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I call this Sweet Vanilla Cake as it looked sweet to me... sweet feeling, not sweet tasting.

I saw my friends making Korean Style Flower Buttercream deco and they were so pretty. I can't pipe like that, and so when I saw these fresh edible flowers in Cold Storage Sunway Pyramid, I quickly bought them. I planned to make a cake once I get home few days later.

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Sweet Vanilla Cake

The health of our bodies is connected to the health of our communities, and stronger social bonds increase individual wellness.  In addition, learning and new experiences are good for the brain (interested in a deeper exploration of this topic?  One book to check out is Healthy Brain, Happy Life by Wendy Suzuki).

With that in mind, join the St. Louis Public Library at a film showing and discussion, kicking off the involvement of SLPL with the "Latino Americans: 500 Years of History" series, and build a stronger brain and a stronger community.

  • Thursday, October 8
  • 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
  • Central Library - Auditorium
  • Prejudice and Pride, Episode 5 of the PBS series Latino Americans
  • Deborah Cohen, Associate Professor at the University of Missouri St. Louis and author of Braceros: Migrant Citizens and Transnational Subjects in Postwar United States and Mexico will lead a discussion afterwards
This program is part of a partnership with the Missouri Humanities Council, the Diversity Committee of the St. Louis Public Library, and a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association.

Strong communities, healthy people

There are three visions of peace in the seemingly never ending, but really rather brief, Israeli-Palestinian perpetual crisis. One peace features two independent countries living in collaborative harmony on a piece of land approximately the size of New Jersey. Another peace yearns for a messianic Jewish state stretching from the blue Mediterranean shores to the Jordan River, and possibly beyond. The third and final peace is expected to materialize after the Zionist entity has been permanently erased from the face of this earth, or at least from the face of that New Jersey size holy piece of land.  Each definition is amenable to slight compromises in form, but not at all in substance.

There are three visions for the future of medicine in the seemingly insurmountable, but really rather minor, perpetual health care crisis in America. One future of medicine sees physicians unencumbered by useless administrative tasks, wielding sleek and useful technology tools, offering the best medical care to all patients who need and want attention. Another future is yearning for the revival of chickens and charity as bona fide methods of payment for whatever medical care the free market wishes to bestow on the less fortunate. The third and final future is one devoid of most middling and often faulty doctors, where the health of the nation is enforced by constant computerized surveillance with fully automated preemptive interventions.  Each definition is amenable to slight compromises in form, but not at all in substance.

Years ago I used to walk the streets of East Jerusalem, buy dates in the open air markets of Jericho, and search for the perfect plate of hummus in Ramallah. Everywhere I went people wanted the same things I did. They wanted the rain to stop, or the hamsin to break. They wanted their coffee hot and strong and their bread soft and warm. I said shalom and they said salaam and we all meant the same thing, because ironically people in the Middle East always wish peace upon each other, and people like us, who buy and sell cheap jewelry or dates or hummus, actually mean it.   

Years ago I used to hang out with software programmers, writing code for hospitals, doctors, nurses, billers and schedulers. Everywhere I went these strange looking techie nerds wanted the same things I did. They wanted the overhead lights in the office to be off, and the whiteboards to be bigger. They wanted their Java to compile without error and their curly braces to be perfectly aligned. They worked days, nights, weekends and holidays to keep the lab printers running on every floor. They managed to convince themselves that somewhere in a hospital far away, a patient may get better sooner, or a doctor will see something he may have missed, and an exhausted nurse will breathe a sigh of relief, if they managed to get the face sheets to look just right.   

There is always some effort underway to fix the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Many such efforts have gotten as close to an equitable solution as Moses got to the Promised Land, only to discover that the last barrier is insurmountable. What’s to become of Jerusalem? Who owns the holy ruins of past civilizations, and the tombs of dead prophets? Whose religion bestows the ultimate rights of ownership over rocks and boulders that are coveted by all religions? Should it be the religion that started it all? Should it be the religion with the biggest cathedral, or the religion with the biggest guns? Is possession nine-tenths of the law? Perhaps ownership is the wrong way to think about this. Perhaps access is a more pertinent concept and the historical manifestations of God on this earth should become the commons of all religions. Perhaps, but not today.

There is always some effort underway to fix health care in America. Decades of legislative, regulatory and business driven efforts have gotten us almost universal access to the most unaffordable health care system in the world, only to discover that “information blocking” is a barrier to health. Information is power, but aggregate information is also a tool for amassing wealth, and massive information, of the big data type, is practically legal tender. What’s to become of this seemingly self-generating big data? Who owns the streams of life once they are transformed into data? Whose role in the digital extraction process bestows the ultimate rights of ownership over the monetary value of people? Should individuals own their digital emissions (defeating the entire purpose of this exercise)? Should the collectors own the data? Should the purveyors of data containers own what’s being accumulated inside? Is possession nine-tenths of the law?  Perhaps ownership is the wrong way to think about this. Perhaps access is a more pertinent concept and our aggregate digital lives should become the commons of all people everywhere. Perhaps, but not today.

