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Cara Membuat Risoles Amerika - Risoles dulunya disebut roinsolles / risole yang dikenal pada abad ke-13. Pada waktu itu, makanan ini hanya sekedar panekuk yang digoreng memakai mentega atau lemak sapi. Karena perkembangan jaman makanan ini di isi dengan sayuran yang dicampurkan dengan daging cincang dan ragout. 

Selain adanya risoles dengan isian gurih, kini risoles juga dapat kreasikan menjadi risoles asin maupun manis. Untuk rasa asin bisa di isi dengan parutan keju, mayonaise serta daging dan sosis panggang. Sedangkan untuk risoles manis dapat di isi sirup gula serta saus buah.

Risol a.k.a risoles goreng klasik umumnya berisi rogout sayur serta cincangan daging. Untuk jenis risoles isi daging sudah kami bahas sebelumnya di Resep Membuat Risoles Daging Cincang Lezat. Selain kreasi risoles tersebut ternyata kini sedang booming dan ngehitz dengan adanya kreasi baru dari risol goreng yaitu Risoles Amerika. 

Risoles Amerika yang memiliki banyak julukan mulai dari Risoles Mayo / Risoles Burger / Risol Amerika / American Risoles / Amris / Risoles Isi Mayo adalah pastri yang berisi daging cingcang dan sayuran yang dibungkus dadar, kemudian digoreng setelah dilapisi tepung panir dan kocokan telur ayam.

Resep dan Cara Membuat Risoles Amerika

Selain di goreng, cara membuat risoles amerika sebenarnya bisa juga dengan di panggang di oven, dan disajikan sebagai hours-d'oeuvre atau entree ringan. Namun namanya orang indonesia pastinya suka nya kan gorengan yang gurih ya bun. Jadi kebanyakan risoles amerika digoreng kering di luar namun tetap lembut di dalam.
Seperti isian risoles goreng pada umumnya, untuk isian dari risoles amerika juga dapat di kreasikan sesuai selera. Mulai dari cincangan daging ayam, daging sapi, ikan, udang, jamur kacang, wortel, kentang ataupun buncis. Sedangkan untuk adonan risoles dibuat dari campuran tepung terigu, kuning telur, mentega(margarin) dan air atau susu. 

Oh iya berbicara tentang kulit risoles, kami ada sedikit tips saat membuat kulit risoles sendiri di rumah. Menurut pengalaman saya yaitu pada saat menuangkan adonan kewajan anti lengket (teflon), jangan menuang adonan dari tengah karena nantinya jadi susah untuk diratakan, usahakan menuang adonan kulit dari pinggir teflon lalu diratakan dengan cara memutar-muutar teflon hingga adonan rata.

Kemudian tips membuat kulit risoles homemade berikutnya adalah begitu pinggiran kulit sudah terlihat kecoklatan, segera balik, lalu masak sekitar 30 detik saja supaya kulitnya tidak keras. Soalnya kalau kulit risolesnya keras nanti jadi susah untuk dilipat dan jangan lupa gunakan api kecil (api paling kecil) selama memasak agar kulit tidak gosong.

Tips lainnya dari saya ketika melipat risoles adalah posisikan sisi yang coklat di bagian dalam, dan bagian yang masih putih dibagian luar, karna nantinya bagian yang putih akan matang lebih sempurna saat risoles digoreng.

Nah itu dia sedikit cerita tentang asal usul risoles amerika dan tips cara membuat risoles amerika agar hasilnya enak maksimal. Oke deh, yuk kita mulai bikin risolesnya, berikut Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Risoles Amerika seperti berikut.

Resep dan Cara Membuat Risoles Amerika

Resep dan Cara Membuat Risoles Amerika

Bahan-bahan Kulit Risoles :

  • Tepung terigu serbaguna 100 gram (kalau hasilnya ingin lebih lentur bisa pakai tepung terigu protein tinggi)
  • Garam 1/4 sendok teh
  • Merica bubuk 1/4 sendok teh
  • Telur 1 butir
  • Susu cair 300 mili liter
  • Margarin 1/2 sendok makan, lelehkan atau bisa diganti minyak goreng 1 sendok makan

Bahan Isi Risoles :

  • Smoked beef (diiris atau bisa diganti dengan sosis yang dipotong memanjang)
  • Keju cheddar (dipotong memanjang)
  • Telur rebus (potong memanjang)
  • Daun selada secukupnya (jika suka)
  • Mayonaise secukupnya

Bahan Pelapis :

  • Telur 2 butir (kocok lepas)
  • Tepung panir / bread crumbs secukupnya

Bahan Pelengkap Risoles :

  • Saus tomat
  • Saus sambal
  • Cabai rawit

Cara Membuat Risoles Amerika :

