicaid patients in Louisiana, will end up with $100,000 to $130,000 a year before tax.
This is the secret sauce. This is what’s missing from the Obamacare marketplaces. There may be room for additional tinkering with networks, but it won’t be enough. The only way to bring costs down is to attack the supply chain. Like Walmart. Like Medicaid. But you can’t do it if you have to compete in earnest, because you will lose all your suppliers. Everybody has to do it together, and that would be collusion. So you either merge & acquire until you are the sole insurance provider in a market, or you make the government do it for you. Either way, we end up with a marketplace of Medicaid plans. Like Healthy Louisiana.
Before you argue that physicians will just stop accepting Obamacare marketplace plans, remember that many, many doctors do take Medicaid and adding 12.5 million people from the marketplace to the 72.6 million already on Medicaid is not a big deal at all. This is why insurers that specialize in Medicaid do better on the Obamacare exchanges. It’s not that they know how to manage these people. They know where to find and how to manage these doctors.
They probably won’t call it Medicaid. Maybe Medimart will be acceptable. It will most likely cost a little more to maintain the appearance of respectability, at least for a while, but this is a generous program for these people. The line is drawn at 400% Federal Poverty Level (FPL), and as the global sharing economy grows, and as employers begin to see the light, those who can’t quite reach six figures incomes, eighty percent of people in America, will be “shopping” at Medimart, because that’s what these people do.
After 45 years of tinkering with Medicare and Medicaid, Obamacare in a bold stroke expanded the welfare model of medical care upwards into the heart of what used to be known as the American middle class, the former engine of progress and prosperity. First, Obamacare expanded the Medicaid program itself to include people who are less poor than current Medicaid recipients. When Medicaid opened its doors in 1966, it provided charity health care to approximately 2% of Americans. Today, over 22% of Americans (72.6 million) and almost half of our children (35.3 million) are receiving their medical care via this welfare program and the numbers are trending sharply upwards.
Gift Horses
But the greatest innovation of Obamacare is undoubtedly the Health Insurance Marketplace, which is a brand new welfare program for the middle class. People who are not deemed poor enough to receive Medicaid charity can obtain Federal medical assistance on a means-tested sliding-scale. Largely unbeknownst to them, another 10.5 million working Americans were placed on welfare while “shopping” for health insurance in 2016. These people are reportedly rejoicing their good fortune, because Obamacare is better than anything these people ever had, or could ever hope for.In recent days, Aetna announced that it will drastically reduce its participation in the Obamacare marketplaces, joining a long string of other health insurers, including giants like United Healthcare and Humana, and small local outfits like Scott & White in Texas, all of which cited massive financial losses in this market. It looks like next year the many “choices” available to these people in the Obamacare marketplace will be severely curtailed, particularly in areas where poor, uneducated, low-information voters reside. The “choices” were not great to start with, seeing how most Obamacare plans rely on managed care provided by narrow networks of doctors and hospitals, and the level of charitable support is fixed, regardless of your “choice”. The optics of many choices was there to create an illusion of consumers “shopping”, as opposed to just having people apply for welfare.
The price for sparing these people the social stigma of being on welfare turned out to be not only too high, but also too low (think Escher paintings here). People who qualify for Medicaid are prohibited from “shopping” on the Obamacare marketplace, unless they are willing to forgo handouts and pay full price, because a “Marketplace insurance plan would cost more than Medicaid and usually wouldn’t offer more coverage or benefits”, and a government website proudly declares that Medicaid “generally provides a more comprehensive benefit package than private insurance”. If this is true, the Obamacare architects decided to pay private insurers on the marketplace more for less, which is not preventing insurers from bleeding cash. On the other hand, some of the same insurers, and many others, seem to be making money hand over fist in the Medicaid market which pays less for more.
How is that for a brain twister? Yes, yes, I know, if you are a physician and you accept Medicaid, you know precisely how to untwist this nasty little knot, but this narrative was not created for you. The first thing, or person (loosely speaking) to remember here is Jonathan Gruber. A while back Mr. Gruber shared with us that the guiding principles in the rooms where Obamacare was designed were that American voters are stupid and that lack of transparency is a good thing. It should be obvious by now that the introduction of Obamacare to the public was false and its initial incarnation, chockfull of choices, “subsidies”, marketplace “shopping” and all, was (designed to be?) temporary. But hey, it was just a first step and it was better than nothing. So what’s next?
