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Hi there !

Today, I will talk about a fruit called
 APRICOT   which is also eaten in dried form too. Apricot is having it's significance in health care and beauty care as well.


Health Benefits Of Apricot.


Apricots are bright yellow or you can also say golden orange colored fruits.
Apricots belong to the Rosaceae family of fruit trees. Peaches, plums, and nectarine also fall in the same category. Apricots are generally available during the summer.
Dried and canned apricots are available all the year round. Apricot is velvety soft skin fruit that shows, close resemblance to peaches appearance.

Apricot fruit name in Hindi - Khubani/Khumani/Jardalu
In Telugu - Jaldaru

Apricots have a centrally located single seed which is surrounded by  edible flesh. They have a smooth and sweet flavor which is full of musky flavor and very light tartness. The seed is also edible and resembles almonds in taste and appearance. It is enclosed in a hard stony shell often called a “stone”. Oil extracted from these seeds is used in cooking. And often seeds are substituted as almonds. Sometimes people use apricot seeds instead of almonds.

Apricots are a available in fresh and in dried form and can be enjoyed both fresh and dried. However, it is to be noted that fresh fruits have higher vitamin C content and they are more healthy by some while dried form of apricots are long lasting, can be stored and are generally preferred by dieters. Some experts say dried form is more nutritious than their fresh counterparts. Apricots are used in various recipes and forms.

Although the fruit is not a native of India, it is widely used in both fresh and dried forms of the fruit in different parts of the country. Apricots comes in May and is available until the month of August.
It's rich nutritional content makes a most popular fruit of North and South America. This fruit was first grown in the China and then distributed to all over the world. Some of the highly apricot producing countries are Spain, Italy, Russia, Turkey, France, United States and Greece.


Nutrition Facts Of Apricots -
Here you will know about apricot nutritional value in detail.
Apricots (Prunus armeniaca), fresh.
Nutritive Value per 100 g. Total-ORAC umol TE/100 g-1115.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Nutrient Amount %age Of RDA Chart

Amount %age Of RDA
Energy    50 Kcal.    2.5%
Carbohydrates          11 g    8.5%
Protein         1.4 g    2.5%
Total Fat         0.4 g     1%
Cholesterol          0 mg     0%
Dietary Fibre         2 g     5%
Folates         9 µg     2%
Niacin         0.600 mg     4%
Pantothenic Acid         0.240 mg     5%
Pyridoxine          0.054 mg     5%
Riboflavin          0.040 mg     3%
Thiamin  0.030 mg     2.5%
Vitamin-A    1926 IU    64%
Vitamin-C       10 mg    16%
Vitamin-E       0 mg    0%
Vitamin-K       3.3 µg    3%
Sodium       1 mg    0%
Potassium      259 mg    5.5%
Calcium      13 mg   1.3%
Copper      0 mg   0%
Iron    0.39 mg   5%
Magnesium     10 mg  2.5%
Manganese   0.077 mg  3%
Phosphorus      23 mg  3%
Zinc     0.2 mg  2%
Carotene-α      19 µgN/A
Carotene-β   1094 µg N/A
Crypto-xanthin-β     104 µgN/A
Lutein-zeaxanthin     89 µgN/A

To stay healthy, you need to consume Apricot daily. Apricots are as healthy as many other fruits. They are extremely low in calories and high in antioxidants and dietary fiber and that's why they are consumed as a dietary food.

Now, let's see amazing health benefits of Apricot.
Here are they...

 1). Eye Health :-

Researches have proved that this nutritious fruit is very good for the health of the eyes on its regular consumption. It improves the eye health. It has vitamin c and other nutrients which makes it healthy for eyes. Apricots are highly rich in vitamin A. About one cup of chopped apricots is efficient as it fulfills the 60% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is also good for eye health as we already know. It strengthens the optic nerves. It not only helps reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) but also helps cure it. Age related macular degeneration means
due to ageing process when people start losing their normal eye sight.
Apricot is rich in vitamins A, C and E as well as carotenoids that reduce the risk of eye vision problems.


 2). Good For Digestion :-

Apricots are packed with high amounts of pectin and cellulose that act as a mild laxative, thus helping in the treatment of constipation. Apricots contains high amount of fiber which is vital for colon health and prevents constipation. Apricots reduces the cause of colon cancer. Fibers can help in balancing the body’s metabolism. Thus, Apricots support digestive system. It provides 3% of your recommended fibre intake with just one small-sized apricot. The fibre present in this fruit, being soluble in nature, helps breakdown and digestion of food. Consumption of Apricot also helps better absorption of nutrients from the food.