  1. Kulit Risoles : ayak tepung terigu lalu taruh di dalam wadah. Beri garam dan merica bubuk, aduk rata. Buat lubang di tengah-tengah terigu, masukkan telur, aduk dengan menggunakan hand whisk. Masukkan susu cair sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus diaduk sampai adonan benar-benar mulus dan tidak ada yang bergerindil. Saring jika perlu, masukkan margarin cair, aduk rata.
  2. Selanjutnya panaskan wajan datar anti lengket dengan api kecil. Buat dadar tipis-tipis (sekitar 1 sendok sayur per 1 lembar). Masak sebentar sampai permukaannya tidak lengket. Angkat, lalukan sampai habis.
  3. Setelah itu gulingkan ke tepung panir, celupkan ke kocokan telur, gulingkan lagi ke tepung panir, lakukan sampai habis.
  4. Terakhir goreng dalam minyak panas dengan menggunakan api sedang sampai risoles bewarna kuning kecoklatan. Angkat, tiriskan. 
  5. Risoles amerika isi mayo siap di santap bersama saus tomat dan saus sambal.
Kelebihan dari Amris a.k.a risoles amerika adalah bisa disimpan di chiller selama 1-2 haru dan dapat disimpan beku dalam freezer (Frozen Amris) selama 6-7 hari. Bahan ada yang bilang bisa bertahan sampai 1 bulanan jika disimpan dalam freezer. Tips menggoreng untuk risol mayonaines / american risoles yang sudah disimpan di freezer sebaiknya didiamkan terlebih dahulu beberapa saat di suhu ruang kurang lebih selama 30 menit dan jangan langsung digoreng agar tidak mudah gosong.

Yang Sering Terjadi Kegagalan Ketika Penggorengan Risoles :
  • Risoles terlalu lama di goreng.
  • Risoles yang dingin (baru keluar  dari  kulkas), langsung bertemu dengan suhu tinggi (langsung digoreng)
Pastinya tidak mau dong ya risoles yang kita buat gagal ketika digoreng karena belum tahu trik menggoreng risoles yang sudah masuk freezer. So .. untuk menambah wawasan mengenai risoles amerika ketika penggorengan berikut tips yang harus bunda ketahui, cekidot!

Jangan Lewatkan : Cara Membuat Kerak Telor Betawi Rumahan Enak Praktis

Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut ada beberapa tips yang bunda harus ketahui yaitu :
  • Pastikan isian risoles padat dan rapat, demikan juga roses penggulungan harus rapat.
  • Setelah di tepung panir / tepung roti masukan chiller kurleb 1 jam, agar tepung menempel dengan baik.
  • Jika risoles terlihat menggelembung saat digoreng, tusuk perlahan dengan tusuk sate untuk memberi ruang udara keluar. Maka risoles akan mengempis lagi. 
  • Menggoreng risoles tidak perlu sampai berwarna coklat tua, cukup hingga kuning keemasan saja karena pada dasarnya risoles sudah ready to eat. Jadi menggoreng untuk mendapatkan tekstur crispy dan warna yang cantik. So, setelah terlihat kuning keemasan segera angkat ya bun.
  • Apabila risoles baru dikeluarkan dari freezer (risoles frozen), jangan langsung digoreng ya tapi dithawing dulu beberapa saat.
Demikian yang dapat sampaikan mengenai Bahan-bahan, Cara Membuat dan Tips Membuat Risoles Amerika rumahan yang enak, renyah diluar dan lembut didalam. Semoga artikel Cara Membuat Risoles Amerika Isi Mayo Special ala harianresep.blogspot.com ini bermanfaat, See you :)

Jika di rasa bermanfaat, silahkan di share ya bunda resepnya ....

Cara Membuat Risoles Amerika Isi Mayo Special

The Harvard Health Letter is a periodical that comes out on a monthly basis.  At only 8 pages per issue, it doesn't overwhelm with an encyclopedia's worth of knowledge (visit any time to peruse one of the Library's medical encyclopedias).  As you would expect from the name, it is a source of authoritative, dependable advice.

The front page has a feature called Five Things to do This Month, which is a list of five simple (though not necessarily easy) tips which provide inspiration to improve your life.  Each also points to an article inside with further information including the latest research and more detailed suggestions.

Stop by the Central Library downtown today to peruse this practical source of great information.
Also visit Harvard Health on Twitter.

Magazine Monday: Harvard Health Letter

Cara Membuat Kerak Telor - Satu lagi jajanan tradisional khas Betawi yang sayang bila terlewatkan. Bernama kerak telor a.k.a kerak telur makanan asli daerah Jakarta (Betawi) ini memiliki bahan utama beras dan telur ayam. Pada umumnya beras yang digunakan adalah beras ketan putih. Namun kini ada kreasi resep kerak telor yang menggunakan beras putih biasa, bahkan ada juga yang menggunakan nasi.