The Morning After
As is the custom in our great nation, now that Obamacare marketplaces have been exposed as the hoax they really are, the cheerleading section is transitioning to its Monday morning role of funeral criers. Every ‘splaining media outlet is diving into lengthy treatises about risk pools, moral hazard, actuarial values, complete with charts and “I told you so” interviews on how to salvage the situation. The government, as usual, is doubling down on the “everything is (still) awesome” anthem of planned stagnation. Insurers leaving the marketplace are a sign of normal competitive business. Sky rocketing premiums are a result of initial underpricing of products. Things will eventually even out. And besides, why worry your little head about premiums going up or down, if the government is paying for the ride?See, the more the premiums go up in 2017, the more people would be able to pay less for marketplace plans. This is because very poor people are disproportionately more likely to use the Obamacare marketplace, and these people seem to have a predilection for cheap health insurance plans. Theoretically, all Americans except the 20% or so at the top (the fifth highest income quintile), are eligible for welfare in the marketplace if their stars fall slightly out of alignment. Right now, the self-appointed elites are piloting this marketplace solution for people who have few if any choices in life in general, but make no mistake, the forthcoming rollout to the rest of us will be fast and furious.
After you read a dozen or so articles on the subject, several options surface as the popular wisdom of the unpopular elite minority who won’t be caught dead anywhere near an Obamacare marketplace:
- On autoplay since 2012 – Repeal and replace the whole darn thing with something really good.
- Whistling past the graveyard – Stay on target. Ignore the noise. Keep pushing the happy narrative. Nothing to see here. Next year will be better.
- Pedal to the metal – Add some serious fangs to the individual mandate. Force insurers to eat their marketplace veggies if they want public cash desserts.
- Resurrection – Remind me, why did we drop that “public option”? What was it again?
The Pauper Option
If you are eligible for Medicaid in the state of Louisiana for example, you have five choices, which is more than some Obamacare marketplace “shoppers” have. On the Healthy Louisiana website, you can enroll, select a plan, compare plans, compare networks of providers, and compare plan benefits, including co-pays, cash rewards for healthy behavior, free cell phones and even free diapers and school supplies. Is this a marketplace? I think Healthy Louisiana is as much a marketplace as the Obamacare Venezuelan shopping mall. It provides infinitely more information. It includes plans from Obamacare quitters, such as Aetna and United Healthcare. The state pays less, beneficiaries get more, and insurers make very nice profits.In Baton Rouge, there is one (1) oncologist in the United Healthcare network and zero (0) plastic surgeons in the Aetna network. Sometimes, you just have to travel to New Orleans, Shreveport or Lafayette. It’s only a few hours by car. Most people don’t need oncologists and plastic surgeons. Most people are perfectly fine just having 100 family practitioners, almost half of which are doctors. In Louisiana, Medicaid pays $41.53 for a typical office visit (99213), which is a bit more than half the Medicare rate, and usually less than half of what private insurers pay. With a full time schedule, and average overhead, a primary care doctor seeing nothing but Medicaid patients in Louisiana, will end up with $100,000 to $130,000 a year before tax.
This is the secret sauce. This is what’s missing from the Obamacare marketplaces. There may be room for additional tinkering with networks, but it won’t be enough. The only way to bring costs down is to attack the supply chain. Like Walmart. Like Medicaid. But you can’t do it if you have to compete in earnest, because you will lose all your suppliers. Everybody has to do it together, and that would be collusion. So you either merge & acquire until you are the sole insurance provider in a market, or you make the government do it for you. Either way, we end up with a marketplace of Medicaid plans. Like Healthy Louisiana.
Before you argue that physicians will just stop accepting Obamacare marketplace plans, remember that many, many doctors do take Medicaid and adding 12.5 million people from the marketplace to the 72.6 million already on Medicaid is not a big deal at all. This is why insurers that specialize in Medicaid do better on the Obamacare exchanges. It’s not that they know how to manage these people. They know where to find and how to manage these doctors.
They probably won’t call it Medicaid. Maybe Medimart will be acceptable. It will most likely cost a little more to maintain the appearance of respectability, at least for a while, but this is a generous program for these people. The line is drawn at 400% Federal Poverty Level (FPL), and as the global sharing economy grows, and as employers begin to see the light, those who can’t quite reach six figures incomes, eighty percent of people in America, will be “shopping” at Medimart, because that’s what these people do.
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