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A few weeks ago one man, named @jack, decided that millions of people will be allowed to use up to 280 characters when expressing themselves on Jack’s public square platform. One man decides how many letters each and every one of us, including the “leader of the free world”, can use when we talk to each other. Just like that. Nobody seemed the least bit perturbed by this notion. Another dude, named Mark, decided to ask people for nude pictures of themselves, so he can better protect them from the bad guys. We shrugged that off too. Then, in a most embarrassing exercise in public humiliation, our democratically elected representatives begged three slick lawyers representing these platforms to effectively regulate what people can say or see on “their” platforms.
So here we are, in the land of the free and the home of the brave, where Jack and Mark decide what you can or cannot say, and what you can or cannot hear or see. This, my friend, is the power of “platforms”. In the old days, it used to be that he who pays the piper calls the tune. In the artificially intelligent technology age there are no pipers. He who owns the pipe makes it play whatever the hell he wants it to play. And as Sean Parker, a Facebook founder, elegantly put it, “God only knows what it's doing to our children's brains”. Perhaps God knows, but he is certainly not the only one who knows, because these platforms are built with the explicit intent to get people addicted to and dependent on the platform.
Funded with cash from sexist pigs and harassers, a startup, whose business model is to help other startups “hook” people on trashy little apps, is calling itself Dopamine Labs. “Dopamine makes your app addictive” is their promise. According to the website, they use AI and neuroscience to deliver jolts of dopamine that “don’t just feel good: they rewire the brain’s habit centers” of users to “boost usage, loyalty, and revenue”. “Your users will crave it. And they'll crave you”. At its rotten core, Silicon Valley is a drug cartel, a very clever and savvy cartel who managed to convince the world that its brand of drug addiction is actually good for you and either way, it’s inevitable.
But just getting billions of people on techno-drugs is obviously not the end game here. After extracting trillions of dollars from addicts who would rather go without food and medicine, than go without an iPhone X that costs more than a full blown top of the line computer, the Capos of Silicon Valley Inc. are now realizing that there is plenty more left to extract from the armies of zombies they are creating. "Because I'm a billionaire, I'm going to have access to better health care so ... I'm going to be like 160 and I'm going to be part of this, like, class of immortal overlords. [Laughter] Because, you know the [Warren Buffett] expression about compound interest. ... [G]ive us billionaires an extra hundred years and you'll know what ... wealth disparity looks like."
Ah, yes, health care, the final frontier. When Keytruda (the Jimmy Carter drug) became available, it was considered too expensive at around $150,000, but times are changing. The FDA recently approved the immunotherapy drug Kymriah from Novartis with a price tag of $475,000, although Novartis says it could have charged more, presumably because this drug is a life saver of last resort for small children with cancer. Next, another CAR-T cell therapy cancer drug, Yescarta was approved by the FDA for adult cancer and Gilead Sciences priced it at only $373,000 a pop (that’s how value-based health care works). At this rate of innovation, it should not be too difficult to project a precise date for the emergence of that immortal class of overlords.
Developing personalized drugs, like immunotherapy, requires mountains of data from millions of people, and this is where the app-addicted public has a crucial role to play. Before the overlords can become immortal, we all need to “donate” our medical data, submit to experimentation, get sick and die, and yes, here and there a few lucky bastards will benefit from therapies their children will never be able to afford. Not surprisingly, Mr. Parker, the aspiring overlord, is now invested in an immunotherapy platform to coordinate research, or something like that. But Mr. Parker is a diversified investor. He has a couple more platforms. One is there to save the world from the AIDS epidemic by providing support to the Clinton Foundation.
The other platform is designed to help us vote. Yes, vote. The guy who promises to show us what wealth disparity really looks like is building platforms, complete with little dopamine jolts and colored pictures of bananas, to teach us all about “civic engagement”, because according to Mr. Parker’s venture buddy “the tools we build in Silicon Valley represent the best hope for fixing our democracy”. Everything was just fine with “our democracy” until all investments in the Clinton Foundation came crashing down like a house of cards in one fateful night in November 2016, when the overlords were positively robbed by a dopamine-deficient populist mob. In a wholesome democracy, when you pay for a President, you’re supposed to get a President.
Of course “our democracy” has been “broken” in one way or another for upwards of two hundred and forty years, but I think we can all agree that “our democracy” today is less broken than “our democracy” in 1789. There is great utility though, in declaring something to be broken, especially something big and nebulous like “our democracy”, because such declarations are almost always followed by assertions that the diagnosticians of brokenness are uniquely positioned to become the fixers of all broken things. Our health care is broken. Our education is broken. Our justice system is broken. Our economy is broken. Our tax system is broken. Our infrastructure is broken. Our entire goddamn country is broken. Oh, what the hell, the entire freaking world is broken. And Silicon Valley is our only hope.
Silicon Valley has essentially only one product, a very versatile product indeed, but a single product nevertheless. Silicon Valley doesn’t actually make this product. They harvest it by casting gigantic computerized platforms and collecting everything caught in their digital nets, very much like Bubba’s shrimp: “… shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sauté it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.”
Information is the fruit of humanity. You can boil it and broil it to intimidate doctors and manipulate people, to extract immortality (and cash) for you and yours, thus fixing health care. You can sauté it and puree it to terrorize teachers and crush the minds of small children, to generate armies of drones (and cash), thus fixing education. You can sift it, scramble it, steam it, and serve it to nullify judges and juries, to protect property rights (and cash), thus fixing justice for all. You can slice it, dice it, can it and ban it as needed to keep all that cash flowing, thus fixing “our democracy”.
Remember Jack and Mark? Unlike Mark, Jack is allowing users to remain anonymous on his platform. On Jack’s platform, if you see a blue checkmark next to the name of someone, you can reasonably conclude that you are talking, or rather listening, to a “real” person, instead of, say, a Russian bot. Over time, it became clear that according to Jack, real people are those who are rich, powerful, or have enough “followers” to influence public opinion. Everybody else on Jack’s platform is shrimp. But Jack is an honorable man.
Jack is fixing “our democracy” by revoking the coveted blue checkmarks from some white supremacists. Presumably Messrs. