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It’s about fire. It’s about the wok. You can’t be afraid of high heat and cook this dish.

I tried to follow the recipe as much as possible with the cook book except that I switched the amount for dried shrimp and meat. It wasn’t much like what I’ve eaten in Sichuan restaurants in Malaysia. They tend to make it spicy and tie the whole dish together with cornstarch.

But this version from this book is absolutely dry.

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Dry Cooked String Beans 干煸四季豆

I had 2 extra Dole bananas, after making an order of banoffee pie. They turned spotty and brown really quick in our weather. Didn't want to waste the over ripe bananas, I searched for a buckwheat banana bread or cake. Not knowing whether this existed, hahaha. But it does. So, I then adapted my own recipe with a recipe source to refer to, but I like the idea of adding chocolate chip to the cake.

I’ve only eaten one thing made from buckwheat and that is soba noodles but that is not a bake. I’ve never eaten bakes made with buckwheat, not even buckwheat pancakes. So I was pretty curious about the taste and texture.

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Chocolate Chip Buckwheat Banana Cake

It was in 2001 that I came up with this dish.

It was inspired by my first taste of Agedashi Tofu. And for many years I have cooked it many times, this way.

I've taken the pics of this dish many times throughout the years, starting from the first few months of blogging, and each time I cooked this again.. LOL. I just never shared this recipe for almost 7 years, not that I was reluctant too, but just never got around to do it.

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Seaweed Tofu Rolls 紫菜卷豆腐

Resep Membuat Cilok Bakar Bandung Special - Berbicara tentang cilok , apakah anda salah satu penyuka cilok ? Jika iya anda tepat sekali membuka resep cilok yang kami posting diblog tercinta kami ini . karena pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membahas tentang cilok , yang tentu saja dari resep dan cara membuatnya dengan mudah . Nah jika beberapa waktu lalu kita sudah membahas tentang cilok aci isi daging yang sudah kami posting di Resep Membuat Cilok Daging Enak Special Empuk Kenyal .

Pada malam ini kami akan membagikan anda resep cilok yang cukup unik dan istimewa , yaitu resep cilok bakar bandung . untuk sebagian orang mungkin masih asing dengan cilok bakar khas bandung ini . karena cilok bakar ini sangat khas sekali dari kota bandung dan masih jarang ditemui di kota-kota lainnya . rasa cilok bakar ini masih bertekstur kenyal , seperti tekstur cilok pada umumnya .

Hanya saja cilok bakar bandung memiliki rasa yang lebih gurih dan nendang abies . rasanya kenyal-kenyal gurih dan lezat dengan balutan bumbu bakar yang enak . ehmm , nyumi cilok bakar bandung ini sangat enak sekali dijadikan sebagai camilan keluarga yang murah meriah . pokoknya cilok bakar ini selalu enak disajikan diberbagai suasana . cilok bakar akan terasa lebih enak dan lezat jika disajikan selagi hangat .

Dalam penyajian cilok bakar bandung hampir mirip dengan penyajian aneka sate pada umumnya . yaitu dengan dimasukkan ke tusukan sate , lalu dibakar dengan bumbu bakar yang enak . dalam penggunaan bumbu bakar pada cilok bakar bandung ini memang cukup dibilang sederhana . namun perpaduan bumbu tersebut membuat cilok bakar memiliki citarasa yang istimewa .

Kemudian , Specialnya kami menggunakan isian sosis dan kornet kepada cilok bakar ini . sehingga semakin memperkaya citarasa yang enak dan gurih disetiap suapnya . bagi anda yang penasaran akan rasa enak dan lezatnya cilok bakar , jangan sampai anda melewatkan resep cilok bakar isi kornet dan sosis yang kami bagikan kali ini . karena cilok bakar bandung ini wajib dicoba sebagai hidangan camilan keluarga yang enak dan lezat .

Lalu apa saja sih , bahan-bahan yang digunakan dan cara membuat cilok bakar isi sosis kornet khas bandung ini ? berikut adalah Resep dan cara membuat cilok bakar isi sosis kornet khas bandung dengan mudah .

Resep Membuat Cilok Bakar Bandung Special

Resep Membuat Cilok Bakar Bandung Special

Bahan Dan Bumbu Dasar Cilok Bakar :

  • Aci atau tepung tapioka 150 gram
  • Tepung terigu 2 sendok makan
  • Bawang putih halus 1/2 sendok teh
  • Air panas mendidih 300 mili liter
  • Garam dan penyedap rasa secukupnya 

Bahan Isi Cilok Bakar :

  • Kornet daging ayam atau sapi 70 gram
  • Sosis sapi atau sosis ayam 1 buah ( ukuran sedang )
  • Garam dan merica secukupnya

Bahan Pelengkap Cilok Bakar :

  • Margarin 
  • Kecap manis
  • Saus sambal
  • Tusukan sate
  • Air Untuk merebus 

Cara Membuat Cilok Bakar :

  1. Cilok : Langkah awal campurkan semua bahan-bahan cilok , lalu aduk semua bahan hingga rata lalu tuang air panas sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan hingga adonan kalis dan bisa dibentuk .
  2. Isi : pertama-tama aduk rata kornet daging dengan garam dan merica . sisihkan .
  3. Selanjutnya bentuk adonan cilok bulat-bulat seperti bakso yang berukuran kecil , pipihkan terlebih dahulu lalu beri isi kornet kemudian bulatkan kembali . sedangkan untuk sosis nya , pipihkan adonan cilok seukuran sosis lalu gulung hingga sosis tertutup .
  4. Setelah itu masukkan adonan cilok ke dalam air yang sudah dididihkan kemudian angkat setelah adonan cilok tersebut mengapung di permukaan . kemudian tiriskan lalu tusuk-tusuk 3-4 buah bulatan cilok dalam satu batang seperti layaknya menusuk sate . untuk isi sosis potong-potong terlebih dahulu baru deh ditusuk seperti sate . campur rata saus sambal dan kecap , lumuri semua cilok tersebut dengan rata .
  5. kemudian siapkan teflon , panaskan dengan sedikit margarin lalu bakar cilok di atas api sedang , bolak balik agar cilok dapat matang merata sempurna , angkat dan sajikan .
  6. Cilok bakar bandung siap disajikan selagi hangat .

Demikian Resep Membuat Cilok Bakar Bandung Special yang dapat anda coba dirumah . bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan sangat mudah dicari dan terjangkau , sehingga akan memudahkan anda untuk membuatnya kapanpun anda mau . so , selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan resep cilok bakar bandung yang kami bagikan kali ini . buka juga Resep camilan lainnya seperti Resep Membuat Tahu Tempe Mendoan Pedas yang patut anda coba sebagai camilan yang gurih atau sebagai lauk sederhana keluarga . 

Terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com , semoga resep-resep yang kami bagikan dapat bermanfaat untuk anda . jika anda menyukai artikel Resep Membuat Cilok Bakar Bandung Special yang kami bagikan kali ini , jangan lupa like dan share kemedia sosial anda sepeti facebook , twitter atau google plus yah . sampai bertemu diartikel resep selanjutnya , sekian :)

Resep Membuat Cilok Bakar Bandung Special

I don't even remember when did I make this. But I remembered I was hosting a dinner for relatives.

