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54 Resep Hidangan Arisan - Menentukan hidangan arisan di rumah sebenarnya bukan hal yang sulit. Bahkan sangat mudah dan gampang karena bisa di sesuaikan denga budget yang kita miliki. Tapi terkadang kita di buat pusing sendiri karena berfikir sajian arisan yang akan kita suguhnya belum layak di sajikan. Padahal aneka kue untuk arisan tak harus memiliki harga yang mahal untuk mendapatkan kata pantas dan layak.

Asalkan kita dapat mengatur tampilan dan dapat menggunakan bumbu yang pas, sajian arisan pun tak lagi menakutkan untuk dibuat. Resep hidangan arisan sendiri memiliki 2 versi. Yaitu hidangan arisan camilan layaknya Pisang Goreng, Tempe Mendoan, aneka gorengan, salad buah, rujak serut, kue kering seperti kastengel, tahu goreng, kue kembang goyang, stik ubi dan kue basah. Sedangkan resep hidangan arisan yang kedua adalah Masakan untuk arisan. 

Yang di maksud kan masakan hidangan arisan adalah makanan yang disajikan bukan lagi sekedar camilan atau makanan ringan pengganjal perut. Melainkan makanan berat atau hidangan utama. Masakan atau sajian masakan arisan yang paling sering digunakan adalah Soto Ayam, soto daging bening, Soto Mie Bogor, bakso, Sambal Kentang, ayam bakar, sate ayam, udang goreng, kwetiauw rebus, mie goreng, nasi liwet, cumi saus tiram, sup ayam dll.

Masakan arisan di rumah ini biasanya merupakan menu masakan prasmanan yang sering disajikan saat khajatan dan syukuran aqiqah. Terlepas dari hidangan pembuka atau menu utama, hidangan arisan RT, arisan Rw, arisan keluarga dan arisan ibu-ibu PKK. Camilan seperti kue basah dan kering pun layak untuk disajikan sebagai teman berkumpul.

Untuk menambah referensi menentukan hidangan arisan apa yang akan di sajikan di rumah saat pagi, sore atau malam hari. Kali ini kami akan membagikan kumpulan hidangan arisan terpopuler untuk anda. Tak tanggung-tanggung kami akan membagikan 54 resep hidangan arisan sekaligus yang kami rasa cocok juga digunakan untuk isian snack box saat pengajian dan acara berkumpul dengan teman dan kerabat.

Langsung saja, yuk di simak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat 54 Resep Hidangan Arisan dan Menu Isian Snack Box dengan modal yang murah meriah tapi enak rasanya. Cekidot!

Kumpulan Resep Hidangan Arisan dan Menu Isian Snack Box

Kumpulan Resep Hidangan Arisan dan Menu Isian Snack Box

Sajian untuk arisan yang paling mudah dan praktis dibuat pertama adalah kategori resep puding. Kali ini kami akan bagikan 4 kreasi puding kekinian yang ngehitz di ibu-ibu yang enak dan layak di sajikan di dalam cup kecil untuk hidangan arisan dan isian snack box. Yuk mari di simak ya :)

6 Resep Puding Untuk Hidangan Arisan di Rumah Terpopuler

6 Resep Puding Untuk Hidangan Arisan di Rumah Terpopuler

Puding Arisan :

Selain aneka puding sederhana dan special yang memiliki rasa manis sedap. Orang Indonesia juga suka sekali dengan aneka gorengan. Jadi tak ada salahnya dong kalau hari ini kalian membuat olahan gorengan untuk disajikan saat acara arisan di rumah nanti siang. Berikut beberapa rekomendasi resep gorengan untuk arisan yang layak untuk dicoba.

10 Resep Gorengan Ala Abang-abang dan Bakery Untuk Sajian Arisan 

Resep Gorengan Ala Abang-abang dan Bakery Untuk Sajian Arisan

Gorengan Untuk Arisan :

Terlepas dari gorengan, kue empuk seperti donat dan bolu juga cocok disajikan untuk hidangan arisan sederhana di rumah. Silahkan pilih cake basah sesuai selera. Namun kali ini kami berikan beberapa contoh resep kue untuk arisan yang paling laris dan di sukai banyak orang. Yuk di simak :)

21 Aneka Kue Basah Untuk Arisan Terpopuler

21 Aneka Kue Basah Untuk Arisan Terpopuler

Aneka Kue Arisan :

Selain aneka kue basah, kue kering juga berperan penting sebagai hidangan arisan yang enak dinikmati ketika berbincang-bincang sesaat sebelum arisan di kocok. Jadi kami masukkan aneka kue kering lebaran yang layak untuk kudapan arisan yang bervariasi. Silahkan klik untuk lihat resep dan cara membuatnya secara lengkap.