Ciri khas dari kerak telor adalah berasnya yang dimasak setengah matang. Jadi ada sensasi kriuk kletusan beras ketika di makan. Mungkin yang baru mencobanya akan sedikit kurang suka, namun bagi warga Jakarta kerak telor menjadi salah satu makanan kebanggan khas Betawi. Selain menggunakan kocokan telur ayam segar, kerak telor asli Betawi kini dapat juga menggunakan telur bebek. 

Hidangan kerak telor memang sedikit unik ya bun, namun karena rasanya yang enak membuat banyak orang ingin mencicipi kelezatannya. Kerak telor ini paling banyak di jual di sekitar Monas, Kemayoran dan Kota Tua. untuk satu porsi kerak telor biasa dan mini memiliki harga sekitar Rp 15.000,- Rp 25.000,- per porsi. Yang memiliki bentuk bulat layaknya telur dadar, serabi dan martabak manis / martabak terang bulan.

Penyajian kerak telor komplit pada umumnya disajikan bersama bawang merah goreng kering, ebi / udang kecil-kecil sangrai, kelapa parut dan bumbu rempah lainnya. Makanan ini paling enak dinikmati selagi hangat bersama minuman hangat bandrek, wedang bajigur, bir pletok, sekoteng, wedang ronde, kopi dan teh. Karena tergolong makanan unik, kerak telor pun sudah mengambil hati para wisatawan asing dan domestik setelah sebelumnya ngehitz dan populer dengan kue rangin / pancong, roti buaya, soto betawi, es selendang mayang, otak-otak, kue cincin, Resep Membuat Asinan Sayur Jakarta Khas Betawi Enak, nasi uduk, ketupat sayur dan semur daging Betawi.

Jakarta selalu punya cerita bun, jadi jangan aneh jika banyak Kuliner atau jajanan Khas Jakarta (Betawi) yang menggugah selera. Nah dari pada harus jauh-jauh ke Ibukota Jakarta hanya untuk mencicipi kerak telor, mending buat sendiri di rumah yuk. Cara membuat kerak telor betawi rumahan / homemade ini cukup mudah loh. Untuk resep dan cara membuat kerak telor asli betawi menggunakan beras ketan putih yang direndam beberapa jam atau semalaman.

Tapi saya kurang suka dengan penyajian kerak telor yang menggunakan beras mentah. Jadi dalam resep kerak telor khas Jakarta ini saya modifikasi sendiri dengan menggunakan nasi matang dengan bumbu seadanya ala anak kost :) hehehe. Tapi kok malah rasanya uenak loh bun, dibandingkan dengan kerak telor sungguhan.

Oke deh, berikut Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Kerak Telor Betawi sederhana yang dapat bunda buat sendiri langsung dari dapur tercinta. Cekidot!

Resep dan Cara Membuat Kerak Telor Betawi 

Resep dan Cara Membuat Kerak Telor Betawi
Resep dan Cara Membuat Kerak Telor Betawi By Mega Ayuningrum Cookpad

Bahan-bahan Kerak Telor :

  • Minyak secukupnya (digunakan untuk memasak)
  • Telur ayam / telur bebek 1 butir
  • Nasi 1 mangkuk kecil
  • Bawang merah 2 butir (cincang halus)
  • Bawang putih 2 siung (cincang halus)
  • Cabai bubuk secukupnya
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Penyedap rasa seperti royco sapi/ayam secukupnya

Pelengkap Kerak telor :

  • Kelapa sangrai secukupnya (bisa diganti dengan abon ayam atau sapi)
  • Ebi sangrai secukupnya

Cara Membuat Kerak Telor Betawi Ala Rumahan :

  1. Panaskan minyak, sambil menunggu minyak panas, pecahkan telur ayam atau telur bebek dalam mangkok lalu kocok sampai lembut. 
  2. Selanjutnya tambahkan nasi, bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai bubuk, garam dan penyedap rasa secukupnya. Kocok adonan hingga rata, lalu tuang ke dalam wajan yang berisi minyak panas.
  3. Ratakan adonan dalam wajan, sambil ratakan layaknya menggoreng telur dadar / omelet, goreng sampai benar-benar matang lalu balikan adonan. Setelah rata matangnya, angkat dan tiriskan.
  4. Sajikan bersama kelapa sangrai dan ebi jika suka. Kalau saya cukup pakai abon ayam saja. Nyam!

