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Hello Angels !!!

How are you all ???

Hope you all are enjoying your life with goodness. Well, enjoying life is very important becoz no one knows we will get life and birth again or not when we die. So, making every moment worth is a good way to live life but we should also try to add goodness in our daily..In each moment becoz the way you live your life makes it worthless and precious. The way of living life is the outlook you share about your own life.

Never hurt anyone for your enjoyment. Keep your head high, be optimistic and never loose hope. Cheer up becoz it's time to make better choices.

Goodness in life also comes through caring about others and ourselves too..taking care about our health and beauty.

In the previous post, I had written about goodness of apples.

Now, in this post, let me share goodness of    ACV   with you.
ACV, I think you are well known about it. Yeah, ACV is Apple Cider Vinegar. 🍸

Now, what is Apple Cider Vinegar  ???

This question may come in your mind. I am talking about those who doesn't know it.

So, here is the answer... ➡

Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV is a vinegar which is made by Apples. It is manufactured in the industries & factories and is available on online markets too.
Vinegar has been used for centuries for various cooking and household purposes. We use it in pickles, jams & sauces.
Due to spreading awareness, ACV is very popular specially in foreign countries for it's benefits.It is made from cider and has a pale to medium amber color.

One of the most common beliefs prevailing in the scientific and non-scientific communities today is that apple cider vinegar has disease-fighting properties due to its high concentration of beneficial ingredients.

Actually, it is believed that it has anti-microbial properties too.

Adding vinegar checks the growth of microbes in food and hence, it is protected from spoilage.When we have to preserve food for long time, we add vinegar to it as it serve as preservative.

Apple cider vinegar is used in marinades, chutneys, pickles, jams, food preservatives, salad dressings, and numerous other dishes. It tastes extremely sour due to the presence of acetic acid and malic acid.

It is very very acidic in nature that's why it is always recommended to use it after dilution.Concentrated form of ACV can induce acidity and it can spoil enamel of teeth if consumed orally without diluting it with water or by direct consumption.

As a microbiologist, I want to tell you here that it is basically formed by fermentation process.Fermentation is a common name in the field of microbiology.Many of you might also be aware about it.

   Brief History Of ACV   

An ancient nomadic tribe by the name of Aryans developed a sour apple wine in around 25000 B.C. which formed the basis for the preparation of apple cider vinegar.
Cider basically means wine or strong drink. ACV has been medicinally used for thousands of years. It was used to treat certain ailments like toothache, mushroom poisoning, and dandruff. 

The vinegar was also used during the time of Civil War and World War I to treat the wounds of soldiers in the battlefield. It is also said that Japanese Samurai warriors used to drink ACV for enhanced strength and endurance. It was believed to be antiseptic and to heal wounds. It was also believed that it has soothing properties.

Vinegar was also used in food as a pickling agent. The residues have been found in ancient Egyptian urns that were traced way back to 3000 BC. Still as I said above, we are using vinegar in pickles and jams from quite a long period of time.Our Dadis and Nanis were using it.It is used by generations to generations.
Apple cider vinegar is prepared by crushing apples and squeezing out the liquid – in a way similar to the preparation of other fermented drinks like Kombucha, Kefir, and wine.

That’s about the brief history of ACV. 

   I  Prepare My Own - 

Now, ACV is available in stores and in online markets too, it is too costly for some to even afford.
Also for the person who care much about purity of things, it couldn't be satisfactory to buy ACV online or from shops.
When I came to know about ACV, during that time, it was not a common thing to talk about in India. Hence, it was difficult to find it in stores specially at my place.
So, to overcome this problem, I started making ACV myself at home to be used by me and other family members.
ACV, made by myself at home
I use my homemade ACV
For various purposes
Homemade ACV is pure
Unfiltered ACV is best.
So homemade is best too.
ACV can be easily made at home

If you want the steps of the procedure, then I will share it for you in future.

In this way, I got pure form of ACV. ACV comes in filtered form in market but it is good if it is not filtered too much.

Coming back to the point...
ACV is also known as "Seb Ka Sirka" in hindi.
ACV is well known today for it's health & beauty benefits.If you are still ignorant about it, then keep reading. 

This article of mine will tell you about health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

So, let's begin...