I was hesitant to post this, as it didn't look pretty, because I compared it with Tesco's picture.
Why did I didn't get the same effect?

I thought I will bake this again one day and get a nicer shot, as it tasted really good. But after all these years... I just never got around doing it a second time. I shouldn't wait any longer.

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Rhubarb Bakewell Tart

I loved to cook this when I was a teenager. It was easy and yummy.

Some people pick the ends of the sprouts to make the dish look more presentable. For me, I can't be bothered about it. It's not that they are inedible.

It's quite a no brainer dish, just go with your heart, as much of everything as you like :)
Add in some sliced chilli if you like it with some heat.

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Beansprouts with Chinese Sausages and Egg 腊肠蛋炒牙菜

Interoperability in health care is all the rage now. After publishing a ten year interoperability plan, which according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is well position to protect us from wanton market competition and heretic innovations, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) published the obligatory J'accuse report on information blocking, chockfull of vague anecdotal innuendos and not much else. Nowadays, every health care conversation with every expert, every representative, every lobbyist and every stakeholder, is bound to turn to the lamentable lack of interoperability, which is single handedly responsible for killing people, escalating costs of care, physician burnout, poverty, inequality, disparities, and whatever else seems inadequate in our Babylonian health care system. 

When you ask the people genuinely upset at this utter lack of interoperability, what exactly they feel is lacking, the answer is invariably that EHRs should be able to talk to each other, and there is no excuse in this 21st iCentury for such massive failure in communications. The whole thing needs to be rebooted, it seems. After pouring tens of billions of dollars into building the infrastructure for interoperability, we are discovering to our dismay that those pesky EHRs are basically antisocial and are totally incapable or unwilling to engage in interoperability. The suggested solutions range from beating the EHRs into submission to just throwing the whole lackluster lot out and starting fresh to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars more. When it comes to sacred interoperability, money is not an object. It’s about saving lives.

As the HIMSS15 extravaganza is getting under way, and every EHR vendor flush with cash from the Meaningful Use bonanza is preparing to take its unusable product to the next level, machine interoperability is shaping up to be the belle of the ball. A simple minded person may be tempted to wonder why people who, for decades, manufactured and sold EHRs that don’t talk to each other, are all of a sudden possessed by interoperability fever. The answer is deceptively simple. After exhausting the artificially created market for EHRs, these powerful captains of industry figured out that extracting rents for machine interoperability is the next big thing.

The initial pocket change comes from selling machine interoperability to their current bewildered (or stupefied) clients, and to less fortunate EHR vendors. But the eventual windfall will not come from the health care delivery system or the hapless patients caught in its web. How much do you think access to a national and hopefully global network of just-in-time medical and personal data is worth to, say, a pharmaceutical company giant? How about life insurance, auto insurance, mortgage, agribusiness, cosmetics, homeland security, retail, transportation? Google built an empire by piecing together disjointed bits of personal data flowing through its electronic spider webs. What do you think can be built by combining everything Google knows with everything your doctor knows and everything you know about yourself?

Machine interoperability is not about patient care in the here and now. Interoperability is not about ensuring that all clinicians have the information they need to treat their patients, or that patients have all the information they need to properly care for themselves. Interoperability is about enriching a set of interoperability infrastructure and service providers and about electronic surveillance of both doctors and their patients. Machine interoperability is about control, power and boatloads of hard cash.

For example, if you are hospitalized, it makes sense that your primary care doctor should know that you are (not in the past tense), and when you are discharged, he or she should be appraised of what transpired during your hospital stay. In the old days, before the advent of hospitalists, this could be assumed. Today, thanks to more efficient division of labor, not so much. If the government was genuinely concerned about smooth transitions of care, it would mandate that upon discharge, hospitals must provide all pertinent information to the primary care doctor, and the patient, by any means necessary. If this meant that a piece of paper is stapled to the patient’s robe, and that the hospital employs an army of delivery drones for the purpose, so be it. Eventually, hospitals, which are big businesses, would come up with the most cost effective and efficient way to be compliant with the law.

That’s not how things currently work or how they are envisioned to work. Discharge summaries have a mandated format of structured data elements, complete with metadata, based on government approved standards that change with frightening regularity. Furthermore, to satisfy regulations, the summaries must be generated and transmitted electronically from one “certified” EHR to another, allowing for a host of intermediaries to access and collect said data or at the very least its metadata. Consulting with the PCP by phone for an hour doesn’t count. Sending the information from a non-certified software package doesn’t count. Printing and sending over information by special courier doesn’t even begin to count. Attempting to build a device that streams the information as it happens directly into the PCP medical record will get you excommunicated or burned at the stake.

If you refer a patient to cardiology service, and in a misguided senior moment decide to pick up the phone and talk to the cardiologist at length about this patient, it doesn’t count. If the cardiologist pens a concise and beautiful letter to you after she sees your patient, thanking you for the referral and summarizing her impressions and plan of care in proper English, it doesn’t count. The only thing that counts is a lengthy clinical summary containing all the sanctioned data elements sent from you to the cardiologist, copied in its entirety and returned from the cardiologist to you, hopefully with some indication about what happened during the consult. Having your EHRs talk to each other this way is considered interoperability. Whether you actually read the interoperated information is irrelevant. As long as the contents are captured by the network for other uses, it’s all good.

But wait, there is more. If you practice, say, in St. Louis, Missouri and work for a huge health system or somehow managed to string together a machine interoperable network with the twenty or so specialists you use on a regular basis and the four hospitals where you have admitting privileges, that’s not good enough. Nothing is good enough unless any research lab in Hopewell, New Jersey or Bangalore, India can discover you on the (inter)national interoperability network and request data about a patient you may have treated five years ago, and nothing will be good enough unless any app store developer in Cupertino, California can discover your patient and subsequently obtain her medical data once she downloads a free diet app from iTunes.

Are you “just” a patient eager to be “engaged” in your own care? Picking a doctor who will spend two hours with you listening carefully and explaining things you don’t understand, and who will give you his cellphone number in case you have more questions, doesn’t count. Getting a team of physicians together on a conference call to brainstorm about your mom’s options, doesn’t count. Building a long term relationship with your pediatrician and having her come see your sick kid at home because your car is in the shop and your toddler can’t keep any food down, and now the baby won’t stop crying, doesn’t even register on the interoperability radar. Nothing counts unless you log into a website or an app, accept the cookies, the tracking beacons, the small print, and then click on some buttons to verify that you are a “Never smoker”, or to peruse machine generated visit notes that even your doctors don’t read anymore.