Saya lebih suka kerak telor rumahan ala kadarnya seperti ini, rasanya lebih ramah di perut dibanding kerak telor Betawi asli. Tapi ya tergantung selera saja ya bun. Maka kerak telornya di cocolkan ke saus sambal dan acar wortel timun juga eank loh, Ehmm silahkan berkreasi sendiri saja ya untuk alternatif perut yang sedang lapar heheh.

Oh iya, ketika Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ) dan ketika ulang tahun Jakarta, pedagang kerak telor di pastikan selalu ada di sana. Banyak pedagang kerak telor yang berjualan menderet layaknya tontonan yang jarang ditemukan dimana-mana. 

Selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Cara Membuat Kerak Telor Betawi Rumahan Enak Praktis.  Coba juga camilan terbaru dari kami seperti Resep Onion Ring (Bawang Bombay Goreng Tepung) Enak Crispy. Semoga bermanfaat :)

Cara Membuat Kerak Telor Betawi Rumahan Enak Praktis

Kick off your Labor Day weekend with friendly librarians at the Gateway to Well-being Festival next Saturday!

Brought to you by Yoga Buzz, "[t]he purpose of the Gateway to Well-being Festival is to connect local expert professionals and specialty businesses with the community so that St. Louisans are empowered to live healthier, happier lives."


Health and Wellness at the Arch

This week's installment is Gluten-free Living, a magazine that focuses on living happily and healthily without gluten.  The magazine features healthful meals and snacks, and contains many recipes.  The most recent issue has additional information about research and restaurants, moving and parties, and what to look out for when going out for ice cream.

Don't forget to look at the ads.  They might be equally helpful for readers looking for gluten free products.

Find it for reading at the Central Library and for checkout at the Buder Branch.

Magazine Monday: Gluten-free Living

I used to be scared of baking pita. I was worried it won't puff.
When I made my Bhatura, only one puffed up nicely. Very discouraging.

One day, I invited my brother over for dinner, and I asked him what did he want me to cook? He wanted Middle Eastern fare, served with Pita Bread. Aduuuiiii!!!! Where can I get Middle Eastern Style Pita that is thin and fluffy? I'm not in KL.

He asked me if I can make pita bread, I said no!

Click to continue ..........

White Pita Bread

The three week series The Power of Mindfulness: A Deeper Look starts in a week!  It will take place Thursdays August 25, September 1, and September 8 at 10:00-11:30 AM. The program is free and open to anyone affected by cancer (patients, family and friends, bereaved).  It is brought to you by the Cancer Support Community and will be held at Mercy David C. Pratt Cancer Center.

This 3-week series will help you get started with mindfulness and meditation by
  • providing information on the benefits of mindfulness and meditation for the body and brain
  • allowing you to experience and participate in mindfulness exercises, breathing meditations, and guided imageries
  • offering tips to help you establish your personal practice and skills to reduce stress and increase the experience of peace and well being in your life.
To RSVP and for more information, contact the Cancer Support Community at 314-238-2000, or sign up online at www.cancersupportstl.org

The Power of Mindfulness: A Deeper Look

This week's magazine feature is Consumer Reports On Health.  They "contact health authorities and medical researchers from across the country" to build their articles; for the August issue that includes professors from universities across the United States and Canada, and a doctor from the Cleveland Clinic.

It includes relevant, reliable health information, with articles on everything from medication to mental health to nutrition.  Stop by anytime to peruse a recent issue.  While copies at Central are for in-Library use only, there are circulating copies at the Kingshighway Branch.  You could place a hold on anybut the most recent issue, and pick it up wherever is most convenient!

Magazine Monday: Consumer Reports On Health

Operation Food Search is seeking volunteer Nutrition Instructors, Culinary Instructors, and Class Assistants to teach a Cooking Matters nutrition-based cooking class.

Classes meet for 2 hours once a week for six weeks.  Cooking Matters provides curricula, kitchen, supplies, and staff support.

  • Empower working families to prepare simple, nutritious, and delicious recipes
  • Help people make the most of their food choices on a limited budget
  • Expose kids, teens, and adults to new foods and tasty ways to eat nutritiously
  • Have fun, gain experience leading a group, fine-tune your teaching skills, and make a difference!
For more information including job descriptions and links to get started, click here.  You can also get more information from Danielle by email or by phone at 314.726.5355x27.

Volunteer with Operation Food Search

Resep Onion Ring - Versi Wikipedia, bawang bombay atau bawang bombai (Latin : Anilium Cepa Linnaeus) adalah jenis bawang yang paling banyak dibudidayakan dan seringkali dipakai sebagai bumbu maupun bahan masakan yang memiliki bentuk bulat besar dan berdaging tebal. Bawang bombai ini biasanya digunakan untuk bumbu masak makanan di Indonesia. Tak hanya itu bawang bombay yang dibawa oleh pedagang yang berasal dari kota Bombai (Mumbai) di India ke Indonesia ini juga sering digunakan sebagai hiasan masakan.