 3). Beneficial For Anaemic :-

A significant amount of non-heme iron, a type of iron that is absorbed very slowly by the body, is found in Apricots. It can allow better absorption and prevention of development of anemia for a long period of time.

 4). Heart Health :-

Apricot fruit is capable of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It contains abundant amount of antioxidants like vitamin C and lycopene. These antioxidants can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). This can minimize the risk of heart attack and is helpful in improving your heart health. Hence, it keeps your heart healthy by reducing the risk of heart disease. It can be better understood in this way. Apricots packed with antioxidants like carotenoids and flavonols prevents the oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries. And different nutrients in apricots help in reducing risk factors like obesity, cholesterol and diabetes that are linked to heart disease.

 5). Helps In Weight Loss :-

Apricot is a fruit which is rich in dietary fiber, and has low calories.
That's why they are present on the list when you are going for a weight loss.

 6). Bones Health :-

Apricots contains high amount of calcium which plays an important role in not only formation of bones but in development of bones too. Apricots helps in maintaining bone health thus further preventing bone related problems.

 7). Relieves Arthritis :-

Apricot kernel oil is full of anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it efficient in reducing symptoms of arthritis. It also helps in relieving pain and soothes the affected areas.

 8). Protects From Cancer :-

This fruit is enruched with antioxidants. These antioxidants are helpful in protecting our bodies from free radicals which cause damage to cells. Many factors can be responsible for free radicals which are produced in our body like pollution, harmful UV rays and smoke. These harmful radicals act as enemies as they disturbs the normal process of cell growth, bringing about changes in DNA of the cells. This can lead to the formation of cancer cells. Apricots are rich in vitamins A and C which are powerful antioxidants that fight cancer diseases and boosts your immune system. Even apricot fruit seed contains a compound called B17 that can fight cancer.

You can cut  a few slices of apricots. Add it to your morning cereal breakfast or to your glass of milkshake. Because of their potent antioxidant activity, apricots help preventing direct DNA damage that could lead to cancer.

 9).  Boosts Immunity :-

Apricot boosts the immunity of your body. Apricot oil helps in strengthening the immune system. Strong immunity helps in fighting infections like cold and flu thus, preventing body from illness.

 10). Helps In Electrolyte Balancing :-

For the maintenance of Electrolyte balance, minerals like sodium and potassium play a vital role.
Apricots contain these minerals which maintains the balance of electrolyte levels. It is important for the transportation of ions to every cells of the body. It maintains fluid level which is important for muscle contraction.

 11). Lowers Down The Cholesterol Levels :-

Apricot contains soluble fibre. This soluble fibre is known to reduce total cholesterol levels in the blood by reducing re-absorption of bile in the intestine. Due to lack of absorption,  bile gets excreted through feces. In order to compensate this loss, the liver produces bile salts with the help of cholesterol present in the blood. As we know, apricots contain soluble fibre, it can help in reducing your blood cholesterol levels to make more bile.

 12). Reduce The Risk Of Liver Disease :-

Apricot can protect from hepatic steatosis also known as fatty liver disease and liver damage. A study conducted by Ozturk F and colleagues on rats have found that apricot when fed had reduced liver injury in rats suggesting that it may help to reduce the risk of fatty liver disease.

  13). Relieves Asthma :-

It has been proved that Apricots are beneficial in providing relief from the symptoms of asthma, tuberculosis, and bronchitis.

 14). Fights Against Inflammation :-

Apricot is rich in catechins. Catechins is a group of flavonoids. It makes apricots exhibit a strong anti-inflammatory action. Scientists say that catechins inhibit the key enzymes required in the process of inflammation.

 15). Helps In Getting Relief From Fever:-

Apricots are helpful in getting relief from fever. To get it's benefits in fever, you can take apricot and water, then make a liquid out of it, and afterwards, you can add a little honey in it. This will help in relieving thirst & fever. It will also clean your system and add vitamins and minerals to the body.

 16). Source Of Vitamin B17 :-

Apricot oil is a great source of Vitamin B17. In Apricots, Vitamin B17 is present in the seeds of the fruit. This nutrient appears to be helpful in the prevention of various types of cancers like cancer of bone, cervical and skin cancers. These cancers can be prevented with the help of apricot oil. Vitamin B17 is also known to lower and maintain blood pressure.