Nutrition Value

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR – Nutritional Profile
1 serving – 1 cup (239 g)

Nutrient Amount Daily Value Chart
 NutrientAmount Daily Value
Calories52 (210KJ)3%
Carbohydrate2.2 g1%
Dietary Fibre0.0 g0%
Starch 0.0 g0%
Total Fat 0.0 g0%
Sugars 1.0 g0%
Calcium16.7 mg2%
Iron0.5 mg3%
Magnesium 12.0 mg3%
Phosphorus 19.1 mg2%
Potassium 174 mg5%
Sodium12.0 mg0%
Zinc0.1 mg1%
Copper 0.0 mg1%
Manganese 0.6 mg30%
Selenium 0.2mcg0%
Fluoride 0.00%
Vitamin A0.00%
Vitamin B0.00%
Vitamin CPresentPresent
Vitamin D0.00%
Vitamin E0.00%
Vitamin K0.00%

Nutritional value also depends on how ACV has been manufactured.
ACV contains Pectin, Malic Acid and Acetic Acid which are beneficial for human health when consumed in right way.

Now, we come to the most important part – what makes apple cider vinegar what it is is its vast array of benefits.


1). Helps In Weight Loss - 

The major problem which people experience is how to loose weight. Obesity and being over weight can be life - threatening.

The weight loss effects of ACV is due to the presence of acetic acid, which can interfere with the body’s ability to digest starch. When this happens, less amount of food is broken down into calories in the bloodstream. This, eventually, can have a subtle effect on your weight. But, there is one thing you must keep in mind – too much of acetic acid can hurt your throat. As I said earlier, ACV is too much acidic. 

Hence, it is best to mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with about 250 ml of water and take it before a meal. Also, yes, ACV does keep some starch from being absorbed. But this doesn’t mean you can eat without thinking. Daily disciplines are as important as anything else.
One study where rats were exposed to apple cider vinegar had found the increase of an enzyme called AMPK that was present in their bodies. This enzyme increases fat burning and decreases the production of fat in the liver. Though similar effects in humans are still under speculation, the findings look very promising.

As per another Japanese study, it was found that acetic acid could suppress the accumulation of body fat. The acetate in ACV can also reduce appetite, leading to healthy weight loss.

2). Controls Blood Sugar Levels -

High blood sugar and diabetes are turning out to be life-taking in the world today. With apple cider vinegar, one can probably avoid falling victim to the this disease.

It is believed that the effects of ACV on blood sugar are similar to certain medications. The anti-glycemic effects of ACV can be linked to its ability to prevent some of the starch from getting digested and spiking your blood sugar levels. However, please consult your doctor in this regard. It is recommended in every article of this blog.To consult your doctor, it is very important before consuming anything specially if you have certain health conditions.

As per a report published by the American Diabetes Association, the ingestion of vinegar at bedtime can favorably impact glucose concentrations in type 2 diabetes patients.

3). Detoxifies Your Body - 

Toxins are poisonous and unwanted substances in our body. Detoxifying means getting rid of toxins or expelling them out. ACV is loaded with good enzymes and helpful bacteria. It also contains acetic acid, which can play a good role in detoxifying your body.

ACV can help detoxify your liver and enhance circulation. Detoxifying leads to good health and beautiful skin. This makes you look gorgeous. And in this way ACV can make you feel healthy and radiant right from the moment you wake up in the morning naturally from inside out.

ACV contains acids that bind to the toxins within your body and help in flushing them out. It purifies your blood. It also relieves constipation, thereby helping release waste and other toxic materials from your body.

4). Lowers Blood Pressure - 

Apple cider vinegar helps the body in balancing it's pH levels, which further helps in lowering blood pressure. ACV also breaks down the fat and phlegm deposits in the body – this aids better circulation and lowers the pressure against the arterial walls.

The anti-hypertensive properties of apple cider vinegar can also be attributed to its high potassium content – potassium alleviates sodium’s negative effects on blood pressure. When we say hypertension, then it means we are talking about high blood pressure.

Hyper means high and tension means blood pressure here.Hypotension means low blood pressure.Hypo (low)+tension (blood pressure).
Here, we are talking about high blood pressure.For lowering blood pressure, one should consume ACV in some form every day in required amount.