Perhaps machine interoperability on a national scale is a wonderful thing, but so is having arugula in every fridge. There is absolutely no evidence that either one will improve health and/or reduce the price of care. Every dollar spent on national machine interoperability is a dollar that was previously used, or could be used, to provide medical care. Where did we find the moral fortitude to demand that people experience adverse outcomes at least three times before letting them have a slightly more expensive pill, while spending billions of dollars to incentivize the purchase of unproven and often failing technologies? If we are supposed to be parsimonious in our use of health care resources, if we are supposed to choose wisely in all other areas, where is the comparative effectiveness research showing that expensive machine interoperability on a grandiose global scale provides more value than cheaper and simpler localized or human mediated communications?
  • Add one doctor visit for every Medicare beneficiary for the next 8 years
  • Give primary care a 20% raise for the next 4 years
  • Double the number of residencies for the next 3 years
  • Educate 60,000 new primary care doctors from scratch
  • Buy an iPhone glucose monitor for every diabetic patient and an iPhone BP monitor for every hypertensive patient (no, I'm not a "technophobe")
  • Put a brand new playground, a gym teacher and a home economics teacher in every elementary school in the U.S.
  • End homelessness in America
These are some of the things we could do with the billions of dollars spent on machine interoperability. Which has more value for our collective health? How did health care become a fully owned subsidiary of the computer industry? Who authorized this unholy acquisition and how much were those brokers paid? Have we forfeited our right to choose, or even know, how endless fortunes are steadily interoperating out of our treasury and into the hands of global technology firms? Publishing fuzzy ten year plans on obscure websites, so the Technorati can tweak them, doesn’t count. Publishing thousands of pages of regulations in the federal register, so interest groups can preview the fruits of their labor, doesn’t count either. Raiding public coffers to please friends and family and to curry political favors is hardly a disruptive innovation, so let’s just call it what it is.

Value-based Interoperability: Less is more

Mango season is almost here. Almost.

I haven't been posting a nice crepe recipe here since the not so nice Durian Pancake Rolls. After that, I read up on a few other recipes and then, I found this recipe. I used this recipe and then changed it to metric, and kept it this way for more than 3 years, making breakfast crepes exactly the same way. My kids love it.

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Mango Mille Crepe Cake

According to OECD data, Americans see doctors less frequently than people in any developed nation. We are hospitalized less frequently and we stay in the hospital less time than citizens of other nations. The vast majority of Americans, more than any other nation, describe themselves as healthy, and America has the largest percentage of young people in its population. So why is health care in America so much more expensive than it is in all those other developed countries? In the US, we spend more than twice as much as the nearest nation on administrative activities (over $200 billion per year). We also pay a lot more for each hospital stay, in spite of it being shorter. We pay orders of magnitude more for each imaging test and we are paying a hefty price for medications we probably shouldn’t be taking. All of these things amount to one major difference between America and the (largely socialist) developed nations: our unit pricing for medical services is completely out of whack.

Ignoring simple math, the government of the United States in cahoots with insurance companies, and a host of other global business interests, is hell bent on having Americans use even less medical services than the modest amounts they are currently using. This may be medically questionable, but one could see how overall health care expenditures could be reduced, if and only if, unit prices were held constant. To the certain dismay of every fourth grader learning how to multiply big numbers, the government is simultaneously encouraging unprecedented increases in unit prices.

By promulgating a flurry of complex regulations, the government is eliminating all small and lean medical facilities in favor of large quasi monopolistic entities able and willing to raise unit prices at will. On an individual business level these health care conglomerates are also seeing healthy increases in service volumes, driven by mass destruction of their competitors. Higher unit prices coupled with higher volume is a sure recipe for higher profits, even when discounting for extra costs of compliance with regulations, and decreased utilization on a personal patient level. Health insurers couldn’t care less about the allocation between volume and unit price, as long as total expenditures remain the same, or the increase is covered by taxpayer largesse and/or individual out of pocket responsibilities.

The net result is that when you buy fewer tomatoes, but you buy them all at the one mega store, and pay twice as much for each tomato, you get less tomatoes and the mega store gets more money. Since greed has no boundaries, maybe we can substitute ketchup for your tomatoes? Herein lays the value in value-based utilization of medical services, or tomatoes, because bait and switch is an honorable and time tested business model. There is however a minor problem. What if the cashier refuses to cooperate and walks out? This of course is what thwarted value-based extraction of wealth in the nineties. Somehow, things seem different now. People are becoming increasingly convinced that ketchup is just a more convenient form of tomatoes, while doctors are increasingly willing to peddle Heinz and none more so than primary care physicians.

Direct Primary Care

At one time all care was direct and most care was primary care. You called the doctor, he came to your house, did whatever he did, and before he left you gave him some sort of payment for his services, directly from your hand to his hand. If you had nothing to give, you went without, or relied on the doctor’s charitable nature, if he had one. Later on, you obtained health insurance, and you could send the receipt from your doctor to your insurer, and the insurer would reimburse you for all or part of the money you paid your doctor. Today, you sign a form to reassign your health insurance reimbursement to your doctor and let the two of them duke it out over proper reimbursements. A few decades ago, representatives of all doctors got together and recommended to the government, the largest health insurance payer in the country, that primary care work is essentially worthless. The government and all other insurers agreed.

A few disenchanted primary care doctors decided to bypass this unfair (to them) system and opened little concierge practices, where they charged what they believed their services are worth and where the patients paid directly to the physician owner. Just like an expert cupcake maker does not open a little bakery store to solve world hunger problems, these concierge docs never presumed that what they do is a solution for the national health care fiasco. They are small business owners who want to make a decent living by doing something they love doing, and are presumably very good at.

As is usually the case, some people figured out how to monetize this disenchantment with the system. Today, the direct primary care (DPC) moniker has been hijacked by a more ambitious business proposition. Establishments calling themselves DPC today are usually founded by entrepreneurial primary care physicians with the explicit goal of creating national chains of primary care clinics where practicing doctors are employees or franchise managers, like Starbucks or McDonald’s. DPC chains charge subscription fees hovering around $1,000 per patient per year regardless of utilization. This is significantly more than a primary care physician is paid by the typical mix of insurance plans. In return for the higher unit price, DPC chains promise to provide superior services, better doctors, higher availability, longer visits, and a host of ancillary benefits ranging from Skype visits to personal trainers (Tomatoes).

The DPC chains were never intended to be truly direct pay practices, but they did purport to offer doctors who were too frightened to hang out their own shingle, another way to practice medicine free of micromanaging insurers. That didn’t last long, because most health care money (public and private) is controlled by health plans, and because venture capital is not in the habit of forgoing its obscene and customary returns on investment. Hence, these venture capital funded DPC chains are actively seeking and some already have contracts with the same evil health insurance companies their employed physicians were trying to avoid. The directness of this model, which was tenuous from the get go, is now practically nonexistent.

Since the entire DPC terminology is headed straight down the drain, Todd Hixon, founder and managing partner at New Atlantic Ventures is suggesting a much more accurate definition of this model of primary care: “Population Management Primary Care (PMPC), a new business model based on retainer plus value-based payments to manage a set of customers”. First, “independent payers (health plans, large employers, managed care organizations) will want to work with strong Population Management Primary Care companies to manage their members to good health at affordable cost”. Second, “PMPC providers will need to integrate with retail medicine providers, and also integrate with virtual medicine providers, or become partly virtual themselves”, so they can “equal” the lower pricing of these “other primary care providers” for delivering “low-acuity care more efficiently” (Ketchup).