Jerusalem is not the real problem. There will be no resolution for the Israeli-Palestinian crisis until hate is defeated, or at the very least silenced. Standing with your back against the deep sea and listening to incessant drumrolls of death, dismemberment and extermination is enough to ruin the best gin and tonic at the best club on the most beautiful night on the Tel-Aviv promenade. Deep down you know that the people you met in Jericho, Ramallah and East Jerusalem would much rather get drunk with you in the club, than blow themselves up at the door, but that doesn’t seem very comforting tonight. Jerusalem and all its holy ghosts will be solemnly shared only when everybody benefits from this arrangement, including the millions of people whose lives are at stake here, and excluding the fiery tongued hate mongers who pass as leaders in some parts of this world. Until that day comes, Jerusalem will keep taking our lives, our children, and worst of all, our humanity, in the biggest hoax ever staged by mankind.

Information blocking is not a real problem. There will be no solution to our health care crisis until greed is defeated, or at the very least tightly controlled. Siphoning hard cash in the form of “information” from medical facilities into the coffers of third party data processors, seeking to supplant traditional medicine with computerized cost-benefit analysis, cannot possibly be met with enthusiasm by the doomed. Serenading the public with psychopathic prophecies of eternal health, while stealing their personal information to more accurately find and extract money from their wallets, and to curtail all freedom of choice, is not helping either. Information will flow freely only when everybody benefits from the torrent, including the millions of people whose lives and liberty are at stake here, and excluding the smooth tongued wealth extracting machines which we call leaders. Until that day comes, information will flow haltingly, under duress, in the biggest jail ever created by mankind.

There is an old saying in Hebrew stating that a dead fish stinks from the head, but there is also an old saying in Arabic promising that each dog shall have his day, so there may still be some hope. We the people who are happy and satisfied with hot coffee, a loaf of bread, a nice whiteboard and a little less light shining on us, have no use for crises of any kind. It is the power drunk, greedy and shamelessly opportunistic (mostly) men calling themselves leaders, who manufacture crisis after crisis, to justify their own miserably exalted existence, because crisis and leadership are like a nightmarish version of the chicken and the egg dilemma.  There is no material difference between the rough lunatics, preaching fear of thy neighbor, and promising boundless paradise in return for mindless violence in this world, and the sleek captains of industry, preaching fear of natural life, and promising boundless health on this earth in return for mindless submission to infallible algorithms for the duration.

The crisis masters of Middle East death and American health are both driven by the same “selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity” (to put it delicately). The former manifests itself in the lucrative fire and brimstone raining over that hapless portion of the world since the day Abram chose to change his name to Abraham. The latter is how we the people of the new world go gentle into that good night.

The Crisis Masters of Health and Death

I wanted to do a vanilla buttercream that has vanilla seeds infused in it.

I remember many years ago, while reading up on buttercreams, there is one type that is cooked and goes without eggs. Some calls it whipped buttercream, some call it flour buttercream. I think flour buttercream will make one 'differentiate' it immediately. It is actually called Ermine Icing or Frosting.

This type of buttercream will be suitable for those who want to go egg free, but want a lighter buttercream that differs from the typical ''butter + icing sugar'' ultra sweet buttercream. And for those who find half cooked egg whites in buttercream icky.

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Vanilla Flour Buttercream @ Ermine Icing

Resep Mie Mozarella Stick Praktis - Mie Mozarella Stick merupakan salah satu olahan mie dan keju yang enak dan unik. memiliki tampilan bulat memanjang seperti nugget stik atau camilan stik lainnya dan memiliki ciri khas terdapat lelehan keju mozarella didalamnya. Mie Mozarella Stick ini sangat enak disajikan hangat-hangat dengan saus sambal botolan dan mayonaise. paling enak disantap sore-sore atau saat bersantai dengan ditemani minuman hangat seperti teh dan kopi.

Mie Mozarella Stick sebenarnya merupakan salah satu kreasi dari mie instan yang kekinian. bayangkan saja, mie instan yang biasanya diolah menjadi sebuah mie kuah yang segar dan lezat dapat diolah menjadi hidangan istimewa seperti Mie Mozarella Stick. resep Mie Mozarella Stick ini juga merupakan salah satu kreasi Mozarella Stick yang nikmat. teksturnya yang lembut dengan rasa yang enak dan gurih dari lelehan keju mozarella didalamnya begitu nikmat dan meleleh di mulut.

Cara membuat Mie Mozarella Stick tentu saja sangat mudah dan praktis. anda hanya memerlukan 6 bahan saja untuk membuat camilan enak, lezat dan gurih ini dirumah. untuk mie, kita akan menggunakan 1 bungkus Indomie, mie ramen, ataupun mie instan lainnya sesuai selera anda. kemudian kunci untuk membuat  Mie Mozarella Stick ini tentu saja adalah potongan keju mozarella nya ya, agar saat stik mie ini digigit keluar lelehan keju yang moist di mulut.