5). Aids In Digestion - 

ACV possesses antimicrobial properties due to the presence of malic acid. It may treat bowel irregularities.

ACV is also considered a prebiotic (food for probiotics, the good bacteria). It helps the beneficial bacteria in your gut thrive and maintain a healthy digestive system.

6). Helps In Cancer Prevention -

In today's time, cancer is a disease that can possibly wreck human lives, Unfortunately, it is going common in the name of diseases. There have been certain studies that support the efficacy of ACV in treating cancer. For instance, it has been found to help treat or prevent esophageal cancer.
Esophageal cancer is the cancer of esophagus.However, there are certain other studies that state otherwise. Hence, it is always recommended to check with your doctor.

7). Lowers The Cholesterol And Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease - 

As per a study published in a journal of Biological Sciences, rats that were given vinegar experienced a reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol) and an increase in HDL (good cholesterol).
We all know that cholesterol is not always bad.There are two types of cholesterol. LDL is bad cholesterol and HDL is good cholesterol. Bad cholesterol leads to heart diseases and stroke.

Apple contains pectin, a fiber that has been found to lower cholesterol levels. And, as ACV is made of apples, its consumption might help in decrease in cholesterol.

As we know, reduction in cholesterol levels means a lower risk of heart disease. According to a study published by the Harvard School of Public Health, women who ate salad dressings with vinegar observed a lowered risk of heart disease.

ACV also controls triglycerides and raises the levels of good cholesterol in your body, thereby helping prevent heart disease. The vinegar also contains chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant that has been scientifically proven to protect an individual from heart disease. The higher dose of pectin also directly contributes to heart health.

8). Treats Heart Burn And Acid Reflux -

Acidity & acid reflux are going common these days. Hectic life and disturbed eating habits lead to acidity and acid reflux. Acid reflux also leads to bad throat.
Heartburn and acid reflux can be caused often even by too little stomach acid. ACV, being acidic, provides a similar acidic environment like the stomach and aids the breakdown of food. This can help treat heartburn or acid reflux.

ACV also contains antimicrobial properties that can prevent certain intestinal issues that might cause acid reflux.

9). Whitens The Teeth -

ACV can act as a powerful cleansing agent for teeth. It not only helps remove stains on your teeth, but also kills the bacteria that cause certain gum diseases. 

Due to it's anti microbial properties, it can be good for dental hygene. All you need to do is mix half a teaspoon of ACV with a cup of water. Gargle in the morning, post which you can brush your teeth as usual.

Remember one thing , ACV is too much acidic in nature. If taken directly without diluting, it can cause damage to tooth enamel. So, always use in diluted form.

ACV, as we have already seen, contains enzymes that helps the growth of good bacteria. And since it is naturally acidic, it breaks down the plaque stuck to the teeth.

10). Get Rid Of Bad Breath - 

Bad breath could be embarrassing for those who are suffering from it. It lowers down your self-confidence level and makes you feel inferior to others.

ACV can help you in getting rid of bad breath. This is because of the presence of malic and acetic acids, the acidic properties of which can create a hostile environment for the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Also, ACV contains a rich mixture of minerals like potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, sulfur, and calcium – all of which help support oral health. In addition, since ACV helps improve digestion, it banishes bad breath as well (as digestive problems can also result in bad breath).

Apples are also known to cure bad breath because of their richness of fiber and crunchiness – two factors that help scrub away the food remnants in your teeth that might cause bad breath.

You can buy ACV online too on Amazon

So, here are some health benefits of ACV. To know some more health benefits of ACV, visit next article of this blog.

                     A blog By Admin.

Author - Swatti Sharrma ß

         🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎         🍎🍎🍎🍎         

Disclaimer - This blog is not intended to any advice or prescription.Always keep an eye on allergies you have.Keep check on your health conditions and allergies.Always do a patch test or allergy test before using any product or tip.Consult doctor and dermatologist if needed.Results may vary person to person and it depends on your skin type and health condition. This blog never recommend to consume any natural ingredient or any product without consultation of Doctor. Use any tip or products on your own wisdom with precaution.


Swatti Sharrma ß

Health Benefits Of ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar).

         🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎         🍎🍎🍎🍎         

Hello Angels !!!

How are you all ???

Hope you all are enjoying your life with goodness. Well, enjoying life is very important becoz no one knows we will get life and birth again or not when we die. So, making every moment worth is a good way to live life but we should also try to add goodness in our daily..In each moment becoz the way you live your life makes it worthless and precious. The way of living life is the outlook you share about your own life.

Never hurt anyone for your enjoyment. Keep your head high, be optimistic and never loose hope. Cheer up becoz it's time to make better choices.

Goodness in life also comes through caring about others and ourselves too..taking care about our health and beauty.

In the previous post, I had written about goodness of apples.

Now, in this post, let me share goodness of    ACV   with you.
ACV, I think you are well known about it. Yeah, ACV is Apple Cider Vinegar. 🍸

Now, what is Apple Cider Vinegar  ???

This question may come in your mind. I am talking about those who doesn't know it.

So, here is the answer... ➡

Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV is a vinegar which is made by Apples. It is manufactured in the industries & factories and is available on online markets too.
Vinegar has been used for centuries for various cooking and household purposes. We use it in pickles, jams & sauces.
Due to spreading awareness, ACV is very popular specially in foreign countries for it's benefits.It is made from cider and has a pale to medium amber color.

One of the most common beliefs prevailing in the scientific and non-scientific communities today is that apple cider vinegar has disease-fighting properties due to its high concentration of beneficial ingredients.

Actually, it is believed that it has anti-microbial properties too.

Adding vinegar checks the growth of microbes in food and hence, it is protected from spoilage.When we have to preserve food for long time, we add vinegar to it as it serve as preservative.

Apple cider vinegar is used in marinades, chutneys, pickles, jams, food preservatives, salad dressings, and numerous other dishes. It tastes extremely sour due to the presence of acetic acid and malic acid.

It is very very acidic in nature that's why it is always recommended to use it after dilution.Concentrated form of ACV can induce acidity and it can spoil enamel of teeth if consumed orally without diluting it with water or by direct consumption.

As a microbiologist, I want to tell you here that it is basically formed by fermentation process.Fermentation is a common name in the field of microbiology.Many of you might also be aware about it.

   Brief History Of ACV   

An ancient nomadic tribe by the name of Aryans developed a sour apple wine in around 25000 B.C. which formed the basis for the preparation of apple cider vinegar.
Cider basically means wine or strong drink. ACV has been medicinally used for thousands of years. It was used to treat certain ailments like toothache, mushroom poisoning, and dandruff. 

The vinegar was also used during the time of Civil War and World War I to treat the wounds of soldiers in the battlefield. It is also said that Japanese Samurai warriors used to drink ACV for enhanced strength and endurance. It was believed to be antiseptic and to heal wounds. It was also believed that it has soothing properties.

Vinegar was also used in food as a pickling agent. The residues have been found in ancient Egyptian urns that were traced way back to 3000 BC. Still as I said above, we are using vinegar in pickles and jams from quite a long period of time.Our Dadis and Nanis were using it.It is used by generations to generations.
Apple cider vinegar is prepared by crushing apples and squeezing out the liquid – in a way similar to the preparation of other fermented drinks like Kombucha, Kefir, and wine.

That’s about the brief history of ACV. 

   I  Prepare My Own - 

Now, ACV is available in stores and in online markets too, it is too costly for some to even afford.
Also for the person who care much about purity of things, it couldn't be satisfactory to buy ACV online or from shops.
When I came to know about ACV, during that time, it was not a common thing to talk about in India. Hence, it was difficult to find it in stores specially at my place.
So, to overcome this problem, I started making ACV myself at home to be used by me and other family members.
ACV, made by myself at home
I use my homemade ACV
For various purposes
Homemade ACV is pure
Unfiltered ACV is best.
So homemade is best too.
ACV can be easily made at home

If you want the steps of the procedure, then I will share it for you in future.

In this way, I got pure form of ACV. ACV comes in filtered form in market but it is good if it is not filtered too much.

Coming back to the point...
ACV is also known as "Seb Ka Sirka" in hindi.
ACV is well known today for it's health & beauty benefits.If you are still ignorant about it, then keep reading. 