Pada umumnya bawang bombay ini masuk kedalam masakan tumisan, aneka saus, sup dan gorengan. Misalnya sebagai bumbu untuk membuat saus asam pedas manis di Resep Membuat Ayam Kuluyuk Enak Mudah, sup ayam, tumis sayur, Sapo Tahu atau digoreng dengan tepung berbumbu yang terkenal dengan sebutan Crispy Onion Ring. Bawang bombay goreng atau crispy onion ring ini banyak disajikan di restauran Jepang dan restauran fres chicken layaknya KFC dan Mcdonald's.

Biasanya onion ring renyah ini dihidangkan bersama tempura goreng, ayam goreng tepung layaknya ayam goreng Ketucky dan Resep Chicken Katsu Ala Hoka-hoka Bento Enak Praktis. Rasanya yang enak, gurih serta manis dari bawang bombay memang layak untuk di favoritkan. Anda bisa menyantap onion ring kriuk dengan saus sambal botolan, saus tomat, mayonaise serta sambal pedas sesuai selera.

Selain terkenal di Indonesia, makanan sejenis bawang bombay goreng tepung crispy ini juga populer di luar negeri, disana menyebutnya Onion Blossom. Hanya bedanya pengolahan onion blossom ini dengan cara memotong-motong kecil bawang bombay perkelopaknya dengan alat khusus sehingga menyerupai bunga yang mekar, terus baru deh dicelup adonan basah yang terbuat dari terigu, susu, telur dan bumbu-bumbu lainnya lalu goreng. Onion blossom ini bisa jadi menu pembuka atau camilan ala resto steak dan pasta.

Berbeda dengan Onion Ring balut tepung goreng kriuk ini. Untuk membuatnya onion ring harus dipotong-potong melingkar dulu kemudian lepaskan satu persatu sesuai ruasnya sampai berbentuk ring. Setelah itu celupkan ke adonan basah dan kering lalu digoreng sampai matang. Hasil akhirnya nanti jadi mirip dengan Resep Membuat Cumi Goreng Tepung Empuk Renyah Diluar yang beberapa waktu lalu kami bagikan.

Nah, dari pada penasaran akan renyah dan gurihnya onion ring, mending langsung buat saja untuk camilan di rumah. Keluarga pasti suka deh.. berikut Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Onion Ring (Bawang Bombay Goreng Tepung) nya. Mari disimak :)

Resep Onion Ring dan Cara Membuatnya

Resep Onion Ring dan Cara Membuatnya
Resep Onion Ring By Na Kitchen Cookpad dan Emergency Recipes 

Bahan-bahan Onion Ring :

  • Bawang bombay besar 1 buah
  • Tepung terigu 2 cangkir
  • Tepung maizena 2 sendok makan
  • Tepung roti/panir secukupnya
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Merica bubuk secukupnya
  • Kaldu bubuk secukupnya (royco)
  • Air es secukupnya
  • Minyak goreng secukupnya

Langkah Membuat Crispy Onion Ring :

  1. Pertama-tama iris bawang bombay berbentuk lingkaran dan lepas satu persatu hasil potongan sehingga bawang menjadi banyak. Lalu rendam potongan bawang dengan air es selama 15 menit.
  2. Adonan Kering : Buat adonan kering, caranya dengan mencampur tepung terigu, tepung maizena, royco, garam, merica dan aduk sampai rata. Kemudian tiriskan bawang yang sudah direndam dan balur bawang dengan sedikit adonan tepung yang dibuat tadi, lalu taruh bawah di wadah kosong.
  3. Adonan Basah : Masukkan air es ke dalam adonan kering dan aduk sampai rata. Buat adonan jangan terlalu kental tapi juga jangan terlalu encer. Kemudian celupkan bawang ke dalam adonan, lalu balur dengan tepung roti/panir.
  4. Setelah dibalur dengan tepung roti makan goreng sampai bewarna kecoklatan. Goreng dengan api kecil agar tidak cepat gosong. Angkat, tiriskan.
  5. Onion ring homemade special renyah siap dinikmati selagi hangat dengan dicocolkan sambal atau mayonaise pilihan.

Untuk membuat onion ring atau bawang bombay goreng tepung renyah sebenarnya memiliki 2 versi. Yang pertama dengan menggunakan tepung bumbu Sajiku atau tepung bumbu KFC Sasa yang siap pakai. Tepung berbumbu ini nantinya dibuat 2 adonan yaitu adonan kering dan basah. Setelah itu tinggal goreng hingga krispi. 