Lalu untuk ke 4 bahan lainnya adalah telur, tepung terigu, susu dan sedikit garam untuk penambah gurihnya. sebenarnya untuk penggunaan tepung bisa ditambah dengan tepung panir ataupun tepung roti. yang bertujuan agar kulit luar Mie Mozarella Stick bisa menghasilkan tekstur crispy dan renyah. tapi kalau dirumah sedang tidak tersedia tepung panir atau tepung roti menggunakan tepung biasa saja rasanya sudah enak dan lezat loh.

Nah, bagi anda yang lagi bingung mau buat camilan apa ya hari ini? mungkin Mie Mozarella Stick ini akan menjadi salah satu camilan baru yang masuk daftar camilan keluarga anda dirumah. sudah cara membuatnya gampang, praktis dan rasanya enak pula, ehhmm bakal jadi menu camilan andalan dirumah nih kayanya. ya sudah yuck disimak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Mie Mozarella Stick Praktis nya seperti berikut ini.

Resep Mie Mozarella Stick dan Cara Membuat

Resep Mie Mozarella Stick dan Cara Membuat

Bahan-bahan Mie Mozarella Stick :

  • Indomie atau mie instan lainnya 1 bungkus
  • Keju Mozarella 8 batang
  • Telur 1 butir
  • Tepung terigu 50 gram
  • Susu bubuk 2 sendok makan
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Tepung roti ( optional, pakai bila ingin luar stiknya crispy )

Bahan Pelengkap :

  • Mayonaise
  • Saus sambal

Cara Membuat Mie Mozarella Stick Praktis :

  1. Langkah awal, hancurkan mie instan lalu masak.
  2. Selanjutnya campur susu dan telur dalam mangkuk, kocok hingga rata. masukkan mie instan yang sudah dimasak tadi, lalu tambahkan tepung dan tambahkan sedikit garam, aduk-aduk hingga bahan merata.
  3. Setelah itu ambil adonan mie, lalu masukkan keju mozarella ke tengahnya. bungkus keju dengan adonan mie. lalu gulingkan adonan ke dalam tepung roti. 
  4. Panaskan minyak goreng, kemudian goreng stick mie keju hingga matang. angkat, tiriskan.
  5. Stick mie keju mozarella siap disajikan selagi hangat.

Sebenarnya banyak sekali kreasi makanan atau camilan lezat bergizi yang dapat kita buat dari gurihnya keju mozarella ini. seperti Udang keju Mizarella, Risoles Mayo Keju Mozarella, Durian Goreng keju Mozarella, Roti Panggang Keju Mozarella, Bola-bola Mie Ayam keju, Nugget Ayam Keju, Bola-bola Ubi Isi Keju dan masih banyak yang lainnya. namun resep cheese stick yang paling mudah dan gampang dibuat ya ini Resep Mie Mozarella Stick Praktis. wajib dicoba loh ya :). oh ya, buka juga artikel camilan lainnya seperti Resep Chicken Cream Soup Praktis yang sayang sekali bila terlewatkan. terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga bermanfaat.

Resep Mie Mozarella Stick Praktis

I just made these out of curiosity.

They didn't really turn out well, as I find the crust to be not well baked. And there's no flaky effect.
So, there's no need to share the recipe.

But I'd like to share with you, how I got my purple streaks, without the use of any artificial food colouring.

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Purple Spiral Taro Mooncake ~ Natural Colour

Much has been written about the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model of primary care, both complimentary and critical. Most evaluations and opinion pieces refer to the particular PCMH flavor defined by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), since this is by far the most widely adopted model, and all other models are just minor variations of the same. Practically all reviews, studies, opinions and assessments pertain to the ability of PCMH practices to improve “quality” measures and generate savings for the system, and in all fairness both evidence and opinions are mixed. One aspect of the PCMH that is rarely discussed, is the cost incurred by the practice for sustaining PCMH operations over time.

A new article published in the Annals of Family Medicine estimates ongoing PCMH costs to be approximately $105,000 per physician FTE per year, in personnel costs only. Data was collected through interviews and staff surveys at 20 primary care practices, 8 owned by an academic institution in Utah, 7 private practices and 5 sites of a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in Colorado. Only the Colorado practices were recognized by NCQA, while the Utah practices had their own proprietary definition of PCMH. The authors reached their shock and awe inducing figure by adding self-reported increases in time spent by staff on each task listed in the NCQA PCMH 2011 Standards, and then priced this incremental effort based on staff compensation.