 17). Skincare :-

Apricot do wonders in skincare. It maintains the skin health and improves the skin texture. You already know about apricot scrubs (exfoliators) available in the market.
For more on Beauty benefits of Apricot, plz visit here.


As I always say , every thing you eat or apply, you should be cautious about it. You should be aware of risk factors and side-effects,  allergies and health conditions which alter it.
Same thing applies here too. You should take precautions while
eating apricots as it may lead to some serious health disorders because of its side effects and disadvantages.

It is said that eating dried apricots should be avoided. The reason behind it is the way it is stored.  As it is stored using sulfites in order to preserve it and prevent from oxidation, it can cause side-effects. Sulfites may cause some serious health problems like acute bronchospasm and asthma in later life.
It contains some amount of oxalates which can cause kidney or gall bladder stones.
Apricots kernel may cause cyanide toxicity that makes it efficient in developing symptoms like nausea, headache, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, liver damage, diminished alertness, cyanosis (decreased oxygen level in the blood), ptosis (drooping eyelids), hypotension (low blood pressure), neuropathies (nerve damage), difficulty in walking due to nerve damage and etc.
Cyanide poisoning may lead to the serious conditions like coma or death in some cases.
It should be avoided by the pregnant and breast feeding women or eaten under careful guidance of the doctor.
Again as I recommend, you should consult your doctor before consuming anything specially if you have specific health conditions.
Appropriate Quantity Of Consumption Is Necessary -
Apricots are no doubt healthy fruits packed with nutrients yet like othee fruits etc. one should eat anything under limit & same applies on Apricots.
It is healthy to eat it according to the body need and requirement. Many factors like age, sex, weight and health conditions of a person are taken to be in consideration while consuming apricots. However, you can eat around 5-6 a day as it is OK for a normal person to take health benefits out of it. In other cases it must be well consulted by the doctor or health consultants.

                            A Post By Admin.

Author - Swatti Sharrma ß


Disclaimer :- This blog is not intended to any prescription or medical advice. It is for general info only. Always consult your doctor before using or applying anything. Keep an eye on the ingredients to which you are allergic. Be cautious if you have any specific health condition or you are under medication. Consult your doctor first. Use info on your own wisdom.

Swatti Sharrma ß

Health Benefits Of Apricot Fruit.


Hi there !

Today, I will talk about a fruit called
 APRICOT   which is also eaten in dried form too. Apricot is having it's significance in health care and beauty care as well.


Health Benefits Of Apricot.


Apricots are bright yellow or you can also say golden orange colored fruits.
Apricots belong to the Rosaceae family of fruit trees. Peaches, plums, and nectarine also fall in the same category. Apricots are generally available during the summer.
Dried and canned apricots are available all the year round. Apricot is velvety soft skin fruit that shows, close resemblance to peaches appearance.

Apricot fruit name in Hindi - Khubani/Khumani/Jardalu
In Telugu - Jaldaru

Apricots have a centrally located single seed which is surrounded by  edible flesh. They have a smooth and sweet flavor which is full of musky flavor and very light tartness. The seed is also edible and resembles almonds in taste and appearance. It is enclosed in a hard stony shell often called a “stone”. Oil extracted from these seeds is used in cooking. And often seeds are substituted as almonds. Sometimes people use apricot seeds instead of almonds.

Apricots are a available in fresh and in dried form and can be enjoyed both fresh and dried. However, it is to be noted that fresh fruits have higher vitamin C content and they are more healthy by some while dried form of apricots are long lasting, can be stored and are generally preferred by dieters. Some experts say dried form is more nutritious than their fresh counterparts. Apricots are used in various recipes and forms.

Although the fruit is not a native of India, it is widely used in both fresh and dried forms of the fruit in different parts of the country. Apricots comes in May and is available until the month of August.
It's rich nutritional content makes a most popular fruit of North and South America. This fruit was first grown in the China and then distributed to all over the world. Some of the highly apricot producing countries are Spain, Italy, Russia, Turkey, France, United States and Greece.