This article of mine will tell you about health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

So, let's begin...

Nutrition Value

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR – Nutritional Profile
1 serving – 1 cup (239 g)

Nutrient Amount Daily Value Chart
 NutrientAmount Daily Value
Calories52 (210KJ)3%
Carbohydrate2.2 g1%
Dietary Fibre0.0 g0%
Starch 0.0 g0%
Total Fat 0.0 g0%
Sugars 1.0 g0%
Calcium16.7 mg2%
Iron0.5 mg3%
Magnesium 12.0 mg3%
Phosphorus 19.1 mg2%
Potassium 174 mg5%
Sodium12.0 mg0%
Zinc0.1 mg1%
Copper 0.0 mg1%
Manganese 0.6 mg30%
Selenium 0.2mcg0%
Fluoride 0.00%
Vitamin A0.00%
Vitamin B0.00%
Vitamin CPresentPresent
Vitamin D0.00%
Vitamin E0.00%
Vitamin K0.00%

Nutritional value also depends on how ACV has been manufactured.
ACV contains Pectin, Malic Acid and Acetic Acid which are beneficial for human health when consumed in right way.

Now, we come to the most important part – what makes apple cider vinegar what it is is its vast array of benefits.


1). Helps In Weight Loss - 

The major problem which people experience is how to loose weight. Obesity and being over weight can be life - threatening.

The weight loss effects of ACV is due to the presence of acetic acid, which can interfere with the body’s ability to digest starch. When this happens, less amount of food is broken down into calories in the bloodstream. This, eventually, can have a subtle effect on your weight. But, there is one thing you must keep in mind – too much of acetic acid can hurt your throat. As I said earlier, ACV is too much acidic. 

Hence, it is best to mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with about 250 ml of water and take it before a meal. Also, yes, ACV does keep some starch from being absorbed. But this doesn’t mean you can eat without thinking. Daily disciplines are as important as anything else.
One study where rats were exposed to apple cider vinegar had found the increase of an enzyme called AMPK that was present in their bodies. This enzyme increases fat burning and decreases the production of fat in the liver. Though similar effects in humans are still under speculation, the findings look very promising.

As per another Japanese study, it was found that acetic acid could suppress the accumulation of body fat. The acetate in ACV can also reduce appetite, leading to healthy weight loss.

2). Controls Blood Sugar Levels -

High blood sugar and diabetes are turning out to be life-taking in the world today. With apple cider vinegar, one can probably avoid falling victim to the this disease.

It is believed that the effects of ACV on blood sugar are similar to certain medications. The anti-glycemic effects of ACV can be linked to its ability to prevent some of the starch from getting digested and spiking your blood sugar levels. However, please consult your doctor in this regard. It is recommended in every article of this blog.To consult your doctor, it is very important before consuming anything specially if you have certain health conditions.

As per a report published by the American Diabetes Association, the ingestion of vinegar at bedtime can favorably impact glucose concentrations in type 2 diabetes patients.

3). Detoxifies Your Body - 

Toxins are poisonous and unwanted substances in our body. Detoxifying means getting rid of toxins or expelling them out. ACV is loaded with good enzymes and helpful bacteria. It also contains acetic acid, which can play a good role in detoxifying your body.

ACV can help detoxify your liver and enhance circulation. Detoxifying leads to good health and beautiful skin. This makes you look gorgeous. And in this way ACV can make you feel healthy and radiant right from the moment you wake up in the morning naturally from inside out.

ACV contains acids that bind to the toxins within your body and help in flushing them out. It purifies your blood. It also relieves constipation, thereby helping release waste and other toxic materials from your body.

4). Lowers Blood Pressure - 

Apple cider vinegar helps the body in balancing it's pH levels, which further helps in lowering blood pressure. ACV also breaks down the fat and phlegm deposits in the body – this aids better circulation and lowers the pressure against the arterial walls.

The anti-hypertensive properties of apple cider vinegar can also be attributed to its high potassium content – potassium alleviates sodium’s negative effects on blood pressure. When we say hypertension, then it means we are talking about high blood pressure.

Hyper means high and tension means blood pressure here.Hypotension means low blood pressure.Hypo (low)+tension (blood pressure).
Here, we are talking about high blood pressure.For lowering blood pressure, one should consume ACV in some form every day in required amount.