Unfortunately, the cost of individual PCMH Elements and Factors is not available, but even in aggregate form, the analysis is perplexing. The average $105,000 per physician per year is not an absolute number. It is the incremental difference, according to the authors, between running a “traditional high-performing” practice and running a PCMH practice. As such, the dollar amounts depend on how one defines the baseline. The article does not provide an exact definition for the “traditional high-performing” primary care practice baseline and this is obviously problematic. The authors mention that not all PCMH Elements were fully implemented in the surveyed practices, but an exact list of implemented functions is not available either.

Basically, we don’t know what the starting point was, and we don’t know what the end point is, but we are told that it takes an outlandish $105,000 worth of work to get from the former to the latter. Outlandish, because any independent solo practice faced with half of those costs would go bankrupt in six months or less, and in spite of that, there are many solo practices recognized by NCQA at the highest possible PCMH level, which is more than the practices in this study have accomplished. Here is a riddle for you: how does a micro practice, with one physician and no staff, sustain the highest levels of PCMH operations when according to this study, one would need to add approximately 2 FTEs to the traditional model?

The answer is that the lump sums presented in this article are meaningless. For example, the highest incremental expenditure for the studied practices, to the tune of $3,000 per physician per month, was attributed to NCQA Standard 3, which deals with providing medical care to patients. There are several items selectively listed by the authors in the description of Standard 3, so let’s assume that those are the tasks that generated incremental effort and costs. The first task on the list is the notorious daily huddle. This is most certainly a new PCMH construct that wasn’t there before. However, would the daily 5 or 10 minutes spent on huddles in a PCMH, not be spent on the same exact tasks peppered throughout the day in a traditional practice? Did the study account for such considerations? We don’t know.

Another item listed for this Standard is implementation of evidence-based guidelines. What does this even mean? Should we presume that traditional high-performing practices are not practicing evidence-based medicine? Were they using magic 8-balls to diagnose and treat patients prior to PCMH implementation? The same can be said for multiple other items, such as medications reconciliation or monitoring patients on high-risk medications or making sure that lab orders are resulted at some point, and a host of other tasks routinely performed in any practice, although in different form and perhaps in a more ad-hoc fashion. Of course, we can only speculate here, since the details behind the $105,000 figure are not available, but these seem to be typical examples of the rampant misconceptions regarding the meaning of PCMH operations.

What sets the NCQA PCMH initiative apart from your run of the mill data collection and reporting programs, such as Meaningful Use, PQRS and even ACO, is that it provides a holistic framework for improving practice operations without being narrowly prescriptive on how to accomplish that. It is a comprehensive tool for the practice to examine its inner workings once every three years and brainstorm on ways to improve its processes. There is nothing in the NCQA PCMH framework that does not occur or should not occur in a modern “high-performing” practice. With the exception of some Meaningful Use measures, I would challenge anyone to point out to even one PCMH factor that cannot, or should not, be implemented in a way that benefits patients and the practice itself. And it all starts with the initial recognition process.

Much has been written about the trials and tribulations of obtaining NCQA PCMH recognition, from the extensive documentation requirements to the onerous costs of labor and expertise. There are two approaches to PCMH recognition that generate these types of complaints, and later on may generate the theoretical $105,000 costs. One approach common in large institutions is to view PCMH as a top down initiative managed and executed by a central office, with little or no input from practice staff, including physicians.  The other extreme is the small practice chugging through each PCMH factor, trying its best to generate mountains of screenshots and reports with no particular strategy in mind other than getting enough points to pass the “test”. Both models may get you PCMH recognition, but with much frustration and zero benefits to the practice.

And then there is the right way, which harnesses the PCMH recognition process to benefit the practice and its patients. Forget about “readiness assessments” and “culture change” indoctrination. You were ready and fairly well cultured the day you finished residency. The question you should ask yourself is not whether we do this or that thing, but whether we are doing it well. You may have some pink colored slot on your schedule called same day appointment, but is it where it should be? Is it solving a problem, or is it creating one, or is it there for decoration purposes only? How are you planning to stop the upcoming hemorrhage of patients to non-descript retail clinics and iPhone “doctors”? Should you maybe use this opportunity to revisit your 10 years old scheduling process?  This is not about NCQA. This is about dollars and cents for your practice.

How about “implementing evidence-based guidelines”? Should you be deeply offended because someone dares to ask you to implement clinical practice guidelines for a sore throat? Or should you look at this as an opportunity to write some standing orders for your staff, so that you don’t have to go in an out that exam room more than once, and maybe, just maybe, you can squeeze in a couple more minutes with your little patient, and notice that mom seems to be unusually worried and distracted? And maybe you'd want to ask her about it. And maybe that’s what “patient-centered” is all about. And maybe all the administrative PCMH stuff you do, should be purpose built by you to make this possible. And maybe this is not about recognition, but about creating a safe little space where you can be the doctor you always wanted to be.