Nutrition Facts Of Apricots -
Here you will know about apricot nutritional value in detail.
Apricots (Prunus armeniaca), fresh.
Nutritive Value per 100 g. Total-ORAC umol TE/100 g-1115.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Nutrient Amount %age Of RDA Chart

Amount %age Of RDA
Energy    50 Kcal.    2.5%
Carbohydrates          11 g    8.5%
Protein         1.4 g    2.5%
Total Fat         0.4 g     1%
Cholesterol          0 mg     0%
Dietary Fibre         2 g     5%
Folates         9 µg     2%
Niacin         0.600 mg     4%
Pantothenic Acid         0.240 mg     5%
Pyridoxine          0.054 mg     5%
Riboflavin          0.040 mg     3%
Thiamin  0.030 mg     2.5%
Vitamin-A    1926 IU    64%
Vitamin-C       10 mg    16%
Vitamin-E       0 mg    0%
Vitamin-K       3.3 µg    3%
Sodium       1 mg    0%
Potassium      259 mg    5.5%
Calcium      13 mg   1.3%
Copper      0 mg   0%
Iron    0.39 mg   5%
Magnesium     10 mg  2.5%
Manganese   0.077 mg  3%
Phosphorus      23 mg  3%
Zinc     0.2 mg  2%
Carotene-α      19 µgN/A
Carotene-β   1094 µg N/A
Crypto-xanthin-β     104 µgN/A
Lutein-zeaxanthin     89 µgN/A

To stay healthy, you need to consume Apricot daily. Apricots are as healthy as many other fruits. They are extremely low in calories and high in antioxidants and dietary fiber and that's why they are consumed as a dietary food.

Now, let's see amazing health benefits of Apricot.
Here are they...

 1). Eye Health :-

Researches have proved that this nutritious fruit is very good for the health of the eyes on its regular consumption. It improves the eye health. It has vitamin c and other nutrients which makes it healthy for eyes. Apricots are highly rich in vitamin A. About one cup of chopped apricots is efficient as it fulfills the 60% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is also good for eye health as we already know. It strengthens the optic nerves. It not only helps reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) but also helps cure it. Age related macular degeneration means
due to ageing process when people start losing their normal eye sight.
Apricot is rich in vitamins A, C and E as well as carotenoids that reduce the risk of eye vision problems.


 2). Good For Digestion :-

Apricots are packed with high amounts of pectin and cellulose that act as a mild laxative, thus helping in the treatment of constipation. Apricots contains high amount of fiber which is vital for colon health and prevents constipation. Apricots reduces the cause of colon cancer. Fibers can help in balancing the body’s metabolism. Thus, Apricots support digestive system. It provides 3% of your recommended fibre intake with just one small-sized apricot. The fibre present in this fruit, being soluble in nature, helps breakdown and digestion of food. Consumption of Apricot also helps better absorption of nutrients from the food.

 3). Beneficial For Anaemic :-

A significant amount of non-heme iron, a type of iron that is absorbed very slowly by the body, is found in Apricots. It can allow better absorption and prevention of development of anemia for a long period of time.

 4). Heart Health :-

Apricot fruit is capable of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It contains abundant amount of antioxidants like vitamin C and lycopene. These antioxidants can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). This can minimize the risk of heart attack and is helpful in improving your heart health. Hence, it keeps your heart healthy by reducing the risk of heart disease. It can be better understood in this way. Apricots packed with antioxidants like carotenoids and flavonols prevents the oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries. And different nutrients in apricots help in reducing risk factors like obesity, cholesterol and diabetes that are linked to heart disease.

 5). Helps In Weight Loss :-

Apricot is a fruit which is rich in dietary fiber, and has low calories.
That's why they are present on the list when you are going for a weight loss.

 6). Bones Health :-

Apricots contains high amount of calcium which plays an important role in not only formation of bones but in development of bones too. Apricots helps in maintaining bone health thus further preventing bone related problems.

 7). Relieves Arthritis :-

Apricot kernel oil is full of anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it efficient in reducing symptoms of arthritis. It also helps in relieving pain and soothes the affected areas.

 8). Protects From Cancer :-

This fruit is enruched with antioxidants. These antioxidants are helpful in protecting our bodies from free radicals which cause damage to cells. Many factors can be responsible for free radicals which are produced in our body like pollution, harmful UV rays and smoke. These harmful radicals act as enemies as they disturbs the normal process of cell growth, bringing about changes in DNA of the cells. This can lead to the formation of cancer cells. Apricots are rich in vitamins A and C which are powerful antioxidants that fight cancer diseases and boosts your immune system. Even apricot fruit seed contains a compound called B17 that can fight cancer.

You can cut  a few slices of apricots. Add it to your morning cereal breakfast or to your glass of milkshake. Because of their potent antioxidant activity, apricots help preventing direct DNA damage that could lead to cancer.