5). Aids In Digestion - 

ACV possesses antimicrobial properties due to the presence of malic acid. It may treat bowel irregularities.

ACV is also considered a prebiotic (food for probiotics, the good bacteria). It helps the beneficial bacteria in your gut thrive and maintain a healthy digestive system.

6). Helps In Cancer Prevention -

In today's time, cancer is a disease that can possibly wreck human lives, Unfortunately, it is going common in the name of diseases. There have been certain studies that support the efficacy of ACV in treating cancer. For instance, it has been found to help treat or prevent esophageal cancer.
Esophageal cancer is the cancer of esophagus.However, there are certain other studies that state otherwise. Hence, it is always recommended to check with your doctor.

7). Lowers The Cholesterol And Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease - 

As per a study published in a journal of Biological Sciences, rats that were given vinegar experienced a reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol) and an increase in HDL (good cholesterol).
We all know that cholesterol is not always bad.There are two types of cholesterol. LDL is bad cholesterol and HDL is good cholesterol. Bad cholesterol leads to heart diseases and stroke.

Apple contains pectin, a fiber that has been found to lower cholesterol levels. And, as ACV is made of apples, its consumption might help in decrease in cholesterol.

As we know, reduction in cholesterol levels means a lower risk of heart disease. According to a study published by the Harvard School of Public Health, women who ate salad dressings with vinegar observed a lowered risk of heart disease.

ACV also controls triglycerides and raises the levels of good cholesterol in your body, thereby helping prevent heart disease. The vinegar also contains chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant that has been scientifically proven to protect an individual from heart disease. The higher dose of pectin also directly contributes to heart health.

8). Treats Heart Burn And Acid Reflux -

Acidity & acid reflux are going common these days. Hectic life and disturbed eating habits lead to acidity and acid reflux. Acid reflux also leads to bad throat.
Heartburn and acid reflux can be caused often even by too little stomach acid. ACV, being acidic, provides a similar acidic environment like the stomach and aids the breakdown of food. This can help treat heartburn or acid reflux.

ACV also contains antimicrobial properties that can prevent certain intestinal issues that might cause acid reflux.

9). Whitens The Teeth -

ACV can act as a powerful cleansing agent for teeth. It not only helps remove stains on your teeth, but also kills the bacteria that cause certain gum diseases. 

Due to it's anti microbial properties, it can be good for dental hygene. All you need to do is mix half a teaspoon of ACV with a cup of water. Gargle in the morning, post which you can brush your teeth as usual.

Remember one thing , ACV is too much acidic in nature. If taken directly without diluting, it can cause damage to tooth enamel. So, always use in diluted form.

ACV, as we have already seen, contains enzymes that helps the growth of good bacteria. And since it is naturally acidic, it breaks down the plaque stuck to the teeth.

10). Get Rid Of Bad Breath - 

Bad breath could be embarrassing for those who are suffering from it. It lowers down your self-confidence level and makes you feel inferior to others.

ACV can help you in getting rid of bad breath. This is because of the presence of malic and acetic acids, the acidic properties of which can create a hostile environment for the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Also, ACV contains a rich mixture of minerals like potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, sulfur, and calcium – all of which help support oral health. In addition, since ACV helps improve digestion, it banishes bad breath as well (as digestive problems can also result in bad breath).

Apples are also known to cure bad breath because of their richness of fiber and crunchiness – two factors that help scrub away the food remnants in your teeth that might cause bad breath.

You can buy ACV online too on Amazon

So, here are some health benefits of ACV. To know some more health benefits of ACV, visit next article of this blog.

                     A blog By Admin.

Author - Swatti Sharrma ß

         🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎         🍎🍎🍎🍎         

Disclaimer - This blog is not intended to any advice or prescription.Always keep an eye on allergies you have.Keep check on your health conditions and allergies.Always do a patch test or allergy test before using any product or tip.Consult doctor and dermatologist if needed.Results may vary person to person and it depends on your skin type and health condition. This blog never recommend to consume any natural ingredient or any product without consultation of Doctor. Use any tip or products on your own wisdom with precaution.


Swatti Sharrma ß

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