We don’t know how the PCMH was implemented in the study. We just know that it was implemented to a certain degree. We don’t know if the missing pieces are minute or crucial for practice financial health and patient care. We don’t know if the physicians in these practices were given the opportunity to build their own medical home, or if someone else decided how to shuffle the deck chairs. We don’t know if the subjective incremental effort reported by staff on each factor was offset by reduced effort elsewhere, or if it represents better use of previously underutilized positions. We have no objective numbers for “before and after” payroll expenditures, although those should be rather easy to obtain for large facilities. There is more than enough missing and undisclosed data in this study to render the $105,000 suspect.

Are there ongoing costs for a PCMH practice? No doubt, there are plenty, but these costs are no different than the costs of running a traditional (or non-traditional) high-performing practice, because PCMH is just another name for high-performing practice. Perhaps the most useful conclusion from this paper is that high quality primary care costs more than mediocre or outright irresponsible primary care, and those who decide how much primary care doctors get paid, should bring this largely self-evident fact into account, when defining physician fee schedules and future payment schemes.

[Disclosure: I am the founder of BizMed, a company whose mission is to support the viability of independent medical practice, and to that end it offers free software and tools to reduce administrative complexity in private practice in general, and for PCMH recognition in particular]

How much is that PCMH in the Window?

I had a big nice Guangxi Taro left after Chinese New Year, and so I tried making this.
Yup, I made moon cakes in February. :)

Somehow, I prefer the non fried version, that yields a more powdery filling. This one has a texture similar to lotus paste, although not as heavy.

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Taro Paste Mooncake Filling 芋头月饼馅

Resep Cheese Cake Lumer Untuk Pemula - Cheese Cake Lumer adalah salah satu cake keju lezat yang akhir-akhir ini populer sekali di Indonesia. dengan hadirnya Cheese Cake Lumer semakin menambah deretan kreasi Cheese Cake yang sebelumnya hadir dengan aneka kreasi rasa. pada umumnya Cheese Cake Lumer ini adalah cake lembut yang didalamnya diberi krim keju cair atau butter. sehingga bila cake dipotong akan keluar lelehan krim keju yang lumer di mulut seperti Cake Lava yang resepnya sudah kami bagikan beberapa waktu lalu di Resep Membuat Molten Lava Cake Chocolate Mudah Praktis.

Memiliki tampilan menarik dengan toping parutan keju cheedar diatas nya dan krim keju yang meleleh di dalam merupakan salah satu ciri khas dari Cheese Cake Lumer. perpaduan cake lembut dengan parutan keju dan krim keju yang lembut sungguh menciptakan sensasi lumer di mulut yang cukup unik. jadi tak aneh lagi bila Cheese Cake Lumer akhir-akhir ini menjadi idola bagi para pencinta cake. khususnya untuk Cake Keju atau Kue Keju yang enak, lembut dan gurih.

Cheese Cake Lumer pada umumnya dijual dengan kemasan cup, toples plastik, jar maupun toples kaca dengan banyak variasi rasa dan ukuran. dari ukuran cup kecil yang memiliki harga sekitar Rp 35.000,-, cup ukuran sedang dengan harga sekitar Rp 75.000,- hingga cup ukuran besar dengan harga sekitar Rp 100.000,- hingga Rp 150.000,-. untuk rasa pun bermacam-macam kreasi dari Cheese Cake Lumer original atau yang sering disebut dengan Cheese Cake Lumer Klasik adalah cake vanila yang didalamnya diberi butter atau krim keju cair lalu diberi toping parutan keju dengan satu buah cherry sebagai pemanis.

Kreasi rasa lain dari Cheese Cake Lumer adalah Cheese Cake Lumer Strawberry, Cheese Cake Lumer Kiwi, Cheese Cake Lumer Coklat, Chocolate Cheese Cake Lumer, Cheese Cake Lumer Orange, Cheese Cake Lumer Fruty, Blueberry Cheese Cake Lumer, Cheese Cake Lumer Kismis, dan masih banyak lainnya. Cheese Cake Lumer yang merupakan salah satu jajanan paling populer di tahun 2015 ini memiliki kreasi rasa yang banyak sekali. jadi siap-siap saja anda dibuat bingung untuk menentukan rasa Cheese Cake Lumer yang akan anda nikmati.

Cheese Cake Lumer atau yang sering disebut Chezkek Lumer, Chizkek Lumer, Cheesecake Lumer, Cake Keju Meleleh di Mulut atau Cake Keju Lumer ini sebenarnya mudah untuk dibuat. walaupun sudah banyak aneka kreasi Resep Cheese Cake Lumer yang sliweran di internet namun tak ada salahnya bila kali ini anda mencoba resep Cheese Cake Lumer yang kami khususkan untuk pemula yang baru belajar membuat cake. kenapa dalam resep cheesecake ini kami sebut untuk pemula karena pembuatan nya yang kami rasa cukup mudah dan praktis.

