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Mind/body: posing produces success

Your mind can change your body, but it is also true that changes to your body can affect your mind.  For instance, exercise can improve your mood (and even make you more creative).

In this video, Amy Cuddy talks about how power poses have an affect on hormone levels, on how we feel about ourselves, and how others rate us.  It's amazing that something as simple as how we arrange our limbs can have measurable effects on chemicals in our body.

For an assortment of books on posture and body language, check out these or browse for others in the St. Louis Public Library catalog:

  • The new rules of posture: how to sit, stand, and move in the modern world by Mary Bond
  • Core strength training: the complete step-by-step guide to a stronger body and better posture for men and women
  • Nonverbal communication: where nature meets culture edited by Ullica Segerstrale, Peter Molnar
  • Body language quick & easy by Richard Webster

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