At this point there is not even a sliver of daylight between the old HMO doctor and the brave new PMPC doctor. No worries though, America, because Mr. Hixon, who is actively investing in PMPC companies, is assuring us that “the comfortable, simple primary care of Marcus Welby, MD is long gone, but if Dr. Welby came back and took a look at what is happening, he might like what he sees”. Or he might just hang himself from the first available chandelier.

The Primary Care Journey from Tomatoes to Ketchup

5 Resep Membuat Kue Basah Jajanan Pasar Tradisional - Hay , para koki Harian Resep , ketemu lagi dengan blog kami yah . kali ini kami akan membagikan kumpulan resep kue basah ala pasar tradisional yang enak dan khas . resep kue basah ini berisi 5 resep kue basah yang dapat menjadi referensi di setiap acara anda . misalnya acara arisan , kumpul keluarga , syukuran dan lain sebagainya . 

Jika berbicara tentang kue basah tradisional , aneka kue basah ini sering juga disebut dengan kue jajanan pasar . dari dulu hingga sekarang pun bermacam-macam kue basah yang dapat kita jumpai di pasar tardisional . dari aneka bentuk dan kreasi yang semakin beragam yang membuat kita tak ingin melewatkan jajanan pasar tersebut . baik jajanan pasar yang sederhana hingga modern bahkan dengan penggunaan bahan yang lebih bervariasi dan menarik .

Selain itu , dibeberapa daerah yang masih ada ritual-ritual budaya nya yang menyajikan hidangan kue khas tradisional ikut berperan dalam melestarikan dan kembali mengingatkan kita betapa kayanya variasi jajanan pasar tradisional indonesia . bukan hanya citarasa enak yang dirasa namun memilik bentuk dan warna yang tentu saja menggoda selera . biasanya kue basah jajanan pasar ini dapat kita jumpai diwaktu habis shubuh hingga siang hari saja . namun sekarang banyak juga kue basah jajanan pasar tradisional yang sudah masuk kedalam toko-toko kue yang biasanya di mall-mall dan lain sebagainya .

Kue basah tersebut biasanya adalah kue lumpur , serabi solo , Bolu kukus mekar , kue pukis , kue cenil dan aneka kue lainnya . nah jika beberapa waktu lalu kami sudah membagikan aneka resep kue basah tersebut dengan terpisah . untuk saat ini kami akan merangkum kelima resep kue basah salah satu jajanan pasar tradisional yang enak ini dalam satu resep . hal ini tentu saja akan memudahkan anda dalam melihat atau memilih resep kue basah mana yang akan anda coba terlebih dahulu .

5 Resep Membuat Kue Basah Jajanan Pasar Tradisional

5 Resep Membuat Kue Basah Jananan Pasar Tradisional

Yasudah , untuk anda yang ingin mencoba aneka resep kue basah yang kami bagikan kali ini silahkan siapkan bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan ya . anda dapat mencari bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dipasar tradisional ataupun di toko bahan kue . jika semua sudah siap , baru deh ikuti cara membuat ke lima resep kue basah pasar tradisionalnya seperti dibawah ini . selamat mencoba :)

Pertama , Resep Membuat Kue Lumpur 

Resep Membuat Kue Lumpur

Bahan-bahan Kue Lumpur :

  • Kentang 125 gram ( dikukus , lalu haluskan )
  • Tepung terigu 250 gram
  • Santan 400 mili liter ( dari 65 mili liter santan kara + air )
  • Margarin cair 125 gram
  • Telur 2 butir
  • Gula pasir 125 gram
  • Garam 1/4 sendok teh
  • Vanili 1/4 sendok teh

Bahan Toping Kue Lumpur :

  • Daging Kelapa muda secukupnya
  • Keju cheddar secukupnya
  • Kismis Secukupnya

Cara Membuat Kue Lumpur :

  1. Langkah awal kocok telur , gula pasir , dan vanili dengan mixer kecepatan sedang selama 10 menit . masukkan kentang yang sudah dihaluskan , aduk rata . lalu masukkan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk hingga rata .
  2. Setelah itu tuang santan , garam , dan margarin , aduk hingga rata . setelah itu saringa adonan agar lembut dan tidak ada yang menggumpal .
  3. Kemudian panaskan cetakan kue lumpur dan olesi tipis dengan maragarin . tuang adonan hingga penuh lalu masak di atas api kecil agar matang merata serta tidak gosong .
  4. Jika kue sudah setengah matang , beri toping yang sudah disediakan di atasnya . tunggu hingga bagian atas kue padat dan matang , lalu angkat .
  5. Kue lumpur pun siap untuk disajikan .

Resep kue lumpur ini hanya untuk 14 buah kue lumpur saja , jika anda ingin membuatnya lebih banyak atau sebaliknya silahkan tambahakan atau kurangi bahan-bahan yang digunakan sesuai dengan takaran :) .

Kedua , Resep Membuat Serabi Solo 

Resep Membuat Serabi Solo

Bahan-bahan Serabi Solo :

  • Tepung terigu 1 sendok makan
  • Gula pasir 1 sendok makan
  • Ragi instan 5 gram
  • Air 50 mili liter
  • Tepung beras 250 gram
  • Gula pasir 125 gram
  • Telur 1 butir
  • Santan 500 mili liter ( dari 200 mili liter santan kara yang di campur air )

Bahan Toping Serabi Solo :

  • Keju parut secukupnya
  • Meses secukupnya
  • Dan lain sebagainya sesuai selera

Cara Membuat Serabi Solo :

  1. Langkah awal buat biang terlebih dahulu , yaitu campur tepung terigu , 1 sendok makan gula pasir , ragi dan air lalu aduk hingga rata . diamkan adonan minimal selama 5 menit .
  2. Selanjutnya campurkan tepung beras , gula pasir , telur , adonan biang dan sedikit santan . uleni dengan tangan hingga semua bahan tercampur rata dan gula larut , baru deh tuangi semua sisa santannya . aduk adonan hingga rata lalu diamkan adonan minimal selama 1 jam .
  3. Setelah itu panaskan cetakan serabi anti lengket atau wajan cekung yang anti lengket dengan menggunakan api kecil . tuang 1 sendok sayur adonan dan langsung tekan adonan dengan sendok sayur tersebut sambil sedikit digoyang memutar untuk membentuk penggirannya lalu tutup . lakukan dengan cepat saat adonan baru selesai dituang , jika sedikit lama maka adonan akan mengental dan menjadi sulit membentuk pinggirannya .
  4. Terakhir tutup wajan dan masak hingga matang sekitar 4 menit , buka tutup lalu angkat . lengkapi penyajiannya dengan aneka toping sesuai dengan selera .
  5. Serabi solo yang enak siap dinikmati selagi hangat .

Ketiga , Resep Membuat Bolu Kukus Mekar 

Resep Membuat Bolu Kukus Mekar

Bahan-bahan Bolu Kukus Mekar :

  • Tepung terigu protein sedang 275 gram
  • Sprite atau air soda yang masih fres 200 mili liter
  • Gula pasir 200 gram
  • Telur 2 butir
  • Baking powder 1/2 sendok teh
  • TBM 2 sendok teh ( emulsifier )
  • Vanili essens 1/2 sendok teh 
  • Aneka aroma pasta warna-warni

Cara Membuat Bolu Kukus Mekar :

  1. Langkah awal kocok telur , gula pasir , dan emulsifier dengan mixer kecepatan tinggi hingga kaku dan kental selama 10 menit .
  2. Setelah itu masukkan campuran terigu dan baking powder , jangan lupa diayak terlebih dahulu ya agar adonan tidak menggumpal . masukkan vanili , lalu masukkan air soda sedikit demi sedikit sambil di aduk perlahan . kocok lagi sebentar dengan mixer supaya adonan tercampur dengan rata .
  3. Jika anda ingin membuat 4 variasi warna , 3 warna ambil masing-masing 6 sendok makan adonan lalu campur rata masing-masingnya dengan warna pasta yang dipilih . sedangkan sisa adonan untuk warna dasarnya diberi pasta putih atau rasa sesuai selera , aduk rata . sementara itu panaskan kukusan dengan air secukupnya atau jangan sampai penuh hingga benar-benar mendidih .
  4. Selanjutnya tuanga donan putih ke dalam cetakan bolu kukus berlubang yang sudah dilapisi cup kertas dan lanjutkan dengan sedikit adonan warna lainnya hingga penuh atau sejajar dengan cetekan . masukkan dalam kukusan dengan diberi jarak karena tidak mengapa jika adonan dibiarkan menunggu giliran .
  5. Kukus selama 10 menit dengan api besar , tutup kukusan dengan dialasi kain serbet agar uap air tidak ada yang menetes . buka tutup kukusan setelah 10 menit , lalu hasilnya dapat menjadi 16 bolu kukus mekar .
  6. Bolu Kukus Mekar siap disajikan .

Keempat , Resep Membuat Kue Pukis 

Resep Membuat Kue Pukis

Bahan-bahan Kue Pukis : 

  • Tepung terigu 125 gram
  • Gula pasir 125 gram
  • Santan 150 mili liter ( dari 65 mili santan kara yang dicampur air , didihkan terlebih dahulu )
  • Ragi Instan 1/2 sendok teh
  • Telur 2 butir
  • Keju cheddar 35 gram ( diparut )
  • Margarine secukupnya ( digunakan untuk mengoles cetakan )
  • Coklat meses ( digunakan untuk toping )
  • Keju parut ( digunakan untuk toping )
  • Pasta pandan ( digunakan untuk kur pukis pandan )

Cara Membuat Kue Pukis :

  1. Langkah awal , kocok telur dan gula pasir dengan menggunakan mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga adonan mengembang dan halus lalu turunkan kecepatan mixer menjadi sedang .
  2. Selanjutnya campurkan tepung terigu dan ragi instan , aduk rata kemudian masukkan ke dalam kocokan telur sedikit demis sedikit sambil diaduk hingga rata . tuangkan snatan yang sudah dididihkan tadi , aduk hingga rata lalu matikan mixer dan istirahatkan adonan selama 30 menit .
  3. Setelah itu masukkan keju serta pasta pandan dalam adonan , aduk rata kemudian tuang ke dalam cetakan kue pukis yang sudah dipanaskan di atas api kecil dan diolesi dengan margarin . isi adonan dengan tidak sampai penuh karena nanti akan mengembang . tutup dan masak hingga setengah matang lalu taburi dengan meses dan toping lainnya lalu tutup kembali . masak hingga matang dan bagian bawah berubah warna menjadi kecoklatan .
  4. Kue pukis siap disajikan .

Kelima , Resep Membuat Kue Cenil 

Resep Membuat Kue Cenil

Bahan-bahan Kue Cenil :

  • Tepung kanji 400 gram ( dilarutkan dengan 60 mili liter air )
  • Air 215 mili liter air
  • Garam 1 sendok teh
  • Pewarna makanan Secukupnya
  • Air 2000 mili liter ( digunakan untuk merebus )
  • Daun pandan 8-10 lembar ( diporong-potong )
  • Kelapa setengah tua 1/2 butir ( kupas lalu parut memanjang )
  • Garam 1 sendok teh
  • Gula pasir 6 sendok makan

Cara Membuat Kue Cenil :

  1. Langkah awal didihkan air dan garam di atas api sedang . lalu masukkan larutan tepung kanji sambil diaduk hingga adonan mengental , angkat .
  2. Setelah itu aduk terus hingga adonan mengental rata dan agak dingin , campurkan sisa tepung kanji sedikit demi sedikit ke dalamnya . uleni hingga rata , lalu bagi adonan menjadi 3 bagian dan masing-masing nya diberi warna .
  3. Selanjutnya ambil 1 sendok makan adonan setiap warna lalu rekatkan menjadi satu , gulung bentuk panjang sebesar kelingking lalu potong-potong .
  4. Masak air dan daun pandan hingga mendidih . kecilkan api lalu tutup panci , masak hingga aroma pandan meresap . buang daun pandan , masukkan adonan yang sudah dipotong-potong lalu masak hingga mengapung ( kurang lebih selama 5 menit ) . angkat .
  5. Gulingkan ke dalam kelapa parut yang sudah dicampur dengan garam , lalu hidangkan dengan taburan gula pasir .

Demikian Resep dan Cara Membuat Kelima Kue basah jajanan pasar tradisionalnya , cukup mudah bukan ? selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan 5 Resep Membuat Kue Basah Jajanan Pasar Tradisional yang kami bagikan kali ini . buka juga artikel resep yang menarik lainnya seperti Resep Membuat Kue Rangin Pancong Dan Tips yang patut dicoba . terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com , semoga resep-resep yang kami bagikan dapat bermanfaat . sekian :)

5 Resep Membuat Kue Basah Jajanan Pasar Tradisional

Kuih Bakar Pandan is a dense and rich baked cake, almost like a tropical clafoutis, but better.

Some people do it in a flower shaped mould and hence the name changes to Kuih Bakar Kemboja. I'm not sure the Kemboja here refers to the Frangipani (Plumeria obtusa) or Cambodia, the country. In the Malay language, the same word is used for both flower and the country.

Anyway, I'm just baking it in a pan, so, it just stays with Kuih Bakar Pandan. :)
Easy, no confusion.

Click to continue ..........

Kuih Bakar Pandan

Next week is National Library Week, and what better way to celebrate than by attending an event in the Healthy Living series put together by the St. Louis Public Library.  There are two options (go to both or either), both at the Library's Buder Branch:
  • Tuesday April 14 at 6:30 p.m.
    •  Marlene Chertok, founder of the St. Louis Laughter Club, and a Registered Nurse and certified laughter yoga leader, will lead Laughter Yoga – Laugh for the Health of it!  Developed by a physician from Mumbai, India, laughter yoga will help you to stay in high spirits when life throws you challenges. It will enhance your ability to laugh and smile when dealing with negative emotions, situations, and negative or difficult people. Instructor. This session is open to people of all ages and abilities and to anyone who wants to laugh!

  • Thursday April 16 at 6:30 p.m. 
    • OASIS will provide a free beginners exercise class to teach about the benefits of exercise and how to improve functional fitness.  Participants will learn basic exercises that are not only safe and effective, but energizing and fun! This is a low impact exercise program.