10 Kumpulan Kue Lebaran Yang Cocok Untuk Hidangan Arisan

10 Kumpulan Kue Lebaran Yang Cocok Untuk Hidangan Arisan

Kue Kering Lebaran Untuk Arisan :

Nah, itulah kumpulan hidangan arisan yang seringkali disajikan. Rasanya enak dan harganya murah meriah tanpa mengeluarkan modal banyak. Silahkan tentukan hidangan arisan mana yang sesuai selera di dalam 54 Resep Hidangan Arisan dan Menu Isian Snack Box Murah Meriah. Jika bermanfaat, jangan lupa share ya bun.

54 Resep Hidangan Arisan dan Menu Isian Snack Box Murah Meriah

Resep Tempura Sayur Kriuk - Sore ini lagi pengin buat camilan praktis yang bisa juga untuk lauk. Bingung mau bikin apa, pas lihat kulkas cuma ada sayuran saja. Tadinya mau saya bikin capcay, tapi bakso, sosis, udang dan daging lagi tidak ada stok. 

Bingung mau bikin apa, terus kepikiran ingin dibuat bakwan goreng, kan enak tuh hujan-hujan makan yang anget-anget. Tapi kata mamah pengin makan menu baru, akhirnya bikin tempura saja deh yang enak dan gampang di buat.

Tempura ini memang paling mudah di buat dengan bahan apa pun ya bun. Wong cuma di balut dengan tepung bumbu racikan homemade. Kalau pengin super praktis bisa pakai tepung bumbu siap pakai. Tapi hati-hati dan perhatikan tepung bumbu instan yang mau di pakai. Soalnya suka ada merk tepung bumbu yang rasanya kurang pas di lidah, alias rasanya kurang nendang. 

Kebetulan kali ini saya pakai tepung bumbu Sajiku yang sachet 80 gram dua bungkus. Tepung ini pas di olah bersama sayuran, udang, daging ayam atau sapi. Rasanya enak, dan menurutku krispi nya mantap. Untuk tempura sayur, saya pakai sayuran yang ada di kulkas. Mulai dari jamur tiram, wortel, terong dan bayam. Selain sayuran tersebut sebenarnya bisa menggunakan sayuran apapun, bahkan buah-buahan juga oke.

Untuk sayuran yang paling mudah dan enak dibuat tempura selain sayuran yang saya sebutkan di atas adalah sawi, brokoli, buncis, daun pepaya, paprika hijau, kuning, merah bahkan cabai merah dan cabai hijau besar. Kalau mau buat tempura cabai, jangan lupa isian cabai yaitu bijinya di buang terlebih dahulu agar rasanya tidak pedas. Hati-hati saat mengluarkan biji cabainya, jangan lupa gunakan sarung tangan agar tangan tidak ikutan pedas.

Sedangkan untuk buah-buahan yang paling enak di buat tempura adalah buah apel, lemon dan pir. Terlepas dari itu silahkan berkreasi sendiri dengan bahan favorit untuk di buat tempura sesuai selera. Bahkan hanya dengan tahu, tempe juga enak loh di masak tempura. Oke, langsung saja ya, berikut Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Tempura Sayur a.k.a Vegetable Tempura yang enak dan crispy seperti berikut ini.

Step By Step Membuat Tempura Sayur Goreng Kriuk

Step By Step Membuat Tempura Sayur Goreng Kriuk

Bahan-bahan Tempura :

  • Jamur tiram 8 buah (cuci bersih)
  • Daun bayam 1 ikat (saya ganti pakai brokoli)
  • Wortel 1 buah (cuci bersih, potong-potong)
  • Terong 1 buah (cuci bersih, potong-potong)
  • Tepung bumbu Sajiku 80 gram 2 bungkus
  • Air es 8 sendok makan
  • Minyak goreng secukupnya

Bahan Saus :

  • Cabai merah 1 buah, cincang halus
  • Saus sambal 1 sendok makan
  • Saus tomat 1 sendok makan
  • Gula pasir 2 sendok teh
  • Air 50 mili liter

Cara Memasak Tempur Sayur :

  1. Saus : masukkan air, saus sambal, saus tomat, cabai merah dan gula pasir, aduk rata, sisihkan.
  2. Adonan Basah Tempura : Larutkan 2 sendok makan Tepung Bumbu Sajiku dengan 8 sendok makan air es. 
  3. Adonan Kering Tempura : Tuang sisa tepung ke wadah lainnya.
  4. Selanjutnya balut sayuran ke adonan basah, kemudian gulingkan ke adonan kering sampai rata.
  5. Kemudian langsung goreng sayuran dengan minyak panas, masak sampai matang dan bewarna kuning keemasan, angkat, tiriskan.
  6. Sajikan tempura sayur dengan saus selagi hangat. Mantap!