Jadi siapapun bahkan bagi pemula pun anda dapat mencoba membuat Cheese Cake Lumer dengan resep yang mudah dan praktis untuk dipratekkan dirumah yang kami bagikan kali ini. oke tak panjang lebar lagi, bagi anda para pemula atau ibu muda yang baru belajar memasak dan membuat cake berikut kami rangkum Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Cheese Cake Lumer Untuk Pemula yang dapat anda pratekkan dirumah. 

Resep Cheese Cake Lumer dan Cara Membuat 

Resep Cheese Cake Lumer dan Cara Membuat

Bahan-bahan Cake Vanila :

  • Tepung terigu 100 gram
  • Tepung maizena 60 gram
  • Baking powder 1 sendok teh
  • TBM 1 sendok teh
  • Gula 100 gram
  • Kuning telur 6 buah
  • Putih telur 4 buah
  • Air dingin 50 mili liter
  • Butter 75 gram ( dicairkan )
  • Keju cheedar 100 gram ( digunakan untuk taburan )

Bahan Butter Cream Cake :

  • Cream cheese 250 gram
  • Susu kental manis 120 gram
  • Whipped cream 50 mili liter

Cara Membuat Cheese Cake Lumer Untuk Pemula :

  1. Langkah awal mixer semua bahan cake kecuali butter cair hingga kental. setelah kental masukkan butter cair, lalu aduk hingga rata. tuang ke dalam loyang ukuran 22x22 yang sudah dialasi dengan kertas roti. lalu oven hingga matang.
  2. Langkah selanjutnya cara membuat cream cheese / krim keju caranya kocok semua bahan hingga semua bahan merata ( untuk adonan ini memang cair ya ).
  3. Langkah akhir belah cake menjadi 2 bagian, letakkan satu buah cake kedalam wadah lalu tuang cream diatas cake lalu lapiskan dengan cake yang ke 2, tuangi kembali dengan cream. beri keju parut diatasnya lalu simpan kedalam lemari pendingin/kulkas hingga cake menjadi set.

Cara membuat Cheese Cake Lumer Untuk Pemula yang kami bagikan diatas cukup mudah untuk dipratekkan bukan? sebenarnya tidak ada yang sulit dalam membuat cake, asalkan kita mau berusaha mencoba dan untuk kegagalan dalam membuat cake sudah sangatlah wajar. namun bila anda mengikuti proses pembuatan Cheese Cake Lumer yang kami bagikan diatas dengan benar, kami yakin anda bisa membuat Cheese Cake Lumer yang enak, lembut dan gurih langsung dari dapur tercinta anda dirumah.

Selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Cheese Cake Lumer Untuk Pemula ini dirumah ya. buka juga informasi resep Cake lainnya seperti Resep Cake Pisang Dengan 5 Bahan Saja yang patut untuk anda coba. terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga resep-resep yang kami bagikan dapat bermanfaat untuk anda. salam hangat dari admin, sekian.

Resep Cheese Cake Lumer Untuk Pemula

Resep Chicken Cream Soup Praktis - Chicken Cream Soup adalah salah satu hidangan kebarat-baratan yang akhir-akhir ini banyak disukai oleh orang Indonesia. memiliki citarasa lezat dengan teksturnya yang lembut dan creamy membuat Sup ini dikenal dengan Cream Soup. Chicken Cream Soup paling enak dan lezat bila disajikan selagi panas. lembutnya Cream Soup dengan berpaduan bahan lainnya yang istimewa memberikan kelezatan disetiap suapnya.

Pada umumnya Chicken Cream Soup ini dibuat dari kaldu ayam asli, ayam rebus, bawang bombay, jamur, terigu dan bahan-bahan lainnya yang dihaluskan lalu dimasak hingga matang. namun karena ibu-ibu sekarang banyak yang kreatif, Chicken Cream Soup pun sekarang hadir dengan berbagai rasa dan tambahan bahan lainnya yang menambah citarasa sedap didalamnya. untuk original Chicken Cream Soup versi klasiknya biasanya memakai toping ayam suwir saja.

Namun untuk toping bisa ditambahkan aneka bahan lainnya dengan bahan-bahan yang ada dirumah. misalnya jika anda menyukai sosis, anda dapat menambahkan sosis sebagai topingnya. sehingga Cream Soup ini disebut dengan Chicken Cream Soup Sosis. sedangkan jika anda menyukai daging asap, anda juga dapat menambahkan daging asap tersebut sebagai topingnya. cream soup yang menggunakan daging asap biasanya terkenal dengan sebutan Cream Soup Daging Asap.