Celebrate National Library Week with Laughter Yoga and Exercise

I miss the smell of fresh bread from the oven, but kneading bread made from bread flour takes too much of my time. I was googling for some recipe and this image caught my attention. It was an image from a bakery in Poland, .. and the strawberry and the crumble and the icing, so yum looking.......but no recipe. So, I used the name and googled for a recipe.  And settled with this recipe. My mind just kept thinking about it for days until I finally got my strawberries and turned my thoughts into reality.

Click to continue ..........

Strawberry Crumble Buns

7 Resep Menu Masakan Sehari-Hari Dan Tips - Halo , selamat malam koki dapur Harian Resep . pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan berbagi Resep Masakan Indonesia sehari-hari . yang tentu saja yang mudah dipratekkan dirumah langsung dari dapur tercinta anda . penasaran ? yuck simak baik-baik artikel resep menu masakan yang akan kami bagikan kali ini .

Untuk seorang perempuan , istri atau ibu dari anak-anak tentu saja selalu memiliki peran utama dalam rumah tangga . misalnya mengatur kerapihan rumah dan tentu saja mengatur menu masakan keluarga sehari-hari . hal ini sangat penting dalam keluarga , karena masakan yang disajikan untuk keluarga dapat berpengaruh terhadap keharmonisan keluarga . maka dari itu seorang perempuan itu selain dapat mendidik anak-anak nya kelak dan dapat mengatur rumah , seorang wanita juga diwajibkan untuk bisa memasak .

Rasanya ada yang kurang ya bun , jika seorang wanita tidak dapat memanjakan keluarganya dengan hasil karyanya didapur . karena sebuah masakan yang sering kali membuat orang rindu terhadap si pemasak . misalnya seorang anak yang jauh dari orang tua selain rindu ingin bertemu tentu saja pasti rindu akan masakannya bukan ? oleh karena itu bagi anda para ibu muda , jangan bosan-bosan ya membuka aneka resep masakan , kue , minuman , sambal dan lain sebagainya di blog kami .

Kurangnya variasi dalam menu makan yang disajikan disetiap harinya dapat menimbulkan kebosanan dan berdampak terhadap selera makan sehingga kehangatan dalam keluarga berkurang . sedangkan dengan melakukan penyusunan daftar menu masakan sehari-hari , anda dapat mengatur anggaran belanja disetiap harinya . memilih menu makanan yang sehat , bergizi , memiliki rasa enak dan bervariasi tentu saja merupakan sesuatu yang harus benar-benar diperhatikan .

7 Resep Menu Masakan Sehari-Hari Dan Tips

7 Resep Menu Masakan Sehari-Hari Dan Tips

Jika hal ini dapat diterapkan dalam rumah tangga anda , tentunya akan memberikan kepuasan tersendiri bagi anda dan semua anggota keluarga anda bukan ? oleh karena itu akan semakin baik jika pengaturan menu makan anda sehari-hari dijadikan prioritas utama , terutama bagi pasangan suami istri yang baru menjalani kehidupan barunya . nah , bagi anda yang belum pandai memasak , kesampingkan terlebih dahulu rasa takut anda tentang dapur .

Karena kita akan memulai dengan masakan sehari-hari yang mudah dan praktis dengan bahan-bahan sederhana yang mudah didapat di tempat belanja yang terdekat dari rumah anda . untuk menjadi ibu rumah tangga yang baik mulailah dari sekarang melatih dan membiasakan mengolah atau memasak sendiri makanan utama maupun makanan pelangkap agar kebersihan makanan yang disajikan keluarga lebih terjamin akan kesehatannya .

Lalu menu masakan apa saja sih yang dapat kita sajikan sehari-hari untuk keluarga yang enak , lezat , sederhana , bergizi dan murah ? berikut 7 kumpulan masakan sehari-hari yang dapat anda sajikan untuk keluarga tercinta beserta dengan Tips yang akan membantu anda menentukan menu makanan yang baik untuk keluarga tercinta anda dirumah .

7 Daftar Menu Masakan Sehari-hari Sederhana Dalam Seminggu

7 Daftar Menu Masakan Sehari-hari Sederhana Dalam Seminggu

Pertama , Resep Menu Masakan Senin :

  • Ayam Goreng
  • Tumis Kangkung 
  • Sambal Goreng

Kedua , Resep Menu Masakan Selasa :

  • Ikan bakar atau pepes ikan 
  • Sayur Asem 
  • Tempe Goreng

Ketiga , Resep Menu Masakan Rabu :

  • Udang Goreng Tepung
  • Sayur Bayam
  • Pepes tahu

Keempat , Resep Menu Masakan Kamis :

  • Sate Ayam 
  • Capcay 
  • Perkedel kentang

Kelima , Resep Menu Masakan Jum'at :

  • Gado-gado
  • Asin sambal roti
  • Tempe mendoan

Keenam , Resep Menu Masakan Sabtu :

  • Rendang daging atau dendeng balado
  • Oreg Tempe
  • Sayur Bening Oyong

Ketujuh , Resep Menu Masakan Minggu :

  • Sup Makaroni
  • Salad sayur
  • Steak daging sapi

Daftar masakan diatas dapat anda lihat resep dan cara membuatnya di blog kami harianresep.blogspot.com yang berisi ribuan resep masakan terenak , lezat dan tentu saja mudah untuk dicoba . oh iya , daftar menu makanan diatas hanya bersifat sebagai referensi terhadap banyak sekali menu masakan yang dapat anda temukan di blog kami Harian Resep . kami sarankan untuk memilih menu masakan yang disesuaikan dengan selera anda dan keluarga . tentu saja yang terpenting adalah anggaran belanja serta jadwal kegiatan anda sehari-hari . 

Selain membuat daftar menu masakan sehari-hari , anda juga harus melihat pola makan sehat keluarga disetiap harinya . untuk itu kami akan membagikan beberapa Tips pola makan yang sehat dan benar disetiap harinya seperti berikut ini .

Tips Pola Makan Sehat Sehari-hari :

  1. Untuk Tips pola makan yang pertama adalah makanan yang beraneka ragam . jangan sekali-kali anda mencoba untuk mengisi kebutuhan gizi anda dan keluarga dengan menu makanan yang sama pada setiap hari nya . selain mendapatkan semua nutrisi yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh , dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang beraneka ragam kita juga dapat membatasi anda dari pestisida atau zat beracun yang mungkin ada ddialam satu makanan tertentu . 
  2. Jangan lupa perbanyak makan makanan yang kaya akan serat seperti buah-buahan , sayuran , kacang-kacangan , dan gandum . 
  3. Kurangi memakan makanan yang berbahan dasar daging berlemak . karena lemak jenuh akan meningkatkan kadar kolesterol darah dan memiliki efek yang merugikan bagi kesehatan tubuh . lebih baik pilih daging yang tanpa lemak , unggas tanpa kulit dan produk tanpa lemak , rendah lemak dan tanpa lemak susu .
  4. Kurangi konsumsi lemak trans , yang sering terdapat pada minyak sayur terhidrogenasi banyak digunakan pada makanan instan atau cepat saji .
  5. Perbanyak makan ikan dan kacang-kacangan yang mengandung lemak tak jenuh dan sehat . akan lebih bagus gunakan minyak zaitun atau minyak canola untuk mengganti margarin dan mentega .
  6. Mempertahankan asupan kalsium yang cukup . karena kalsium sangat penting untuk tulang dan gigi yang kuat . dapatkan kalsium dari sumber-sumber makanan yang rendah lemak . seperti susu skim dan yogurt rendah lemak .