Untuk yang kedua adalah seperti Resep Onion Ring yang harianresep.blogspot.com bagikan kali ini. Yaitu dengan meracik tepung bumbu rumahan sendiri. Menurut kami dengan meracik tepung bumbu sendiri rasanya lebih maknyussss dan gurih. Disini kita menggunakan tepung komplit yang terdiri dari tepung terigu, maizena dan tepung panir. Kalau ingin praktis bisa pakai tepung beras saja yang diracik dengan garam dan lada bubuk.

Demikian yang dapat kami sampaikan mengenai Resep Onion Ring (Bawang Bombay Goreng Tepung) Enak Crispy.

Jangan lupa like dan bagikan artikel ini ke bunda lainnya ya ..
Semoga bermanfaat :)

Resep Onion Ring (Bawang Bombay Goreng Tepung) Enak Crispy

Dear Bernie,

I was one of the gullible liberals who thought and vehemently argued for months on end that you could win the Democratic Primaries fair and square. After all if a rookie billionaire with zero political credibility and a spotted past could win the Republican nomination, why wouldn’t an unimpeachable United States Senator be able to do the same in my party? We both know the answer(s) to that, don’t we, Senator? You chose the high road when all was said and done, but was that the right road? I have no doubt that your entire career and this ill-fated campaign in particular were driven by a desire to lift the exploited, the downtrodden, the poor and the excluded to their rightful place in a government of the people, by the people, for the people. In which case, Senator, you are now squandering the opportunity of a lifetime to change history in a way no one else can, or ever could, or will ever be able to even try.

You may be telling yourself that once you failed to win from the outside, the smart choice was to fight from the inside. You may be taking great pride from that lefty progressive platform you managed to negotiate. When was the last time any President felt hamstrung or guided in any way by the party platform? Ninety-nine percent of the public doesn’t know what the party platform looks like. It’s an empty achievement, and you probably know that. There will be no fight for fifteen. There will be no free college. There will be no extended family leave, no pay equity and certainly no single payer health care. And there will be no end in sight to the steady hemorrhage of middle class jobs to slave labor countries. But I’m sure you know this too, Senator.

Nobody is going to bother the venerable Wall Street institutions hanging around our collective neck like a rock. Nobody is going to lose sleep over the Silicon Valley technology cartel, which is quickly acquiring more power than the biggest bank ever had. And there will be war, Senator Sanders, as sure as I am sitting here and you are sitting there, there will be war. With a little bit of luck, it will be an old fashioned cold war that will further impoverish the nation and strip citizens of even more civil rights. If luck runs out, and it will, Americans will again die in some God forsaken desert with an unpronounceable name, to “protect our freedom”.

How do you feel, Senator, when you watch the swarm of millionaires and billionaires coalescing around the candidate you endorsed? Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet, Mark Cuban and now Meg Whitman, are all praising your former opponent and promising to fund her campaign. Heck, even the Koch Brothers seem sympathetic to her cause, not to mention the deluge of conservative purists crossing party lines spontaneously or after being actively wooed by the Democratic candidate running on the most progressive platform ever. Your preferred candidate said that our cause is her cause, and this must be why hedge-fund managers rewarded her with something like $50 million in campaign “donations” (so far). Do you think any of these powerful interests gives a rat’s ass about our political revolution?

Have you noticed, Senator, how the only places where your name is still spoken are Trump rallies? The much touted shift to the left in the Democratic Party ended abruptly when the television cameras were powered off in the Wells Fargo arena in Philadelphia. The impressive array of professional exploiters of humanity, and the planet we live in, who are stepping all over each other to swear allegiance to the Democratic candidate is matched only by the unbridled enthusiasm of the hired guns of the corporate media. There will be no campaign finance reform, no end to fossil fuel indecency, no end to fracking and drilling and pillaging and slashing and burning, but it will all take place with the utmost respect for stately decorum. Was this your vision for our future back in April of 2015, Senator? It wasn’t ours.

Our $27 voices have been silenced when you decided to suspend yours, and frankly Senator Sanders, I don’t think that decision was entirely up to you. This was not a regular primary season where one can barely tell the difference between campaigns before they all merge into one bland compromise. As you said many times, this was indeed a revolution. Yes, you sparked the flame, Senator, but we build the fire. It wasn’t yours to do as you please with, and you were certainly not empowered to deliver “your supporters” to the subjugation of the status-quo. To put it in terms everybody understands these days, we funded this revolutionary venture with our hard earned money and our feet, and you, Senator, had a fiduciary responsibility to your shareholders.

