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From weightlifting to yoga to running, the St. Louis Public Library has many great books and DVDs to inspire and educate.  A small selection is below, and more can be found by a browse of your favorite Branch's shelves or the Library's online catalog.

  • Fitness swimming by Emmett Hines
  • Military fitness by Patrick Dale
  • Walking for fitness by Nina Barough
  • Totally ripped core
  • Cardio & strength circuit workout 
  • Killer body by Jillian Michaels

Resolution: fitness

Click here to view: Reading of the Donald J. Trump children's book by Jimmy Kimmel
We don’t win anymore in health care. After repeatedly drilling in our heads that America’s sick care system is a disaster, that those who care for the sick are incompetent and stupid, and that the sick themselves are losers, Meaningful Use was advertised as the means by which technology will make health care great again. The program has been in place for 5 years and the great promise of Meaningful Use is just around the same corner it was back in 2011. The only measurable changes from the pre Meaningful Use era are the billions of dollars subtracted from our treasury and the minutes subtracted from our time with our doctors, balanced only by the expenses added to our medical bills and the misery added to physicians’ professional lives.

Meaningful Use, a metastasizing web of mandates, regulations, exclusions, incentives and penalties, is conveniently defined in the abstract as a set of indisputably wholesome aspirational goals for EHR software and its users, which stands in stark contrast to the barrage of bad news flooding every health related publication, every single day. Health care in America used to be the best in the world, but now our health care is crippled. Meaningful Use of EHR technology will improve quality, safety, efficiency, care coordination, and public and population health. It will engage patients and families, and it will ensure privacy and security for personal health information. With Meaningful Use leading the way, health care will be winning so much that your head will be spinning. You won’t believe how much we’ll be winning.

Be afraid, be very afraid

Bombastic? Laughable? Easily dismissible by educated people? Not so fast. According to Dr. David Blumenthal, president of the Commonwealth Fund, and former National Coordinator for Health IT, “we probably have the worst primary care system in the world”. Yes, worst system in the whole wide world, worse than Niger, Malawi and Somalia. Probably. According to a hobbyist “study” that extrapolates its “results” from a handful of other studies based on an admittedly inaccurate tool intended for different purposes, 440,000 people are killed in hospitals due to preventable errors each year – “that's the equivalent of nearly 10 jumbo jets crashing every week”. Or, with a little more math, half of all hospital deaths, and one in six US deaths, are due to negligent homicide perpetrated by psychopathic doctors and nurses.

How is that for buffoonery? I suspect that the beautiful minds appalled at populist or outright racist fear mongering rhetoric claiming that thousands of Muslims were dancing on rooftops on 9/11 in New Jersey, have zero problems with self-servingly stating that “hospitals are killing off the equivalent of the entire population of Atlanta one year, Miami the next, then moving to Oakland, and on and on”, based on equally valid he-said-she-said evidence. Both virulent strains of outlandish demagoguery are insisting that they, and only they, can keep us safe from things that go bump in the night. Supersizing the ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties makes us more likely to relinquish control of our lives to those who might deliver us from terror.

The Meaningful Use program rests on a narrative where medicine is witchcraft, our doctors are murderers, our hospitals are cesspools teeming with death, our citizens are Lemmings unable to wipe their noses, and the machines of the illuminati are our only salvation. When the premise of an action is delusional, one cannot expect the outcomes to be anything but.

Smoke and mirrors

When you read “studies” advertising that Meaningful Use increased the rates of mammography by 90% in three months, you should assume that the only thing that was increased is the rate of ticking boxes for stuff that was not documented before, and practically no material changes have occurred. When you feel vindicated by the 99% rate of patients given a clinical summary after each visit, keep in mind that the vast majority of those summaries were posted to a portal that nobody uses, or just fake-printed to PDF, and the few actually given out were dutifully tossed in the recyclable trash bin. When you read about the billions of dollars in tax money successfully spent on Meaningful Use, you should understand that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and the indirect costs to each and single one of us are larger by orders of magnitude.

For most of us simpleton believers, who mistook fiery demagogues for brave-hearted visionaries, the disappointment is a throbbing daily humiliation, manifesting itself in polite low-energy petitions to powerful bureaucrats to take pity on us and roll back some of the most onerous aspects of the program. There are signs indicative of some forthcoming acts of mercy, but those are as disingenuous as the original false narrative of Meaningful Use. After five years of Meaningful Use of EHR technology, the initial hope has failed to translate into promised change. Or has it?

From its inception, the Meaningful Use program had two sets of requirements. One set defines what EHR vendors must build to stay in business, and another set specifies what doctors and hospitals must do to collect gratuity payments from Medicare. Over time these requirements sets began to diverge. Once clinicians became conditioned to compulsively collect data, overt reporting is being replaced with covert extraction through the backend (i.e. application programming interfaces, or APIs). The Certified EHR Technology mandated by the program was never intended to extend abilities of clinicians as much as it was designed to generate standardized measures of their performance. Administrators and regulators cannot control an industry from afar without incessant measurement and the power to reward and punish individual practitioners. Meaningful Use is designed to enable remote control of medicine, its doctors and the people they serve.

We are not alone

Back in 2001 our rulers identified another field where America was losing big time. Education was a disaster, a huge mess with rampant disparities and across the board low quality. Like health care, education of small children is an ideal place for intervention if your aim is to control populations and increase the value derived from each person. With overwhelming bi-partisan support the ruling class passed the No Child Left Behind Act, mandating that all children are above average by 2014. An avalanche of funding for computers, measurements of schools and teachers and incessant standardized testing of students descended upon our schools. For the last fifteen years, schools were engaged in life and death accountability games of reward and punishment, and our children became merely biometric indicators for school and teacher performance assessments.

As 2014 came and went, with many children still stubbornly below average, with multitudes of teachers still burnt out, and education morphing into a misnomer for the standardized testing doomsday machine consuming all but the rich and privileged, the federal government took a step back and passed the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. Leaving aside the downright idiotic terminology used for naming acts of Congress, the new legislation is reluctantly beginning a process to diminish federal control of schools. Considering the cumulative damage to our education system, perpetrated by toxic bureaucratic ineptitude which is  crowding out the ability of real educators to address real problems, this halfhearted attempt may very well be too little too late.

Failure is not inevitable

I don’t know about you, but I am getting tired of having to live up to Winston Churchill’s image of America. We don’t always have to try everything else before we do the right thing. We shouldn’t have to wait fifteen years before declaring that in retrospect Meaningful Use was meaningless. We know now that it is. Removing a few reporting requirements for physicians, while beefing up patient scoring measures, is not enough. Playing with reporting periods at the last minute and granting ad-hoc exclusions to make people shut up, is not enough either. Randomly linking physician fees to Meaningful Use EHRs may be enough, but it’s beyond disgusting.  The Meaningful Use program must end. Plain and simple. And most importantly, the underhanded EHR certification schemes must be halted immediately.