Untuk Mendapatkan Tubuh Yang Sehat Perhatikan Poin Penting Dibawah Ini :
  • Pertama konsumsi air putih minimal 2 liter per hari .
  • Kedua Sarapan pagi yang tidak terlalu mengeyangkan .
  • Ketiga Tidur minimal satu jam setelah makan malam , agar makanan mudah dicerna .
  • Keempat Jauhkan dari porsi makan yang banyak , terutama makanan yang berkalori tinggi .

Demikian 7 Resep Menu Masakan Sehari-Hari Dan Tips dapat yang dapat kami bagikan kali ini . semoga dengan adanya referensi daftar menu masakan dari kami dapat membantu anda untuk menyiapkan menu masakan yang enak disetiap harinya . terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com , semoga resep-resep yang kami bagikan dapat bermanfaat untuk anda . jangan lewatkan resep masakan lainnya seperti 2 Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Dan Tips yang wajib anda coba dirumah . 

Sampai bertemu diartikel resep masakan selanjutnya , sekian :)

7 Resep Menu Masakan Sehari-Hari Dan Tips

2 Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Dan Tips - Beberapa hari ngga sempet update resep masakan diblog tercinta , kangen juga :D . pas buka email ternyata ada yang reques resep plecing kangkung . oke , baiklah , ini bunsay resep plecing kangkungnya , dicoba dirumah yah . pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membagikan 2 resep plecing kangkung sekaligus .

Yang pertama Resep Membuat Plecing kangkung Khas Lombok , lalu yang kedua Resep Plecing Kangkung Khas Bali . kedua resep plecing kangkung ini tentu saja mempunyai rasa yang enak dan lezat . kedua penyajian plecing kangkung ini juga sama , namun ada beberapa bumbu yang membedakan antara plecing kangkung Lombok dan plecing kangkung bali . selain kedua plecing kangkung ini , diindonesia juga terkenal sekali dengan plecing kangkung khas Jawa .

Namun untuk Resep Plecing Kangkung Khas Jawanya kita bahas nanti yah . karena kali ini kami akan membahas habis tentang Resep plecing kangkung Lombok dan plecing Kangkung Bali . yang tentu saja dari bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat plecing kangkung lombok dan bali . dan cara membuat plencing kangkung Lombok dan bali dengan mudah . 

Jika berbicara tentang plecing kangkung jodohnya ya pasti Ayam Taliwang Ya bun . bunda dirumah pasti tau ya , kalau menikmati plecing kangkung akan semakin nikmat jika dipadukan dengan Ayam Taliwang dan nasi putih hangat yang pulen . ehmm nyumi , bumbu plecing kangkung yang pedas akan semakin enak dan lezat dengan perpaduan bumbu yang digunakan Ayam Taliwang . udah deh , kalau udah makan pakai lauk seperti ini ngga sadar kalau sudah habis 2 piring hihihii :D 

2 Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Dan Tips

2 Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Dan Tips

Nah bagi kalian yang bingung mau masak apasih besok pagi ? ngga ada salahnya mencoba membuat plecing kangkung ini loh bun . keluarga dirumah pasti suka , karena enak dan lezat segar dengan perasan jeruk nipis diatas sambalnya . menggunakan aneka sayuran yang mudah didapat pasti akan semakin memudahkan anda dalam membuatnya dirumah . yuck segera dicoba 2 Resep Plecing Kangkungnya .

Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Khas Lombok

Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Khas Lombok

Bahan-bahan Plencing Kangkung Khas Lombok : 

  • Kangkung 1 ikat ( dibiarkan utuh panjang-panjang 
  • Tauge Panjang Jika suka ( Seduh dengan air panas ) 
  • Garam 1/2 sendok teh ( atau sesuai selera )
  • Gula pasir 1 sendok teh
  • Jeruk limau 1 buah ( dibelah dua )

Bahan Sambal Plecing Kangkung Khas Lombok :

  • Cabai merah keriting 6 buah
  • Cabai rawit 5 buah
  • Terasi bakar 1 sendok teh
  • Bawang putih 2 siung
  • Bawang merah 6 butir
  • Kencur 2 centi meter
  • Tomat Merah 1 buah

Cara Membuat Plecing Kangkung Khas Lombok :

  1. Langkah awal didihkan air dan garam , kemudian masukkan kangkung ( masak hingga layu ) . angkat tiriskan . lalu siram dengan air es .
  2. Sambal : pertama-tama haluskan semua bahan sambal hingga benar-benar halus . 
  3. Kemudian tumis bumbu sambal yang sudah dihaluskan hingga harum . selanjutnya masukkan garam , gula pasir dan air jeruk limau . aduk hingga rata .
  4. Beri sedikit air , kira-kira 250 mili liter . lalu masak bumbu sambal hingga meresap .
  5. Tarakhir , sajikan kangkung rebus bersama tumisan sambal .
  6. Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Lombok siap untuk dinikmati .

Dalam Resep Plecing kangkung Khas Lombok kami menggunakan tauge panjang , karena kami sering menjumpai direstauran-restauran Plecing kangkung yang memakai tauge panjang . itu optional aja , kalau suka silahkan tambahkan taugenya . tapi kalau ngga suka , ngga pakai tauge panjangnya nggapapa . tetep enak dan lezat :D 

Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Khas Bali 

Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Khas Bali

Bahan Plencing Kangkung Khas Bali :

  • Kangkung 1 ikat

Bahan Bumbu Sambal Plecing Khas Kangkung Bali :

  • Terasi bakar 1 sendok teh
  • Air 100 mili liter
  • Tomat 1 buah
  • Cabai merah besar 3 buah 
  • Cabai rawit 5 buah
  • Bawang putih 3 siung
  • Bawang merah 2 butir
  • Minyak goreng 2 sendok makan
  • Jeruk limau 1 buah ( belah dua )
  • Garam 1 sendok teh
  • Gula 1/3 sendok teh

Cara Membuat Plecing Kangkung Khas Bali :

  1. Langkah awal cuci bersih kangkung , lalu rebus dalam air yang berisi 1 sendok teh garam ( ini gunanya agar kangkung tetap hijau dan tidak berubah warna coklat )
  2. Selanjutnya kangkung yang telah matang ditiriskan , lalu disuwir-suwir , sisihkan . 
  3. Sambal : Langkah awal haluskan semua bahan bumbu kecuali terasi , minyak , air dan jeruk limau . 
  4. Selanjutnya letakkan bumbu halus dalam wajan tambahkan air , minyak dan terasi . gunakan api sedang , lalu masak hingga air habis dan meresap , sisihkan .
  5. Untuk Penyajian , letakkan sambal plencing kangkung diatas kangkung yang sudah di suwir-suwir dan beri air perasaan jeruk limau , aduk rata . 
  6. Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Khas Bali siap untuk disajikan .