We lost one battle and you conceded the war. We can’t undo the loss, but you can undo the concession to some extent. You can at least try to make things right for people whose $27 investment represents a week’s worth of food. On a personal level, you have much to lose if you do this, but when you fan the flames of revolution (even a political one), personal sacrifice is baked into the cake. You should have known that, Senator, and you should have made peace with that from the start. I have to confess here that I am not entirely surprised by your decision. Your acquiescing response to subtle and not so subtle efforts to coopt this political revolution, by what I consider unsavory actors, was in my mind a harbinger of things to come. And things came.

I’m not asking you, Senator, to get out there and campaign for “the other” movement propped up by millions of small donations from people who can’t afford to donate either. I am asking you to recognize in your heart of hearts that the road of our political revolution does not go through another Clinton administration. I am asking you to recognize that eight more years of keeping people down, while fraudulently posing as their champion, are far more devastating for our revolution, this nation, and the world at large, than a Trump administration could ever be. These are desperate times for most of us, so I am asking you Senator Sanders, to remember that you have a responsibility, nay, a duty, to stand up one more time and help us keep hope alive, Sir.

Open Letter to Senator Bernie Sanders

Clean Eating is a magazine that focuses on healthful cooking.

The latest issue contains articles on barbecue, tacos, affordable meals for your family, and lots of recipes.  If you're looking for fun new ideas for delicious recipes that are good for you, this is the magazine for you!

You can find current and past issues in the Science and Technology Room at Central Library.  This magazine can go anywhere in the Library, but does not leave.  Stop by to read it (and use the handy photocopier just steps away to scan and email articles to yourself -- for free!) and get some great ideas about recipes and ways to fuel your body healthfully.

Magazine Monday: Clean Eating

Some wars are supposed to last forever. Lyndon B. Johnson started a war on poverty. Richard Nixon kicked off a war on drugs. Ronald Reagan initiated a war on terror. Poverty, drug use and terror are booming. It’s time to launch another good ol’ war. Let’s make it relevant, cool, hip and infinite. So how about a 21st century war on Cybertheft?  This may sound trifle by comparison to those other wars, but wars are rarely about the actual title we bestow upon them. The war on terror evolved into a war on people living under secular dictators, the war on poverty ended up being a war on poor people, and the war on drugs became a war on black people. The war on Cybertheft will be the war on all people everywhere.

The war on Cybertheft has been simmering since the banks decided to do business online. The threat of “identity theft” should have been a monumentally mobilizing battle cry. But it wasn’t. Oh sure, it spawned a bunch of fear inducing exposés and some mildly successful businesses, but all in all, it failed to generate the zombie apocalypse panic it was supposed to trigger. Luckily, our wise leaders decided to put all our medical information on the Internet. It’s one thing for a Romanian hacker to gain access to your checking account balance, and quite another if Marcel is suddenly able to peruse your history of vaginal yeast infections. It makes no sense really, but the latter seems like an unbearable and humiliating violation of who you are. Wars have been launched for much less than that.

Let me give you an example that is splashed all over the news lately. A nondescript bunch of hackers broke into Democratic Party servers, stole all sorts of documents and emails and provided them to WikiLeaks for publication. This incident proved to be an embarrassment for the global money cartel behind our democratic curtain, and at the same time a great opportunity to score some cheap points in this weird election while stoking the fires of war. Within 24 hours, and with ample assist from corporate media tools, the conversation moved from corrupt, political machinations to an alternate universe where the Kremlin is colluding with insurgents to overthrow the rightful rulers of America. Terrifying stuff.

Back to medical records. There is a major, and very public, wringing of hands in policy and technology circles on how to safeguard the privacy and security of computerized medical records. Huge health care databases seem to get hacked almost on a daily basis. Shady hackers are advertising stolen medical records for sale on the “dark” web. The term “ransomware” is entering the health care vernacular (i.e. hackers asking health related entities to pay for keeping security breaches secret). Some experts say that thieves engage in fraudulent billing (it is a bit unclear to me how a fraudster makes money when the hospital charges you for a fake surgery, unless the hospital is stealing its own data). Other experts are hypothesizing that medical data could be used for personal blackmail (with not one shred of evidence). Hackers are posting screenshots of EMRs saying that this is the data they “stole” (although gaining access to an EMR is not equivalent to having its data). Pretty scary stuff here too, no?

But here is what is not happening. You don’t see curated lists of famous people treated for cooties. You don’t see lists of women who had abortions or of politicians suffering from palmar hyperhidrosis. You don’t really see anything that could be due to theft of strictly medical information and the “samples” posted by hackers are about Social Security numbers, dates of birth, addresses, phone numbers, emails and all the stuff you can steal from a bank. Is this a big deal?  Maybe, but judging by the number and magnitude of security breaches in the last few years, there must be dozens upon dozens of copies of our financial data floating out there and frankly, people seem rather oblivious to the whole thing. We can’t have that. We need some pizzas, some fireworks, like they have in politics.