Standardization, quantification, computerization, gamification, engagement, and infantilization of the populace in general, do not produce better educated or healthier citizens. Education reform has failed us on a grandiose scale. Health care reform, to which Meaningful Use is foundational, is based on the same failed concepts as education reform. It will also fail in due course and spectacularly so. It is actually failing as we speak and with the exception of elite institutions, which are benefiting financially from as much health care reform as can possibly be inflicted on the rest of us, we all know it’s failing badly. 2016 presents the perfect opportunity to demonstrate to the entrenched perpetrators that in America accountability is a two way street, and value is a freely defined personal concept.

American health care has been hijacked by very bad people, and it’s time for us to quit being sad little losers who just sit there and bitch. It’s time to take our health care back and it’s high time to deliver to those horrible people the thorough schlonging they so richly deserve. It’s time to make American health care great again.

In 2016, resolve to go out and vote. Vote in the primaries, vote in local and general elections, ignore the propaganda, educate yourself and as old Harry Truman advised us all, vote for yourself, for your own interest, for the welfare of the United States, and for the welfare of the world.

Make Health Care Great Again

Just in time for the holiday season, the NIH’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) has a site with guidelines and tips for healthy and responsible consumption of alcohol.

Smart drinking

Resep Chocolate Lasagna Enak Praktis - Satu lagi desert ciamik yang enak dan lezat buat kamu yang doyan banget sama yang namanya coklat. bernama Chocolate Lasagna, camilan sedap yang biasanya di pakai untuk sajian makanan penutup ini sering juga di sebut Coklat Lasagna. bila di lihat dari asal usulnya, Resep Chocolate Lasagna Asli berasal dari luar negeri. resep chocolate lasagna asli sangat ribet dan banyak bahan-bahan yang tidak tersedia di Indonesia.

Dengan ini muncullah aneka kreasi Chocolate Lasagna yang bahan-bahannya mudah di dapat dan praktis. salah satunya dalah Resep Chocolate Lasagna yang akan kami bagikan kali ini. kami pilihkan yang paling praktis dan mudah untuk di pratekkan, bahkan bagi para pemula sekalipun. namun untuk soal rasanya jangan di tanya, hasilnya enak, lembut dan lumer di mulut loh. jadi bagi kamu yang ngaku choco lover, Resep Chocolate Lasagna ala harianresep.blogspot.com ini wajib dicoba.

Bila berbicara Lasagna, mungkin bayangan kamu langsung tertuju dengan Lasagna Daging Saus Bolognese Ala Italy yang sedap itu ya. buang jauh-jauh pikiran itu, karena Lasagna Chocolate ini bukan terbuat dari bahan utama daging namun coklat. kenapa makanan ini disebut Chocolate lasagna karena terbuat dari coklat yang dikombinasikan dengan cream cheese/krim keju dan beberapa lapisan adonan lainnya yang terdiri dari beberapa layer. bentuknya hampir sama dengan Lasagna Daging, hanya saja untuk Chocolate Lasagna ini kita ganti dengan bahan utama coklat seperti yang sudah kami katakan diatas.

Lapisan tersebut terdiri dari remukan oreo, cream cheese/krim keju, custard coklat atau puding cokelat, kemudian di beri cheese krim lagi dan di taburi toping choco chips/cokelat chip. kalau di lihat sekilas, tampilan Chocolate Lasagna ini mirip sekali dengan Cake Tiramisu. namun untuk rasa lembut cream cheese nya hampir mirip dengan Chesse Cake Lumer yang resepnya sudah kami bagikan beberapa waktu lalu. buat kamu yang penasaran cheese cake lumer, silahkan klik resepnya disini Resep Cheese Cake Lumer Untuk Pemula.

Di Amrik sana, lapisan Coklat Chocolate Lasaga nya mereka sebut dengan puding. berbeda di Negera Indonesia, namanya puding ya puding lembut terbuat dari agar-agar atau jelli yang terbuat dari nutrijel. selain jelli, untuk membuat Chocolate Lasagna bisa diganti dengan Puding Roti ataupun itu yang teksturnya lebih lembut, set dan kenyal. untuk membuat Chocolate Lasagna agar lebih gurih biasanya di tambahi dengan santan. tapi bila kamu membuatnya untuk anak kecil, lebih baik skip saja santan nya agar lebih sehat.

Nah, untuk lebih jelas dari Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Chocolate Lasagna yang enak dan simple nya, yuck disimak resep nya seperti berikut ini.

Resep Chocolate Lasagna dan Cara Membuatnya

Resep Chocolate Lasagna dan Cara Membuatnya

Bahan-bahan Chocolate Lasagna :

  • Oreo cookies anda cream 28 buah (hancurkan)
  • Cream cheese (krim keju) 250 gram
  • Krim kocok (whipped cream) 200 mili liter
  • Gula pasir 6 sendok makan
  • Nutrijel cokelat 1 bungkus
  • Susu bubuk cokelat secukupnya
  • Coklat bubuk 1 sendok makan
  • Gula pasir 10 sendok makan
  • Air 700 mili liter
  • Krim kocok (whipped cream) 100 mili liter
  • Cokelat pekat butiran (Dark Chocolate Chips) secukupnya

Cara Membuat Lasagna Chocolate :

  1. Langkah awal, letakkan oreo yang sudah dihancurkan pada pinggan/wadah/cup/gelas. ratakan, tekan-tekan. bisa juga dengan oreo dicampur dengan butter seperti akan membuat crust layer oreo cheesecake)
  2. Lapisan Cream Cheese : Kocok whipped cream, sisihkan. kemudian kocok cream cheese dengan gula pasir hingga lembut. masukkan whipped cream kocok. aduk hingga rata.
  3. Setelah itu tuang lapisan cream cheese di atas lapisan oreo, ratakan. dinginkan, kurang lebih selama 2 jam agar set.
  4. Lapisan Puding Cokelat : Campur nutrijel cokelat, susu bubuk cokelat dan gula pasir, aduk hingga rata. masukkan air, kemudian tambahkan cokelat bubuk yang sudah dilarutkan dengan air, masak hingga mendidih. aduk teruk hingga adonan puding sampai uap hangatnya hilang dan adonan puding hampir mengental. 
  5. Selanjutnya tuang lapisan puding di atas lapisan cream cheese, ratakan. dinginkan kembali sampai set. 
  6. Langkah berikutnya kocok whipped cream untuk topping, lalu tuang di atas lapisan puding. ratakan.
  7. Terakhir taburkan choco chips di atas whipped cream. dinginkan kembali ke dalam kulkas/lemari es selama 2 hingga 4 jam. semakin lama, semakin baik karena lapisan cream cheese semakin padat dan set.

Agar lebih praktis, kamu boleh menggunakan instan puding mix yang tidak perlu dimasak. selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Chocolate Lasagna Enak Praktis ini dirumah. buka juga artikel resep lainnya seperti Resep Kue Kamir Special Empuk dan Resep Pisang Goreng Pontianak Kremes yang sayang sekali bila terlewatkan. terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com, nantikan resep menarik lainnya dari kami. sekian :)

Resep Chocolate Lasagna Enak Praktis

Awareness of the present moment can bring great benefits, and it seems so easy!  In as little as five minutes a day, one can reap the rewards of increased feelings of calm and decreased anxiety and improved sleep and stress management.  It can be as simple as sitting quietly and paying attention to one's breath; though it is an internal experience, it can be helpful to pick or prepare a calm, restful place where one will not be disturbed.  However, it can be difficult to find the focus, and so some external support can be helpful, especially when getting started.