Perbedaan Plecing Kangkung Khas Bali dengan Plecing kangkung Khas Lombok terletak pada sambal yang digunakan , jenis kangkung akar yang digunakan dan biasanya plecing kangkung lombok disajikan dengan Ayam Taliwang .

TIPS Membuat Plecing Kangkung :

  • Kali ini kami akan memberikan tips saat merebus kangkung agar warnanya tetap hijau cantik . caranya mudah , saat mendidihkan air jangan lupa tambahkan garam ya . lalu baru deh masukkan kangkungnya , rebus sampai matang tapi jangan lama-lama ya merebus kangkungnya , segera angkat dan siram dengan air es agar tetap segar dan menghentikan proses pemasakan kangkung . jadi warna kangkungnya tetap bisa hijau cantik dan teksturnya tetap bisa terasa segar kres-kres gitu , kaya sayur kangkung lombok .

Demikian Resep Dan Cara Membuat Plecing Kangkung Khas Lombok dan Plecing Kangkung Khas Bali nya , cukup mudah bukan ? selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan 2 Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Dan Tips ini dirumah . buka juga resep lainnya seperti Resep Membuat Soto Medang Daging Ayam Lezat yang wajib dicoba . terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com , semoga resep-resep yang kami bagikan dapat bermanfaat untuk anda . sampai bertemu diartikel resep terbaru dari kami , sekian :)

2 Resep Membuat Plecing Kangkung Dan Tips

Health care in America is a perfect example of the Pareto principle, because 80% of our gargantuan expenditures on health care are due to only 20% of us who are very sick, elderly, disabled and vulnerable in many other ways. If we genuinely wished to reduce health care expenditures, common sense dictates that we would leave the 80% alone and zero in on those 20%, trying to care for them better than we currently do, and hopefully as their health improves, we would see a spectacular bang for our buck, not to mention the moral gratification of having helped our neighbor, because there but for the grace of God go we all. 

I have a better idea. Following the tried and true philosophy of John D. Rockefeller, why not turn the health care disaster into an opportunity to create the magnificent Standard Oil of our times? The 20% of people, who burn through 80% of our $3 trillion of health care money, are known as high-utilizers, frequent-flyers, hot-spotters, train-wrecks, million-dollar-babies, and all sorts of other terms indicative of receiving highly complex medical treatments, many times with minimal odds of getting better. Although, there is practically no way for us to partake in this messy frequent-flyer market, what if we could shrink its size and simultaneously expand the much nicer healthy market?

What if we could blow the Pareto principle to smithereens and reduce medical spending on the sick from 80% to say 50%? That would free almost $1 trillion dollars per year, just waiting to be disruptively innovated into our accounts receivable, by selling something to the 80% that need little to no professional medical care. Keep in mind that the nation is only expecting to slow the growth of health care expenditures, or to “bend the curve”, not to actually reduce the amount of money it spends on health care. The $3 trillion will be there year after year for us to enjoy. We just need to come up with a smarter allocation of resources.

Unfortunately, it looks like other innovative folks are having the same epiphany, so we will have to share the bounty and engage in some serious team work. The two pronged approach consists of prying the money out of the clenched fists of doctors who provide medical services to the 20%, and of using a few non-practicing physicians to legitimize increased reallocation of expenses to the 80%. In other words, we move from a sick care system to a health system, while delegating the care portion to involuntary labor performed by the sick 20% who have the most skin in the game. I think old John D. would be proud.

The first order of business is to obtain support from the government because although we are not a socialist country, the government controls and regulates most of our $3 trillion play money. Check. The second step is to put those high spenders on a budget without seeming heartless or criminal. The best way to do that is to budget indirectly. Instead of going to each sick person and telling them that we will not spend more than say, $100,000 on you this year, we make their doctor an offer she can’t refuse. Here is $100, 000 dollars for this particular frequent-flyer. If it ends up costing more, it comes out of your paycheck. If it ends up costing less, you get a cool sticker.

Doctors went to medical school, not business school, so we may get that deer in the headlights look when we make our offer, which is where our opportunity begins to emerge. We are business people and we know how to budget and allocate resources, so we can share with you methodologies that worked for the banks, for Toyota, for Starbucks, for the Cheesecake Factory and myriad other successful businesses. And we can share technology tools to make you successful, doctor. Of course, this is America, and we need to be successful too, so there is a fee for this cache of wisdom and intelligent software. Not to worry though, we’ll show you how to factor it into your allotted $100,000 and spread it over your entire client population. It’s not like it’s coming out of your pocket, you know.

Team work means that we have to keep hospital systems happy too. Many of them are heavily invested in all sorts of construction projects and machinery. If we cap the spending on the most lucrative 20%, hospitals will fight us tooth and nail, and unlike little doctors, these guys are no deer in our headlights, so we need to think outside the box. To get the best hospitals to join our winning team, we promise to obliterate the competition and funnel all customers to a handful of centers of excellence, while at the same time we allow them to raise unit prices per service. The net result for each team player is that revenues go up slightly, while profits go up significantly, as volume of expensive services drops like a rock. And in return for our innovative counseling and enabling tools, we take a piece of that action as well.

Finally, we take stock of our capabilities to identify stuff we can sell for approximately $1 trillion per year to please the 80% who are basically healthy. We know how to do social media, mobile apps, targeted marketing, data processing, telecommunications and retail. Our go to market plan is crystallizing before our eyes. Social health, mobile health, health surveillance, health data, telehealth, Apple Health, CVS Health, Google Health, basically we just slap health before or after our existing line of products. Not a word about sickness because the 80% want to be healthy, and we are selling health. If we get lucky, even the 20% may be persuaded to see the value of curative hope in a cell phone.

For the sake of completeness our plan should explore the largely historical bumps in the road, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its antiquated insistence on regulating medical things. That was fine and dandy for the sick market, but in the innovative health market, everybody is already healthy so efficacy and safety are misplaced notions for wellness vaporware. To solidify our clinical standing, we should come up with some clinically sounding products as well, and impress upon the healthy 80% that every self-respecting billionaire is already using these health enhancing things on a regular basis, whether it’s Tim Cook who can’t live without his new watch, or Mark Cuban who can’t go more than three months without self-inflicted bloodwork (or a little free publicity on Twitter).

This does sound like taking candy from a baby, because it is. Traditional health care did not behave much like a market, but health is a classic consumer market and we are the champs when it comes to selling cheap stuff to consumers, or selling consumers to manufacturers of cheap stuff. The now discretionary $1 trillion is just the beginning, you see. The half trillion or so, previously spent on the healthy 80% is also up for grabs, because we don’t need doctors to sell that stuff. And once we get our foot in the door, we can chip away at the remaining $1.5 trillion wasted on the sick as well. To whet your appetite, here’s a billion dollar idea to leverage community resources: nudge the chronically unemployed to provide free care to the chronically ill, in the comfort of their artificially intelligent homes.

Fixing Health Care: Rockefeller Style