As I’m writing this, more Democratic Party servers are being hacked, prompting increasingly unhinged conspiracy theories to justify a reboot of the Cold War with Russia, and if we’re lucky a real war. You see, in this election we unfortunately have one candidate who didn’t get the memo outlining the benefits of a nuclear war with Russia. Blabbering about NATO’s lack of purpose and how nice it would be to get along with Putin is not moving us forward. Watching CNN or reading The New York Times or the neo-conservative rags, is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. The Cybertheft attacks on Democratic Party servers are worse than Watergate, maybe worse than Pearl Harbor or 9/11, it’s an attack on our Nation, and there should be stern consequences (did you notice the unusual patriotic rah-rah at this year’s Democratic convention?).

America, we’re under attack. We are being Cyber-attacked on our own soil. A foreign power is attempting regime change in our country by exposing the dirty electioneering of the party currently in power. The question is not how come we have banana republic electioneering. The question is how come Putin dares to point that out. We don’t know if Putin did any such thing, but the theoretical possibility that he might have, or may do so in the future, is reason enough to perhaps slap some more sanctions somewhere, or move a few tanks or submarines closer to the missile shield we just deployed in Romania (?) to protect it from Iran (?). So Annie, get your guns, because Cyberwar is just the prelude.

In health care the war on Cybertheft of essentially financial data is a front for facilitating massive trafficking in actual medical information. The government agencies in charge of health information technology are accelerating the good fight to “protect” security and privacy with its quintessential tools of building awareness, promulgating regulations and funding the creation and enforcement of more regulations. But the war on who gets to be the king cyber thief is getting a bit more interesting, and perhaps more important to humanity, than the Russia-bad-America-good games played on the global theater stage, because while the public is being distracted by the legends of “TheDarkOverlord” who is stealing and selling disconnected phone numbers, the data cartel is emptying the vaults of our collective human dignity.

It was Google that invented the idea of data “liberation” to put a progressive face on its efforts to amass and sell access to personal information. It was the disruptive innovation lobby in health care that ported the data liberation movement to health care in the hopes of lowering the barriers to entry in an exceedingly complex and saturated market. The government bought the idea lock, stock and barrel because governments love surveillance of citizens and because our government is in bed with, or in the pocket of, giant technology companies aspiring to liberate a piece of the $3 Trillion health care market. But something strange happened on the way to data without borders. The government decided to fund Precision Medicine and it awarded the biggest chunk of money to the most vocal advocates for the creative destruction of imprecise medicine.

It didn’t take long to figure out that an academic medical center, as flush with cash as it may be, is no match for Google or Apple when it comes to stealing personal information from millions of people. And it didn’t take long to figure out that data liberation is set up to work in one direction and one direction only – from everywhere, into Google, Apple and other mega-rich Silicon Valley companies.  So after years of pushing the free-market miracles of iPhone medicine and genomic tests, it’s time to demand that government declares personal information to be a “public good” confiscated at will and freely available to tech giants and researchers, because anything else would be, wait for it, racist. Yes, racist, like in discriminatory against non-white minorities. The only thing left to ponder is whether we will be destroyed quickly by external weaponry, or extinguished slowly from the inside out.

On January 17, 1961 President Dwight Eisenhower delivered his farewell address, warning the nation of what he called the military-industrial complex: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” Note the wonderful nuance when he says “sought or unsought”. Whatever arguments, apologies, explanations, justification you may be inclined to offer, that “unwarranted influence” is undeniably here. We chose not to heed Ike’s warning and have been paying in blood and treasure ever since. The balloon payment is right around the corner.

And Ike had one more lesser known warning: “For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers. The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” He saw it clearly. He saw it coming more clearly than we, who are living in it, are seeing it today. From half a century away, Dwight Eisenhower saw the forest in which we wander, lost amongst the trees.

Cyberwar, what is it good for?

In addition to books, movies, and music, the Library has magazines.  Some are part of the reference collection, while others (at the Branches and in Central's café) can be checked out.  The Science and Technology Room at the Central Library houses health information, so that is where you will find the health-related magazines.

And not just magazines; because health information is constantly changing (and hopefully improving), some of the books are also periodically published, whereas others have new editions at less predictable intervals.  For example, the Physician's Desk Reference has a new edition every year, whereas the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is revised as needed.

Here is a list of the health-related magazines available for perusal.  Stay tuned for reviews of these periodicals.

Clean Eating
Consumer Reports On Health
Family Safety and Health
Gluten-free Living
Harvard Health Letter
New England Journal of Medicine
Nutrition Action
Nutrition Today
Townsend Letter
Well Being Journal
Women's Health

Periodicals: a great source of up-to-date information