On Wednesday, December 16, Cancer Support Community of Greater St. Louis offers a meditative experience that includes wonderful sounds.


The evidence is clear: pets improve health of their people.  As just one example, a recent article found on MedlinePlus says, "Dogs in the Home May Lower Kids' Odds for Asthma".  (For issues caused by animals, see Allergic to pets? by Shirlee Kalstone.)  In another example, the latest issue of Well Being Journal (available for your perusal at Central Library) has an article profiling an animal companion in a nursing home, and the benefits he brings to fellow residents.

Our furry (or feathered or finned) friends have health considerations too!  MedlinePlus has a page of great information and links, as does the CDC, and here at the St. Louis Public Library we have many excellent books!

Some choices:
  • The nature of animal healing : the path to your pet's health, happiness, and longevity by Martin Goldstein
  • Caring for family pets : choosing and keeping our companion animals healthy by Radford G. Davis, editor
  • The Royal treatment: a natural approach to wildly healthy pets by Barbara Royal, with Anastasia Royal

AND THERE ARE MANY MORE, including books specifically about horses, dogs, cats, and birds.

Pets & health

It was a dark and stormy night. My computer didn’t catch fire while typing the previous sentence. No alarms were triggered warning me about the quality of such opening. I wasn’t prompted to select subjects and predicates from dropdown lists. I typed the entire sentence, letter by letter, not at all dissimilar to its first rendering back in 1830. Computer software in general, and Microsoft Word in particular, magically removed the hassles of quills, ink, paper, blotters, sharpeners, ribbons, whiteout, carbon paper, dictionaries, and all the cumbersome ancillary paraphernalia needed to support authoring, but made no attempt to minimize the cognitive effort associated with writing well.  Authoring great literature today requires as much talent and mastery as it did in the days of Edward Bulwer-Lytton.

For several decades, software builders have tried to help doctors practice medicine more efficiently and more effectively. As is often the case with good intentions, the results turned out to be a mixed bag of goods, with paternalistic overtones from the helpers and mostly resentment and frustration from those supposedly being helped. Whether we want to admit it or not, the facts of the matter are that health IT and EHRs in particular have turned from humble tools of the trade to oppressive straightjackets for the practice of medicine. Somewhere along the way, the roles were reversed, and clinicians of all stripes are increasingly becoming the tools used by technology to practice medicine.

A common misconception is that EHR designers produce lousy software because they don’t understand how medicine is practiced. The real problem is that many actually do, and the practice of medicine is precisely what they aim to change. These high clerics of disruptive innovation would have you believe that “resistance to change” is equivalent to the resurrection of paper charts, thick ledgers, and medical information coded in secretive hieroglyphs. The truth is that physicians want to use modern computers, but they resent being used by computers. And the truth is that if we shed the orthodoxy imposed on us by self-serving “stakeholders”, computer software can indeed help address various problems in health care, some in the here and now, most in a distant future.

One thousand and one elements

This may sound strange to some, but the first step towards putting EHRs back on the right track should be to stop trying to help physicians practice medicine. Clinical decision “support” in the form of alerts, disease specific templates, mandatory checklists, required fields and rigid workflows are some of the things that must be removed from EHRs for two reasons. First, most of these “features” don’t work very well anyway. Second, more often than not, the real purpose of said support is not clinical in nature. For example, alerts about generic substitutes for brand name medications, data fields that must be filled and checkboxes that must be clicked to satisfy billing codes, PQRS or Meaningful Use, and the wealth of screens to be traversed before an order can be placed, have no clinical value.  And in most cases the opposite is true.

Some experts argue that EHRs are failing because they are nothing more than an old paper chart rendered on a computer screen. Many others are outraged by the fabled lack of interoperability (dissemination of information) or the lack of EHR usability, i.e. number of clicks, visual appeal, color schemes and ease of information retrieval. I would suggest that these dilemmas are peripheral to the one foundational problem plaguing current EHR designs – the draconian enforcement of structured data elements as means of human endeavor.

When Google mapped the Earth, it did not begin by mandating how to build and name roads and buildings. When we indexed and digitized books and articles, we did not require that authors change the way they write prose or poetry. When we digitized music, we did not require composers and performers to produce binary numbers at equidistant time intervals, and we did not make changes to musical instruments to allow for better sampling.  We built our computerized tools to ingest, digest, slice, dice and regurgitate whatever humanity threw at us, without inconveniencing anybody. This is why good technology seems magical.

EHRs on the other hand, are obnoxiously demanding that people change how they think, how they work, and how they document their thoughts and actions, just so that the rudimentary software prematurely thrust upon them can function at some minimal level of proficiency.  People don’t think in codified vocabularies. We don’t express ourselves in structured data fields. Instead of building computers that elegantly adapt to the human modus operandi, EHRs, unlike all other software tools before them, demand that humanity adjust itself to the way primitive computers work. The self-appointed thought leaders, who are taking turns at regulating the meaningful clicks of EHRs, are basically demanding that we discard the full spectrum of human communications, in favor of gibberish that supposedly serves a higher purpose.

All the pretty horses

What is the purpose of EHR documentation templates? There is practically no EHR in use today that does not include visit templates. Visit templates are a list of checkboxes, some with multiple nested levels, which allow documentation by clicks instead of by typing, writing, drawing or dictation. Visit templates are created for each disease and contain canned text for findings judged pertinent to that condition by template creators. In all fairness, many physicians like documentation templates because with just a few clicks you are able to generate all the documentation required nowadays to get paid for your work, pages and pages of histories, review of systems, physical examination, assessments and plans of care. Do doctors like templates because they believe this extensive documentation is necessary, or do they like templates because the checkboxes alleviate the pain of typing thousands of meaningless regulatory words? I suspect the latter.

Clinical templates, along with the automated clinical decision support they enable, are advertised as time savers for physicians. The time saved is the time previously spent with patients, and most importantly the time spent thinking, analyzing, and formulating solutions. For most, it’s also the time spent rendering thoughts in a manner that can be understood by another person. Furthermore, when your note taking is template driven, most of your cognitive effort goes towards fishing for content that fits the template (like playing Bingo), instead of just listening to whatever the patient has to say. Even in “efficient” practices where staff does the clicking and physicians have the luxury of asking “open ended” questions, the patient story, the quirky details that are irrelevant to the template, are not documented (highlighted, circled, noted on the margins, etc.) anymore. Is this a good thing?

If we proceed on the assumption that IBM Watson and the likes are eventually going to be artificially intelligent enough, and big data are eventually going to be big enough, to respectively analyze and represent a complete human being, then yes, we can safely dispense with old fashioned human expertise. However, we are most certainly not there yet, and regardless of industry rhetoric, we are not certain that we will ever be there, and we are not even sure that we want to ever be there. While this utopia (or dystopia) is portrayed by interested parties as “inevitable”, chances are that for at least several generations we will be forced to contend with imperfect digital renditions of medicine, instead of allowing EHRs to follow the growth of underlying technologies. This is akin to summarily confiscating and shooting all the horses, on the day Henry Ford rolled the first Model T off his assembly line. Where would America be today, if we did that on October 1, 1908?