 9).  Boosts Immunity :-

Apricot boosts the immunity of your body. Apricot oil helps in strengthening the immune system. Strong immunity helps in fighting infections like cold and flu thus, preventing body from illness.

 10). Helps In Electrolyte Balancing :-

For the maintenance of Electrolyte balance, minerals like sodium and potassium play a vital role.
Apricots contain these minerals which maintains the balance of electrolyte levels. It is important for the transportation of ions to every cells of the body. It maintains fluid level which is important for muscle contraction.

 11). Lowers Down The Cholesterol Levels :-

Apricot contains soluble fibre. This soluble fibre is known to reduce total cholesterol levels in the blood by reducing re-absorption of bile in the intestine. Due to lack of absorption,  bile gets excreted through feces. In order to compensate this loss, the liver produces bile salts with the help of cholesterol present in the blood. As we know, apricots contain soluble fibre, it can help in reducing your blood cholesterol levels to make more bile.

 12). Reduce The Risk Of Liver Disease :-

Apricot can protect from hepatic steatosis also known as fatty liver disease and liver damage. A study conducted by Ozturk F and colleagues on rats have found that apricot when fed had reduced liver injury in rats suggesting that it may help to reduce the risk of fatty liver disease.

  13). Relieves Asthma :-

It has been proved that Apricots are beneficial in providing relief from the symptoms of asthma, tuberculosis, and bronchitis.

 14). Fights Against Inflammation :-

Apricot is rich in catechins. Catechins is a group of flavonoids. It makes apricots exhibit a strong anti-inflammatory action. Scientists say that catechins inhibit the key enzymes required in the process of inflammation.

 15). Helps In Getting Relief From Fever:-

Apricots are helpful in getting relief from fever. To get it's benefits in fever, you can take apricot and water, then make a liquid out of it, and afterwards, you can add a little honey in it. This will help in relieving thirst & fever. It will also clean your system and add vitamins and minerals to the body.

 16). Source Of Vitamin B17 :-

Apricot oil is a great source of Vitamin B17. In Apricots, Vitamin B17 is present in the seeds of the fruit. This nutrient appears to be helpful in the prevention of various types of cancers like cancer of bone, cervical and skin cancers. These cancers can be prevented with the help of apricot oil. Vitamin B17 is also known to lower and maintain blood pressure.


 17). Skincare :-

Apricot do wonders in skincare. It maintains the skin health and improves the skin texture. You already know about apricot scrubs (exfoliators) available in the market.
For more on Beauty benefits of Apricot, plz visit here.


As I always say , every thing you eat or apply, you should be cautious about it. You should be aware of risk factors and side-effects,  allergies and health conditions which alter it.
Same thing applies here too. You should take precautions while
eating apricots as it may lead to some serious health disorders because of its side effects and disadvantages.

It is said that eating dried apricots should be avoided. The reason behind it is the way it is stored.  As it is stored using sulfites in order to preserve it and prevent from oxidation, it can cause side-effects. Sulfites may cause some serious health problems like acute bronchospasm and asthma in later life.
It contains some amount of oxalates which can cause kidney or gall bladder stones.
Apricots kernel may cause cyanide toxicity that makes it efficient in developing symptoms like nausea, headache, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, liver damage, diminished alertness, cyanosis (decreased oxygen level in the blood), ptosis (drooping eyelids), hypotension (low blood pressure), neuropathies (nerve damage), difficulty in walking due to nerve damage and etc.
Cyanide poisoning may lead to the serious conditions like coma or death in some cases.
It should be avoided by the pregnant and breast feeding women or eaten under careful guidance of the doctor.
Again as I recommend, you should consult your doctor before consuming anything specially if you have specific health conditions.
Appropriate Quantity Of Consumption Is Necessary -
Apricots are no doubt healthy fruits packed with nutrients yet like othee fruits etc. one should eat anything under limit & same applies on Apricots.
It is healthy to eat it according to the body need and requirement. Many factors like age, sex, weight and health conditions of a person are taken to be in consideration while consuming apricots. However, you can eat around 5-6 a day as it is OK for a normal person to take health benefits out of it. In other cases it must be well consulted by the doctor or health consultants.

                            A Post By Admin.

Author - Swatti Sharrma ß


Disclaimer :- This blog is not intended to any prescription or medical advice. It is for general info only. Always consult your doctor before using or applying anything. Keep an eye on the ingredients to which you are allergic. Be cautious if you have any specific health condition or you are under medication. Consult your doctor first. Use info on your own wisdom.

Swatti Sharrma ß

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