Tempura sayur ini merupakan pilihan yang tepat bagi anda yang tidak suka dengan olahan tempura udang, tempura cumi dan tempura ayam. Rasanya yang khas dengan rasa gurih yang crispy memang layak untuk di favoritkan. Sajikan tempura sayuran untuk si kecil yang tidak terlalu doyan sayur. Bunda bisa kreasikan sebagai isian Shushi, menu bekal anak sekolah atau sebagai salah satu menu bento sederhana.

Oh iya, selain menggunakan resep sambal yang saya bagikan, bunda juga bisa cocolkan tempura sayur ini ke saus sambal botolan, mayonaise, sambal kecap pedas manis ataupun sekedar kecap asin. Sajikan hangat-hangat bersama nasi putih pulen lengkap dengan sambal, pasti maknyus deh.

Selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Tempura Sayur Kriuk Tepung Sajiku Praktis. Jangan lewatkan Resep Onion Ring (Bawang Bombay Goreng Tepung) Enak Crispy yang lebih renyah karena menggunakan tepung roti sebagai bahan pelapisnya.

Semoga bermanfaat, jangan lupa share ya bun, terimakasih :)

Resep Tempura Sayur Kriuk Tepung Sajiku Praktis

Even the most ardent Obamacare supporters are now forced to admit that the law has hit a rough patch this year. The opposition to Obamacare is positively gloating with self-congratulatory “I told you so” assessments of the supposedly dire situation. Defenders of the cause are counteracting with the customary deluge of charts and graphs to prove unequivocally that Obamacare is actually turning out better than they expected. Integrity and honesty being in short supply on both sides of this quandary, chances are excellent that no matter what happens next, the American people will lose big league, unless….

If Mrs. Clinton becomes the next President of the United States, Obamacare will survive largely unharmed with a few minor tweaks to address a few minor initial oversights, best summed up by Sara Rosenbaum, a professor of health law and policy at George Washington University: “The subsidies were not generous enough. The penalties for not getting insurance were not stiff enough. And we don’t have enough young healthy people in the exchanges.”  To complete the solution, Mrs. Clinton may very well throw in an option to buy into a Medicaid managed care plan for rural hillbillies (similar to the Arkansas “innovation”), and call it “the public option” to make the lefty wing of her party happy.

If Mr. Trump becomes the next President of the United States, Obamacare will come under vicious attacks. Mr. Trump, who is running as a Republican, adopted the GOP “repeal and replace” Obamacare battle cry pretty much verbatim.  On Tuesday, one week before the election, at Valley Forge of all places, the Trump team unveiled its alternative to Obamacare. There was not much under that veil: selling insurance across state lines, health savings accounts, price transparency and Medicaid block grants to states, along with a commitment to retain the preexisting conditions clause and to have a transition period so nobody gets hurt. Team Trump didn’t even try to come up with a serious solution and I’m glad they didn’t, because it would have been incredibly dumb if they did, and because this gives me an opportunity to make my case.