Furthermore, what type of doctors are we producing when we teach medicine by template, supported by clinical decision aids based on the same template, and assessed by quality measures calculated from template data? Medicine does not become precise just because we choose to discard all imprecise factors that we are not capable of fitting into a template. Standardization of processes and quality does not occur just because we choose to avert our eyes from the thick edges were mayhem is the norm. Dumbing physicians down is not the optimal strategy for bringing computer intelligence closer to human capabilities. EHRs should not be allowed to become the means to stifling growth of human expertise, the barriers to natural interactions between people, or the levers pushed and pulled at will by greed and corruption.

Bildungsroman style

Instead, EHRs could be the scaffolding for IMB Watson and other emerging contraptions to grow and become truly useful tools for both doctors and patients, and yes, also for legitimate and beneficiary secondary uses of clinical information. Instead of mandating that doctors think and work in ways that serve Watson’s budding abilities, we should require that Watson learns how to use the normal work products of humans. Instead of enforcing templated thought and workflows, whether through direct penalties for doctors or indirect certification requirements for software, we should work on teaching Watson how to parse and use human languages in all their complexity. Watson should grow up to be the multi-media scribe behind the computer screen, the means by which the analog music composed by physician-patient interactions is digitized into zeros and ones without loss of fidelity and without interference with actual performance.

Billions of years of evolution endowed the lowliest human specimen with cognitive abilities that machines will most likely never attain. The glory is in the journey though. We need to accept delayed gratification, and we need to accept that the challenge will span centuries, not just one boom-bust cycle of a fleeting global economy. We need to accept the fact that we will all die long before the ultimate goals are achieved, instead of declaring victory whenever each negligible incremental step is taken. If we are going to create a new form of intelligent life on earth, we need to assume the same humility Nature, or God, has been exercising since the dawn of time and counting. Otherwise, we are all just a bunch of hacks looking to make a quick buck on the backs of our fellow men and women.

Bingo Medicine

Celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Central Library's Grand Reopening and its 103rd year as the crown jewel of the Library system.  Central Library’s doors first opened to the public on January 6, 1912. One hundred years later, on December 9, 2012, the doors reopened following a $70 million restoration and renewal that not only highlighted the building’s historical significance but also transformed previously closed spaces into a modern facility for use by the public.
In honor of our 150th Anniversary as a system, we’ll celebrate Central’s birthday on December 9 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Get your slice of birthday cake in the Atrium on the First Floor. Take a tour of the building with a docent, who will tell you about the old and new. And visit the Rare Books and Special Collections for an exhibit about our original opening day in 1912.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Central Library, 1301 Olive Street

Happy Birthday to Central Library!

Resep Kue Kamir Special Empuk - Kue Kamir atau yang sering disebut dengan Kue Khamir ini merupakan salah satu Kue Tradisional Khas Pemalang Jawa Tengah. konon awal mula adanya Kue Kamir berasal dari tanah Arab sehingga Kue Kamir Khas Pemalang ini terkenal juga dengan sebutan Kue Kamir Arab. untuk membuat adonan Kue Kamir yang enak dan empuk tentu saja sangat mudah. anda akan memerlukan beberapa bahan yang sering untuk membuat kue seperti tepung terigu atau tepung beras, pisang, gula, telur dan metega atau margarine. 

Ciri khas dari Kue Kamir Arab Khas Pemalang terletak di tampilannya yang berbentuk bulat pipih yang menyerupai Kue Apam, Kue Cane Curry, Kue Serabi dan Kue Dorayaki Ala Jepang. hanya bedanya ukuran aneka kue tersebut lebih besar dan sedikit bantet. Kue Kamir yang mirip dengan Kue Dorayaki nya Doraemon Tradisional Jepang membuat Kue Kamir sering disebut dengan Kue Dorayaki nya Indonesia atau Kue Dorayaki Jawa. Kue Dorayaki Ala Indonesia sudah kami posting di resep sebelumnya ya, yang ingin membuatnya silahkan klik disini Resep Membuat Pancake Kacang Merah Dorayaki Kue Doraemon.

Kue kamir biasanya dibuat dengan memakai cetakan khusus berupa loyang bulat yang memiliki beberapa lubang kecil dengan diamater sekitar 5 centi meter. cetakan ini dapat dibilang seperti cetakan yang biasa dipakai ketika membuat Kue Lumpur dan Kue Carabikang. namun bila anda tidak memiliki cetakan bundar kecil tersebut, anda dapat menggunakan teflon pan bundar. alhasil, Kue Kamir pun menjadi berbentuk seperti Mini Pancake. sebenarnya Kue Kamir ini memiliki macam-macam bentuk bahkan ada yang seukuruan satu piring, jadi untuk besar kecilnya Kue Kamir silahkan anda sesuaikan dengan selera.

Untuk adonan Kue Kamir klasik atau original biasanya tanpa menggunakan tape singkong. namun kini Kue Kamir dapat di kreasikan dengan Tape Singkong yang manis dan legit. terkadang juga ada yang menambahkan sedikit parutan kelapa didalamnya, Kue Kamir ini terkanal dengan sebutan Kue Kamir Kelapa. untuk olahan aneka kreasi Kue Kamir tentu saja sangat enak dan lezat. Kue Kamir paling makyus bila disandingkan dengan minuman hangat seperti Resep Membuat Kopi Ala Cafe Enak.

Kue Kamir yang enak dan hangat biasanya dijual di pasar tradisional saat pagi hari dan malam hari yang dijejerkan dengan Kue Pukis dan Kue Cubit. namun kini Kue Kamir sudah merambah ke aneka toko kue dan caffe. bahkan banyak juga yang menjajakan Kue Kamir sebagai salah satu menu andalan di caffe tersebut. Kue Kamir rasa klasik tanpa sentuhan toping dan isi didalamnya biasanya di Hargai sekitar 1.000-2.000 rupiah. sedangkan untuk Kue Kamir yang menggunakan isi dan toping seperti rasa Coklat, Keju, aneka selai seperti selai strowberry, selai nanas, selai mangga dan lain sebagainya di hargai sekitar 3.000 hingga 4.000 rupiah tergantung besarnya kue kamir dan isiannya.

Kue Kamir dengan tekstur mengembang dan mekar yang dijual di pedagang Kue Kamir selama proses pemanggangan atau penggorengan, biasanya Kue Kamir di siram-siram dengan minyak panas. maka tak heran lagi bila Kue Kamir yang biasanya anda beli terlalu berminyak. so, bagi anda yang ingin menikmati Kue Kamir yang enak dan sehat segera coba Resep Kue Kamir yang kami bagikan kali ini karena minim minyak. oke, tak panjang lebar lagi yaa, ini dia Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Kue Kamir yang patut untuk dicoba dirumah. cekidot !!