Selain anda dapat berkreasi di penggunaan topingnya, anda juga dapat menambahkan bahan utama lainnya seperti Chicken Cream Soup Ala KFC yaitu dengan menambahkan jagung manis pipil kedalamnya. Chicken Cream Soup seperti ini sering disebut dengan Chicken Corn Cream Soup. selain terkenal disajikan di restauran KFC, Chicken And Corn Cream Soup ini juga menjadi salah satu menu andalan di Restauran Pizza Hut. selain dapat dinikmati anak-anak dan orang dewasa, Chicken Cream Soup atau yang didalam bahasa Indonesia-nya Sup Krim Ayam ini juga dapat dikonsumsi oleh Balita.

Cara Membuat Chicken Cream Soup Bayi/Balita tentunya tidak sama seperti Chicken Cream Soup bagi anak-anak dan orang dewasa ya. pasti ada salah satu bahan yang di skip misalnya merica bubuk dan bahan lainnya yang dirasa tidak perlu digunakan untuk Chicken Cream Soup Bayi. nah, bagi anda yang penasaran ingin mencoba mencicipi lezatnya Chicken Cream Soup yang enak, anda tidak harus pergi ke restauran KFC atau Pizza Hut. karena dengan mengikuti Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Chicken Cream Soup Sederhana dibawah ini anda sudah dapat membuatnya sendiri secara mudah dan praktis dirumah. selamat mencoba :)

Resep Chicken Cream Soup dan Cara Membuat

Resep Chicken Cream Soup dan Cara Membuat

Bahan Chicken Cream Soup :

  • Air kaldu ayam 600 mili liter
  • Susu cair tawar 400 mili liter
  • Terigu 1 sendok makan
  • Kentang rebus 2 buah ( haluskan )
  • Wortel 3 buah ( dipotong dadu )
  • Ayam 100 gram
  • Bawang bombay 1/2 buah ( dicincang halus )
  • Bawang putih 2 siung ( haluskan )
  • Garam 1/2 sendok teh
  • Merica bubuk 1/2 sendok teh
  • Margarin 1 sendok makan

Cara Membuat Chicken Cream Soup Praktis :

  1. Langkah awal, rebus ayam ke dalam air hingga matang. saring kaldunya, lalu suwir-suwir halus ayamnya, sisihkan.
  2. Setelah itu panaskan margarin, tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay hingga harum, masukkan terigu dan kentang rebus yang sudah dihaluskan tadi, aduk hingga rata.
  3. Selanjutnya tuang kaldu ayam sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus diaduk, tambahkan ayam suwir, wortel dan susu cair tawar, lalu bumbui dengan merica dan garam. masak kembali hingga semua bahan matang dan tektsur sup menjadi agak mengental.
  4. Terakhir, angkat Chicken Cream Soup lembut selagi panas dengan ditaburi daun seledri diatasnya.

Jika dilihat-lihat dari cara membuatnya, Chicken Mushroom Cream Soup ini hampir sama dengan Resep Bubur Ayam pada umumnya ya. hanya saja untuk bubur ayam dibuat dari beras yang dilembutkan menjadi bubur. oh iya, walaupun menggunakan susu cair aroma Chicken Cream Soup nya sama sekali tidak bau susu loh. agar semakin enak dan special, saat penyajian anda dapat menaburkan keju parut diatasnya.

Chicken Cream Soup yang enak dan super yummi ini bisa anda sajikan dengan ditemani tortila atau roti tawar yang dipotong memanjang dan dipanggang hingga kering. nah, itu dia bahan-bahan dan cara membuat cream soupnya, cukup mudah dan praktis bukan? selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Chicken Cream Soup Praktis ini dirumah ya. buka juga informasi resep menarik lainnya seperti Resep Cheese Potato Balls Ala McDonald's yang akan sayang sekali bila terlewatkan. terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga bermanfaat. enjoy !!

Resep Chicken Cream Soup Praktis

Eliza didn't contact me and it's Thursday already. 

I drew another number...... And the winner is Kaven Kan

2nd Draw for Heavenly Fragrance Cookbook Giveaway

Kuih Koci is a chewy dumpling wrapped in banana leaf, with sweet coconut filling. The 'skin' can come in green, purple or white, depending on the ingredients used.

The Cantonese community here calls this as 鸡脚指 'gai geok jee' that means Chicken Claws. It's just a nickname due to the similarity in the sound 'Kuih Koci' with 'Gai Geok Jee'. I'm not sure if there are any other names for this kuih.

Click to continue ..........

Kuih Koci Pulut Hitam 鸡脚指~ Black Glutinous Rice Dumpling with Coconut

Resep Cheese Potato Balls Ala McDonald's - Cheese Potato Balls atau yang sering disebut dengan Bola-bola Kentang Keju ini merupakan camilan nikmat yang terbuat dari kentang. memiliki tekstur yang lembut didalam dan krenyess diluar, jika dilihat-lihat bentuknya hampir sama seperti Bergedel Kentang Isi Keju ya. hanya saja luaran Cheese Potato Balls lebih crispy ketimbang Bergerdel kentang. paling enak dinikmati selagi hangat dengan ditemani mayonese, sambal tomat maupun sambal pedas botolan. ehhmm, so so yumii ..