Dear (perchance) President Trump,

I know you don’t know much about health care, and that’s okay, why should you? You probably know that health care isn’t working well in America. Very few things seem to be working as well as they should or as well as they used to work. This, after all, is why you say you ran for President. There is unanimous agreement that health care needs to be made great again. The disagreement is on how to go about it. On the campaign trail, you had to come up with something to throw against Obamacare, which is fine, but now you have to actually fix it and those are two very different things, as all Presidents before you discovered to their chagrin, so here are a few Obamacare points to keep in mind.
  • Obamacare cannot be repealed and replaced in one stroke. It’s a lovely catchy phrase, but Obamacare is massive legislation that begot more legislations, such as MACRA (look it up), and thousands of regulations, many already fully implemented, others in various phases of implementation. Money has been spent, mergers and acquisitions have occurred, companies have been funded, contracts have been awarded, people have been hired, and this sea of change is engulfing private and public sectors inside and outside health care to the tune of $3 trillion dollars annually. You cannot change 20% of the economy the first day in office. Not even if you know precisely how you want to change it. And you don’t. My advice here is to settle down for the long haul.
  • Obamacare doesn’t need to be repealed at all. It just needs to be gradually replaced. It’s like renovating the Old Post Office with the tenants living in the building through the entire project. It’s very tricky because the end results are paramount, but the process itself is as important. The tenants, you see, are the American people, and you work for us now, and I assume you don’t want to get fired mid project. We expect you to come in under budget and ahead of schedule, of course, but we also expect no dust or debris in the lobby, no beams crashing on our heads, no interruption in utilities, and very little noise, and you promised not to disappoint us. It’s going to be wicked hard, but we know you can do it, hence our vote.
  • Obamacare is not health care. Obamacare is the two bit façade they slapped on our health care. Fixing health care is precisely like renovating a building. Sure, you have to rip off the cheap paint and plaster, but you don’t start demolishing things like a bat out of hell, do you? First you get engineers to assess the building, its structural integrity, its surroundings and its potential or lack thereof. You get architects to look at blueprints, floor plans, shafts, beams, columns, electric, gas, water, HVAC, etc. You do some market research to see what people want and can afford. Then and only then, you make new plans, you make schedules, you price and choose materials, you bargain and fight, you hire workers, and the fun begins. I’m pretty sure you know what happens if, at any point, you skimp on prep work.
  • Obamacare was put together by political hacks who serve special interests and their lobbyists, and by ideologues who think the American people are too stupid to care for themselves. Obamacare in its totality is a corrupt entitlement system for large health care corporations and for Silicon Valley. If you assemble the conservative version of the Obamacare team of scavengers, your will fail. If you accept the perfidious, back-stabbing, premises of the Ryan plan to gut health care for the people who voted for you, you will fail. If you want to fulfill your promise to the American people, you’ll have to bypass the punditry swamp, put on a hardhat and go down to where health care happens and get your information first hand and free of charge.
Obamacare is irrelevant. Obamacare is at a minimum a distraction and at a maximum an impediment to affordable, high quality health care, because Obamacare misses the point entirely. I am sure you know from personal experience that in America one can get the best health care in the whole world, if one belongs to the privileged elite. What needs to be fixed is the distribution of health care across the nation. Not to disparage your “policy” speech at Valley Forge, but perhaps you should consider that the health care Inferno is nine circles deep, and what you see at first blush is just a hint of the horrors that lay beneath.
  • Health care is too expensive in America because America has become too poor. Health care is too expensive because American workers didn’t get a meaningful pay raise in decades. Health care is too expensive because poor people tend to be sicker and so are their children.  Health care is too expensive because there are too many middlemen and regulators between doctors and patients taking profits for busywork that adds no value. And most of all, health care is too expensive because politicians must pay back for their last campaign, and raise money for the next.
  • Health care is not a “consumer” product or service, and as Bill Clinton said, health insurance is not like auto insurance or home insurance. People don’t want to “shop” for medical care like they shop for hotels or shoes. It is frightening and humiliating to shop for your life or the life of your child. Imagine if you had to do that in a dire situation and understand that all people feel the same way (even the deplorable ones). Price transparency is just a load of crap. It’s one of those empty phrases politicians use to hoodwink voters. You are not a politician, so don’t do it. Just say no.
  • Free market for health care will work as well as free trade is working for the economy as whole. There is no such thing as free trade or free markets. There never has been and never will be. Trade and markets are manipulated and defined by the shrewdest and strongest participants. Sick people of limited means are no match for global corporations that managed to bring our entire government to its knees. Free market health care will leave most Americans with no doctors, no medicine and no care, just like free trade left us with no factories, no jobs and no income. You offered to be our voice, to fight for us and drain that swamp. There is no bigger swamp than health care in America.
  • Just take a look at the disgrace called Medicaid. No, seriously, look at it. Tossing block grants over the wall to states that are even more corrupt than the federal government, and washing your hands of the whole mess, will just make things worse. Remember that the vast majority of people on Medicaid are employed. They are employed in those new and improved crappy jobs that replaced manufacturing. Medicaid is now a penny-vacuuming machine that treats both doctors and patients like trash (with all due respect to your VP). Here is a litmus test for health care plans: would anyone you know be okay with getting care through Medicaid? Are any doctors you know okay with working for Medicaid? No? Neither is anybody else. You can’t fix health care without fixing Medicaid.
I don’t know how to fix health care. No matter how loudly they scream, how certain they are that theirs is the absolute truth, and how vigorously they waive their illustrious credentials, nobody knows how to fix health care. Nobody. My suspicion is that we are trying too hard. Health care is overmedicated with solutions that have toxic side effects, for which we apply other solutions with even higher toxicity, and before you know it a mild case of the flu starts to look like metastatic cancer. So what should you do on your first day in office? Anything you want, anything at all, anything but health care.

Take your time. Find the real health care still flickering underneath the suffocating layers of Obamacare and its bloated legislative and regulatory progeny. Find real doctors who still care for the health of real patients as they did before health care became a national trough for consultants, lobbyists and other fancy thieves. Beware the experts carrying charts and graphs and big data. Ask Peter Thiel about “big data” and “machine learning” and do trust him on this one. The daunting complexity of health care is largely due to greed, fraud and treachery. If you want to make health care great again, work hard to make health care simple again.

Our Deplorable Health Care

The St. Louis Public Library has a new online entrance.  The website is changing on Monday, November 7.  The consumer health blog will no longer be updated at this URL; instead, please find new posts here.