Resep Kue Kamir dan Cara Membuatnya 

Resep Kue Kamir dan Cara Membuatnya

Bahan-bahan Kue Kamir :

  • Tepung terigu protein tinggi atau serba guna Segitiga Biru 350 gram
  • Gula pasir 180 gram
  • Tape singkong 250 gram
  • Pisang ambon 100 gram/1 buah
  • Margarin 100 gram ( cairkan )
  • Telur 1 butir ( kocok lepas )
  • Soda kue 1/2 sendok makan ( cairkan dengan 2 sendok makan air )
  • Garam 1/2 sendok teh
  • Susu cair 300-400 mili liter bisa diganti dengan air biasa
  • Margarine atau minyak goreng digunakan untuk mengoles pan/penggorengan datar

Cara Membuat Kue Kamir Special Empuk :

  1. Satu hari sebelumnya, di malam hari ketika sebelum tidur. siapkan mangkuk besar, masukkan tape yang sudah dibersihkan dari serat dan sumbunya. kemudian tambahkan pisang dan gula pasir. remas-remas hingga adonan menjadi lembut dan halus. masukkan tepung terigu ke dalamnya, aduk kembali dengan pelan hingga semua adonan tercampur rata.
  2. Selanjutnya masukkan garam, baking soda yang sudah dicairkan tadi, margarine cair, dan telur kocok ke dalam adonan tepung. tambahkan 1/2 porsi susu cair, kemudian aduk adonan hingga benar-benar tercampur dengan rata. tambahkan sisa susu cair sedikit demi sedikit sampai adonan memiliki kekentalan yang pas. ( tidak terlalu encer, dan tidak telalu pekat agar kue tidak keras dan bantet )
  3. Pukul-pukul adonan dengan telapak tangan kira-kira selama 10-15 menit. kemudian tutup mangkuk yang berisi adonan dengan kain bersih atau plastik wrap. lalu masukkan adonan ke dalam kulkas dan biarkan semalaman. 
  4. Keesokan paginya, Panaskan teflon atau cetakan kue kamir atau Cetakan Carabikang, lalu olesi permukaannya dengan sedikit margarine. kemudian tuangkan satu sendok sayur/ice cream scoop adonan ke atas penggorengan panas. jangan lupa gunakan api kecil ketika memanggang adonan. panggang kue seperti saat membuat pancake, yaitu ketika bagian dasar terlihat mengeras dan bergelembung balik kue dengan spatula dan masak sisi sebelahnya hingga matang. 
  5. Kue Kamir hangat siap untuk dinikmati.

Saat memanggang Kue Kamir jangan sekali-kali menekan kue dengan spatula ya, biarkan saja kue kamir matang dengan sendirinya agar memiliki bentuk yang lembut dan tebal empuk. dalam Resep Kue Kamir yang kami bagikan ini membentuk adonan yang kental dan pekat, sehingga ketika dipanggang tidak akan meluber kemana-kemana. dengan ini anda dapat memanggang beberapa buah kue kamir sekaligus dalam satu kali kesempatan, tergantung dari besar kecilnya teflon/penggorengan datar yang anda gunakan.

Selain dinikmati begitu saja, kue kamir ini juga dapat dikreasikan rasanya dengan menggunakan toping keju, selai, coklat dan lain sebagainya seperti yang sudah kami katakan di atas. bahkan ada juga pedagang Kue Kamir yang mengkreasikan Kue Kamir dengan Kuah Kinca/Saus Gula Jawa sehingga mirip dengan Kue Serabi Solo. nah, itu dia yang dapat kami sampaikan mengenai Resep Kue Kamir Special Empuk yang enak dan lezatnya. buka juga artikel resep lainnya seperti Resep Bakpao Karakter Isi Daging Empuk yang patut untuk anda coba. terimakasih sudah membuka resepharian.blogspot.com, semoga bermanfaat.

Resep Kue Kamir Special Empuk

Resep Ayam Tinoransak Khas Manado - Satu lagi masakan khas Nusantara yang sayang sekali bila terlewatkan. bernama Ayam Tinoransak, masakan rumahan yang lezat ini berasal dari Manado Sulawesi Utara. bagi anda yang berasal dari kota Manado dan sekitarnya tentunya sudah tak asing lagi dengan Ayam Tinoransak bukan? memiliki rasa yang enak dan cukup pedas membuat Ayam Tinoransak banyak disukai banyak orang yang menyukai masakan pedas.

Walaupun kebanyakan masakan Manado dibuat dengan bahan dasar ikan, namun Ayam Tinoransak ini cukup populer disana. untuk resep Ayam Tinoransak asli atau original nya sebenarnya menggunakan daging babi. namun sekarang sudah banyak sekali kreasi masakan tinoransak yang dikreasikan dengan daging lain. mulai dari Tinoransak Daging Sapi, Tinoransak Daging Kambing, Tinoransak Daging Bebek dan Ayam Tinoransak/Tinoransak daging ayam yang resepnya akan kami bagikan untuk anda.

Bila kita lihat dari bentuk dan tampilannya, masakan Ayam Tinoransak khas Manado ini hampir mirip dengan masakan padang. yah, semacam masakan padang yang memakai sambal hijau kayak model sambal lado mudo khas Padang. mungkin karena bahan masakan Ayam Tinoransak ini banyak memakai cabai hijau dan cabai rawit. 

Penggunaan cabai yang cukup banyak membuat kami berfikir bila Ayam Tinoransak semacam sambal orang Manado. namun ternyata setelah matang dan dicoba rasanya sungguh enak dan lezat. rasa cabai nya sudah tidak terlalu terasa pedasnya karena sudah di kombinasikan dengan daun jeruk dan sereh yang di cincang halus. pokoknya bagi anda yang suka masakan pedas, kami rekomendasikan Ayam Tinoransak ini untuk segera di coba dirumah.

Namun bagi anda yang tidak terlalu suka pedas, penggunaan cabai nya bisa di sesuaikan dengan selera masing-masing. Ayam Tinoransak Ala Manado yang pedas paling enak di santap dengan nasi pulen yang hangat. boleh di tambahkan lalaban seperti potongan mentimun, kol, daun selada, petai dan lain sebagainya bila suka. bagaimana, penasaran dan segera ingin mencoba Ayam Tinoransak untuk menu makan sehari-hari dirumah? kalau begitu, yuck di simak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Ayam Tinoransak seperti berikut ini.

Resep Ayam Tinoransak dan Cara Membuatnya

Resep Ayam Tinoransak dan Cara Membuatnya

Bahan-bahan Ayam Tinoransak :

  • Dada fillet 1 buah atau boleh pakai bagian lainnya ( potong kecil-kecil )
  • Daun jeruk 6 lembar ( buang tulangnya lalu iris tipis-tipis )
  • Sereh cincang 1 sendok makan dari 2 batang sereh yang diambil bagian putihnya lalu di iris halus
  • Jeruk nipis 1/2 butir ambil airnya
  • Daun bawang 2 batang ( iris serong )
  • Air 50 mili liter/secukupnya
  • Minyak goreng 5 sendok makan ( digunakan untuk menumis )
  • Daun kemangi secukupnya
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Gula pasir/gula jawa secukupnya

Bumbu Halus Tinoransak (Tumbuk Kasar) :

  • Red onion 1/2 buah atau bisa diganti bawang merah 5 butir
  • Cabai hijau 5 buah
  • Cabai rawit 4 buah
  • Jahe bubuk 1/2 sendok teh

Cara Membuat Ayam Tinoransak Khas Manado :

  1. Langkah awal tumis bumbu halus, daun jeruk dan sereh hingga tercium aroma wangi sedap.
  2. Kemudian masukkan ayam, masak hingga ayam setengah matang. lalu masukkan garam, gula dan air dengan sedikit demi sedikit hingga ayam matang. bila anda ingin lebih kering dan tidak kebanyakan kuah silahkan masak hingga air menyusut.
  3. Selanjutnya masukan air jeruk nipis dan irisan daun bawang aduk sebentar, lalu angkat.
  4. Ayam Tinoransak Khas Manado siap untuk disajikan.