Cheese Potato Balls sebenarnya merupakan camilan rumahan yang sederhana. namun karena Cheese Potato Balls menjadi salah satu menu andalan di Restauran McDonald's, membuat Cheese Potato Balls atau Bola Kentang Isi Keju ini semakin populer dimana-mana. maka jangan heran lagi bila banyak orang yang beransutias ingin mencoba camilan yang biasanya ditemani Burger McDdonald's. selain sebagai camilan, Cheese Potato Balls juga enak loh bila disajikan sebagai teman nasi.

Di restauran McDonald's biasanya Cheese Potato Balls ini disajikan dengan Aneka Minuman Dingin Segar seperti Coca-cola, Fanta, dan aneka Jus. Nah, bagi anda yang gemar sekali menikmati Cheese Potato Balls McDonald's, tak ada salahnya bila sesekali anda mencoba membuatnya sendiri dirumah. selain lebih hemat, dengan membuatnya sendiri tentu saja lebih terjamin akan kebersihannya dan menikmatinya pun lebih puas. 

Cara membuat Cheese Potato Balls Ala McDonald's tentu saja sangat mudah. tak ada kesulitan dalam membuatnya bila anda mengikuti langkah demi langkah pada resep Cheese Potato Balls Ala McDonald's yang kami bagikan. caranya anda serut kentang yang akan di buat Cheese Potato Balls Ala McDonald's dengan parutan keju. lalu masak atau tumis didalam panci hingga kandungan air kentang agak asat.

Setelah itu baru dihaluskan dan diberi aneka bahan dan bumbu yang digunakan. jika semua bahan sudah tercampur rata, bentuk adonan menjadi bola-bola kecil lalu goreng diminyak panas yang sebelumnya sudah dicelupkan dibahan pencelup. goreng hingga matang dan crispy diluar, angkat dan tiriskan minyaknya diatas tissue dapur. bagaimana, sangat mudah kan? nah, untuk lebih jelas Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Cheese Potato Balls Ala McDonald's nya, yuck disimak artikel resep nya dibawah ini.

Resep Cheese Potato Balls dan Cara Membuat 

Resep Cheese Potato Balls dan Cara Membuat

Bahan-bahan Cheese Potato Balls :

  • Kentang 2 buah ( pilih ukuran besar )
  • Keju cheddar 70 gram ( diparut )
  • Kaldu ayam ( royco ) 1 sendok teh
  • Kuning telur 1 buah
  • Telur ayam utuh 1 butir
  • Tepung terigu secukupnya
  • Tepung panir ( bread crumb ) secukupnya
  • Minyak secukupnya ( digunakan untuk menggoreng )

Cara Membuat Cheese Potato Balls :

  1. Pertama-tama sangrai tepung terigu di wajan sebentar lalu sisihkan.
  2. Selanjutnya kupas kentang, parut/serut dengan parutan keju. kemudian letakkan kentang yang diserut tadi dipanci lalu tumis atau masak dengan api kecil, jangan ditambahi air ya. aduk-aduk dan masak kentang sampai setengah matang. dinginkan.
  3. Jika kentang dirasa sudah dingin campurkan dengan 3 sendok makan tepung ( sisanya sisihkan ), keju, kaldu bubuk, dan 1 kuning telur. aduk-aduk hingga rata.
  4. Setelah itu bentuk bulat kentang dengan menggunakan plastik yang bertujuan agar tidak lengket ditangan. kemudian satu persatu gulingkan ke dalam tepung. lakukan hingga adonan habis.
  5. Langkah selanjutnya celupkan di telur kocok lalu gulingkan ke dalam tepung panir atau Breadcrumbs. rapikan bulantannya lalu tata diloyang. simpan di dalam kulkas kira-kira selama 20 hingga 30 menit. agar tepung tidak cepat lepas. tapi bisa juga bila ingin langsung menggoreng.
  6. Terakhir goreng adonan ke dalam minyak panas dengan menggunakan api sedang, angkat, tiriskan minyak di atas tissue dapur.
  7. Cheese Potato Balls Ala McDonald's siap untuk dihidangkan selagi hangat atau setelah dingin dengan ditemani aneka sambal sesuai selera.

Dengan sedikit bekerja keras dan meluangkan waktu didapur, anda pun sudah dapat membuat Cheese Potato Balls Homemade yang enak dan gurih. selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Cheese Potato Balls Ala McDonald's ini dirumah ya. buka juga informasi aneka resep camilan lainnya seperti Resep Membuat Otak-otak Ikan Bandeng. terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga bermanfaat. enjoy ..

Resep Cheese Potato Balls Ala McDonald's

These are the winners for the giveaway.
Hody Loh and Eliza

Please contact me via Facebook or Email by this Sunday 6/9/2015

Heavenly Fragrance Cookbook Giveaway Winner!