Masakan Tinoransak Daging Ayam ini model masakannya kaya semacam masakan rica-rica ya, karena pemotongan dagingnya yang kecil-kecil ala masakan Jepang Ayam Teriyaki. namun rasanya benar-benar masakan Indonesia sekali karena banyak pengunaan rempah-rempah didalamnya. ya sudah, selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Ayam Tinoransak Khas Manado ini dirumah. buka juga informasi resep masakan lainnya seperti Resep Pepes Ikan Tongkol Daun Kemangi dan camilan enak seperti Resep Pisang Goreng Pontianak Kremes yang patut untuk dicoba. terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga bermanfaat :)

Resep Ayam Tinoransak Khas Manado

On the same day that a recent article in the Wall Street Journal* pointed out that more and more researchers are coming to the conclusion that too much sitting is bad for your health, an article in the New York Times* reported on research that extends these findings to children.  Prolonged inactivity is dangerously unhealthy.

One recommendation for balancing sitting with other activities comes from Alan Hedge of Cornell University, who says to break each half hour into 20 minutes sitting, 8 minutes standing, 2 minutes moving and stretching.

Now the November/December 2015 issue of Well Being Journal* has an article titled "Reverse the Negative Effects of Sitting" which includes 5 tips: walk often, stand up at work, stretch your hip flexors (the inner hip muscles), squat at least once a day, and do myofascial release on yourself (these articles explain).

*all available for your perusal at the Central Library, 1301 Olive Street.

Stand up!

Resep Pisang Goreng Pontianak Kremes - Bila sebelumnya kita sudah membahas tentang Resep Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand yang enak dengan tekstur kelapa parutnya. pada kesempatan kali ini kami admin harianresep.blogspot.com akan menyajikan salah satu resep pisang goreng lainnya yang cukup menarik untuk disimak. untuk pisang goreng yang satu ini terkenal dengan sensasi kremes nya dan terkenal dengan nama Pisang Goreng Pontianak atau Pisang Goreng Kalimantan. bila anda salah satu pecinta gorengan, tentu saja sudah tak asing lagi dengan Pisang Goreng Pontianak yang sering disingkat menjadi pisgor ponti bukan?

Ciri khas dari Pisang Goreng Pontianak Renyah ini adalah kremesan dengan rasa gurih beserta rasa manis pisangnya. kriuk-kriuk itulah sensasi nikmat ketika menggigit sang Pisang Goreng Pontianak. rasanya enak sekali, cocok untuk kudapan saat bersantai, hidangan arisan, camilan saat kumpul keluarga atau sebagai makanan yang disajikan ke tamu yang datang kerumah. nikmati sensasi enak, manis dan legitnya Pisang Kremes Pontianak ini dengan segelas minuman dingin atau aneka minuman hangat seperti air teh dan kopi panas. 

Selain itu, ciri khas dari Pisang Goreng Pontianak lainnya adalah bentuknya yang hampir mirip dengan Pisang Goreng Kipas. hal ini dihasilkan dari satu buah pisang yang di potong-potong hingga membentuk seperti selembar kipas. mempunyai ukuran yang cukup besar, sehingga Pisang Goreng Pontianak Sederhana ini dapat memberi rasa kenyang ketika perut lapar. euumm yumii, rasanya enak sekali ketika dimakan selagi hangat.

Bila kita lihat Pisang Goreng Pontianak Crispy bentuknya hampir sama dengan Pisang Goreng Pasir karna butiran-butiran kriuknya yang renyah masir. cara membuat Pisang Goreng Pontianak Kremes tentu saja sangat mudah dan tidak sulit. untuk membuatnya kita akan menggunakan buah pisang jenis kepok / pisang uli. biasanya untuk Pisang Goreng Khas Pontianak Kalimantan Asli mereka menggunakan pisang kepok kalimantan yang terkenal memiliki rasa lebih manis legit.

Pisang Goreng Pontianak yang dijual di aneka tukang gorengan biasanya di hargai sekitar Rp 3.500.- per buahnya. selain dijual dengan rasa Pisang Goreng Pontianak original nya yang khas. Pisang goreng kremes crispy yang satu ini juga dapat di kombinasikan rasanya dengan berbagai macam rasa lainnya. seperti rasa coklat, susu, pandan, durian, blueberry, strawberry, kacang, nangka, keju, dan lain sebagainya. hal ini yang membuat Pisang Goreng Pontianak kremes semakin terasa istimewa dan lezat.

Cara membuat kremesan Pisang Goreng Pontianak caranya hampir sama dengan Ayam Goreng Kremes. nah, buat teman-teman yang ingin mencoba membuat ayam goreng kremes langsung aja klik resepnya disini Resep Membuat Ayam Goreng Kalasan Asli Enak. bagaimana, sudah tak sabar ingin segera membuat Pisang Goreng Pontianak dirumah? kalau begitu, yuck segera di simak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Pisang Goreng Pontianak Kremes seperti berikut ini. 

Resep Pisang Goreng Pontianak Kremes dan Cara Membuatnya

Resep Pisang Goreng Pontianak Kremes dan Cara Membuatnya

Bahan-bahan Pisang Goreng :

  • Pisang uli / kepok 1 sisir atau 10 buah
  • Minyak goreng 1 1/2 liter

Bahan-bahan Pencelup Pisang Goreng ( aduk rata ) :

  • Tepung terigu protein sedang 125 gram
  • Garam 1/4 sendok teh 
  • Air 250 mili liter
  • Tepung beras 1 sendok makan
  • Gula tepung 1 1/2 sendok makan

Bahan Kremesan ( aduk hingga rata ) :

  • Air 1 liter
  • Tepung beras 240 gram
  • Tepung sagu tani 45 gram
  • Garam 1 sendok makan
  • Gula merah 20 gram ( sisir halus )
  • Kuning telur 2 buah
  • Pewarna kuning tua secukupnya ( optional )

Cara Membuat Pisang Goreng Pontianak Kremes :

  1. Langkah awal potong semua pisang seperti menyerupai kipas melebar, sisihkan.
  2. Selanjutnya panaskan minyak goreng, tuang satu sendok sayur adonan kremesan. biarkan mengembang lalu kecilkan apinya. kumpul-kumpulkan adonan sehingga menyatu. 
  3. Setelah itu celup pisang ke dalam bahan pencelup, kemudian masukkan ke bagian tengan kremesan yang sudah dikumpulkan.
  4. Lipat kremesan hingga menutupi pisang, lalu goreng hingga matang.
  5. Angkat, lalu susun di wadah saji untuk dihidangkan selagi hangat.

Demikian yang dapat kami sampaikan mengenai artikel resep pisang goreng kremes ala Pontianak nya. semoga dengan adanya Resep Pisang Goreng Pontianak Kremes yang kami bagikan ini dapat menambah wawasan anda mengenai cara membuat pisang goreng kremes dengan gaya yang baru. jangan lewatkan resep menarik lainnya dari kami seperti Resep Macaroni Schotel Praktis yang patut untuk dicoba. terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga bermanfaat. sekian.

Resep Pisang Goreng Pontianak Kremes

Whenever you read a health care article, paper, book, blog post or even tweet, that substitutes the term consumers for patients, and the term providers for doctors, or physicians, you should inherently assume that the authors are advocating for something that will not benefit you or the people you care for, something that will most likely harm you financially and if you happen to be less than independently wealthy it will harm you physically in real and immediate ways. These advocacy pieces usually come dressed in the sheep clothing of empowerment, liberation, convenience, savings and democratization, but underneath it all, and often unbeknownst to the authors themselves, there is always an ominous incarnation of the wolf of Wall Street.

Whenever you read something emanating from selfless, do-gooder (usually public or supposedly not-for-profit, but certainly for-revenue) institutions, alliances, consortia, coalitions, and such, note how you are always addressed in the third-person plural. There is no “we” in what passes as enlightened health care conversation. As Dr. Victor Montori astutely observed, there is no “sense of a shared fate. Of a shared journey with our kin.” The wolves of Wall Street, and the hyenas of Silicon Valley dancing at their feet, have no kin and no intention of sharing in our fate.

Consumers and providers are a uniform mass of transactional entities, neatly described by a finite number of discrete financial events. Consumers and providers are hence computable entities. You don’t often see articles about consumers being sad or happy, consumers laughing or crying, consumers falling in love or dying. Providers are never sued for malpractice, never accused of fraud, never disillusioned and they never commit suicide. The vocabulary used for consumers and providers requires that we strip everything human from the subject matter, and leave all that is mercenary and precisely quantifiable in dollars and cents. As the consumer/provider vocabulary is ported to health care, the entire endeavor by necessity is divesting itself of human considerations, including kinship and any remaining sense of a shared fate.

Consumers, although sometimes patronizingly described as savvy, are not assumed to possess any particular wisdom. The only discriminatory behavior ascribed to consumers is the ability to discern cheap from expensive. Consumers are expected to incessantly shop for consumable stuff, like so many rats frantically searching for bits of cheese in a carefully constructed maze. We are expected to shop when things are hunky dory and when things are down in the dumps. We are ordered to shop in the face of national tragedies, and now we are ordered to shop when personal tragedy strikes as well.  We are ordered to shop for life saving medicine. We are ordered to shop for surgeries, and we are ordered to shop for “relationships” with our “providers”. We are effectively ordered to shop for dear life, and to “share” and “rate” our shopping “experience” to better inform the maze designers.

The government of the United States wants us to shop for health insurance every twelve months. Health insurance companies want us to shop for cheap services all through the year. ProPublica and the unparalleled paragon of social beneficence called Yelp, are volunteering to help us do a better job at shopping for “providers”. Glitzy startups like Amino, will “harnesses health Industry data for consumers”, to show us some information about some doctors, for no particular reason and free of charge, because “the initial goal is to create an appealing product, and then figure out a business model later”. Yes, it makes perfect sense that Mr. Vinod Khosla and company would sink almost $20 million in something not projected to have any returns. After all, the entire Silicon Valley Empire was built this way, and now the time has finally come to fully align health care with Silicon Valley and Wall Street ways of doing business.

A fundamental shift in how we are being programmed to think about health care is therefore underway. The rather recent term “consumer-centric healthcare” is now brazenly accompanied by musings on who will be “herding” consumers’ medical records. Following the subtle transformation of health care to “healthcare”, we are beginning to shift the conversation to just “health”, because the “care” part seems redundant. Health care is not too expensive because insurance companies operate like Columbian drug cartels and pharmaceutical companies are essentially drug cartels. Health care is not too expensive because hospitals are coalescing into regional and national monopolies, unchecked and undeterred by the perpetually fund-raising legislative and administrative corps of career politicians. Health care is not too expensive because people who work for a living haven’t gotten a raise in decades. No siree, Bob!

Health care is too expensive because consumers lack the wisdom to be healthy, and providers, i.e. the nondescript entities tasked with pushing “appropriate” processes and products to consumers, are failing to keep consumers healthy (a.k.a. profitable). Consumers must be reformed to be healthier, and providers to be more productive producers of health. To prime the pump, health care itself needs to be transformed from a quirky personal service to a standardized population management industry ripe for plunder (a.k.a. disruption). And then, who better to reform consumers than the high tech propaganda machine? Over the years we were reformed to happily ingest every edible poison known to mankind. We were reformed to bash the brains out of fellow consumers every Friday after Thanksgiving. We were reformed into a trembling mass of righteous fear and indignation that can only function (when properly medicated) in “safe spaces” devoid of intellectual ambiguity.

We were reformed to not just accept, but clamor and pay a premium for the right to carry consumer profiling devices in our pockets, which are used to chart our future in minute detail. Healthcare “futurists” are painting for us abstract visions of healthcare where “health is primary”. Futures where medicine is devoid of hospitals, human doctors and human patients. Futures where you buy genetic analysis from 23andMe on your TV, and fixing your baby in utero is a weekend DIY project. Futures where we need not care for each other because the iPhone Gods are caring for us all. Will we be happy? Will we be free? Que sera, sera….

But our health has always been affected mostly by social order, and less so by health care. As Silicon Valley and Wall Street are taking command of our health, what will be, will be affected by factors far removed from the myopic analysis of our healthcare experts. Fortunately, we are bringing our canary on the journey down this shaft. Unfortunately, the canary is dying.

Mortality rates have began to rise for white, middle-aged Americans without a college education, arguably the people most vulnerable to the mercantile siliconization of life. They use mostly alcohol and opioids to numb the pain and eventually they numb it for good. Unless we find our way out of these toxic dungeons where life is money and money is life, right here, right now, most of us, consumers and providers alike, will suffer the same fate. This is the real clear and present future of consumerized health.

The Middle-Aged Consumer in the Coal Mine

TEDMED2015, the health and medicine offshoot of the TED conference, is set to kick off in two weeks!  Are you looking forward to it?  The Central Library will be streaming all sessions that occur during normal operating hours.  These sessions include:


10:30 to noon Mind Matters
1 to 2:45 Catalyzing Great Science
4:45 to 6:30 Back to Basics
7:30 to 9 Food Fix


10:30 to noon Techno-Utopia
1 to 2:30 Who Cares for Health Care?
4:30 to 6 Out There

Unlike regular TED talks, TEDMED sessions are not available online.  The St. Louis Public Library is pleased to offer this year’s sessions free to the public.  We hope you can join us for some or all of them!

After TEDMEDLive is over, we look forward to showing recordings of the sessions as part of programs with local presenters.


Open Enrollment in the Federal healthcare marketplace has just begun, and continues through the end of January.  Affinia Healthcare's Certified Application Counselors will be at the Locust Street Atrium of Central Library, 1301 Olive Street next Monday the 9th and two weeks later on the 23rd.

ACA signups continue!

Resep Macaroni Schotel Praktis - Macaroni Schotel merupakan sajian yang enak dan lezat dari Negeri Belanda yang cukup populer di penjuru dunia. ciri khas dari Macaroni Schotel ini adalah dihidangkan selagi panas dalam wadah yang cekung dan bundar. untuk ukuran loyang bundar biasanya ada yang kecil, sedang dan besar. dari berbagai hidangan schotel yang ada, Macaroni Schotel adalah sajian schotel yang paling banyak dibuat orang.

Di negara Belanda Schotel berartian Dish atau yang dalam bahasa indonesia-nya adalah masakan. di berbagai negara, masakan yang hampir mirip dengan Schotel disebut dengan Macaroni Casserole. untuk Resep Macaroni Casserole mungkin akan kita share di resep berikutnya ya. selain Macaroni Casserole, hidangan sejenis Schotel yang terkenal yang dibuat dari macaroni dan keju adalah Mac and Cheese. masakan Mac and Cheese ini mirip sekali dengan Macaroni Schotel, hanya minus telur dan daging diisiannya sehingga teksturnya lebih lembek, lembut dan ngeju sekali alias cheesy.

Untuk Resep Macaroni Schotel sebenarnya sudah banyak sekali sliweran di internet ya. tapi kami rasa resepnya kebanyakan terlalu ribet dan panjang sekali proses pembuatannya. pada umumnya Resep Macaroni Schotel menggunakan topping saus keju yang lumer. namun kali ini kami akan mengajak anda beralih ke resep mac n cheese yang pembuatannya lebih simple, mudah, praktis dan cepat.

Dengan ini agar tekstur Macaroni Schotel menjadi lebih padat dan lezat, anda cukup menambahkan kocokan telur didalam adonan macaroni. dalam Resep Macaroni Schotel ini agar lebih praktis, mudah dan cepat dalam pembuatannya kami pilihkan isiannya menggunakan sosis. namun bila anda ingin Macaroni Schotel yang anda buat lebih terasa special boleh ditambahkan dengan potongan daging asap, ayam cincang atau diganti dengan daging kornet agar lebih praktis. tapi jika anda membuatnya dengan daging kornet jangan lupa ditumis sebentar dengan bawang bombay agar hasilnya lebih terasa enak dan fress.

Selain daging asap atau kornet, dalam Resep Macaroni Schotel Belanda ala Indonesia ini anda juga dapat menambahkan aneka sayuran untuk kelengkapan gizi sang schotel. mulai dari sayuran wortel, jamur, kacang polong, brokoli, bayam dan lain sebagainya. namun bagi anda yang memakai bayam, Macaroni Schotel harus habis dalam waktu 5 jam ya. hal ini terjadi karena sayuran bayam tidak boleh dikonsumsi lebih dari sehari.

Untuk membuat Macaroni Schotel tentu saja sangat mudah, anda dapat membuatnya dengan cara kukus yang terkenal dengan nama Macaroni Schotel Kukus. lalu dengan cara di panggang, Macaroni Schotel seperti ini populer dengan nama Macaroni Schotel Panggang. sedangkan untuk anda yang ingin lebih praktis lagi anda dapat membuat Macaroni Schotel dengan cara di Goreng dan dengan menggunakan Happy Call yang fungsinya hampir sama dengan oven atau alat pemanggang.

Nah, untuk Resep Macaroni Schotel yang kami bagikan kali ini kita akan membuatnya dengan cara di panggang ya, jadi anda harus mempunyai oven. bagaimana sudah penasaran dengan Macaroni Schotel sehat dan praktis ini? yasudah, yuck segera disimak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Macaroni Schotel nya seperti berikut ini.

Resep Macaroni Schotel dan Cara Membuatnya

Resep Macaroni Schotel dan Cara Membuatnya

Bahan-bahan Macaroni Schotel :

  • Makaroni ( Macaroni ) secukupnya
  • Minyak goreng secukupnya
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Telur ayam 2 butir
  • Sosis sapi 2 buah
  • Bawang bombay secukupnya
  • Susu UHT 150 mili liter
  • Keju cheddar 100 gram
  • Lada ( merica ) 1/2 sendok teh
  • Oregano 1 sendok teh 
  • Basil 1 sendok teh
  • kaldu ayam secukupnya

Cara Membuat Macaroni Schotel :

  1. Langkah awal panaskan oven dengan suhu 180 derajat. kemudian rebus makaroni dalam air mendidih, beserta minyak goreng dan garam, sampai makaroni lunak. tiriskan.
  2. Campurkan susu UHT, telur, bawang bombay, sosis dan kaldu ayam. aduk hingga semua bahan tercampur rata.
  3. Setelah itu masukkan makaroni ke dalam campuran susu UHT, tambahkan keju, lada bubuk, oregano dan daun basil. aduk kembali hingga rata.
  4. Selanjutnya masukkan adonan macaroni ke dalam pinggan tahan panas atau aluminium foil. panggang dalam oven selama 25 hingga 30 menit atau hingga atasnya berwarna kuning kecoklatan
  5. Angkat, sajikan Macaroni Schotel selagi hangat dengan ditemani aneka minuman hangat atau dingin sesuai selera.

Oregano atau Pot Marjoram ( origanum vulgare ) adalah tanamamn dari keluarga mint yang memiliki aroma kuat, berasa hangat serta terasa sedikit pahit. tanaman ini biasa di tanam di Mediteranis, Asia Selatan dan Asia Tengah. sedangkan Basil, selasih, tlasih atau basilikum ( Ocimum ) adalah sejenis terna yang dimanfaatkan daun, bunga dan bijinya sebagai rempah-rempah serta penyegar ( tonikum ). kedua bahan ini seringkali digunakan dalam pembuatan Pizza Ala Pizza Hut. anda dapat mendapatkannya di supermarket terdekat atau di tempat belanja yang terjangkau dari tempat tinggal anda.

Oh iya, agar semakin mantap, anda dapat menambahkan parutan keju di atas Macaroni Schotel agar semakin terasa kejunya. oh iya, Macaroni Schotel ini bisa di simpan dengan cara ditutup dengan aluminium foil lalu dimasukkan ke dalam lemari es ( kulkas ). dengan ini Macaroni Schotel dapat bertahan lama hingga 4-5 hari. saat akan menyajikan, anda tingga oven atau kukus sebentar hingga Macaroni Schotel menjadi hangat dan nikmat disantap bersama keluarga tercinta. 

Anda dapat menyajikan Macaroni Schotel sebagai camilan keluarga yang enak dan favorit atau bisa juga dijadikan bekal anak ke sekolah. bagi anda yang suka pedas, boleh ditambahkan saus botolan diatas taburan keju yang gurih. selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Macaroni Schotel Praktis ini dirumah. buka juga informasi resep menarik lainnya seperti Resep Kimchi Masakan Korea Sehat dan Resep Bakpao Karakter Isi Daging Empuk yang sayang sekali bila anda lewatkan. terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga bermanfaat, sekian.

Resep Macaroni Schotel Praktis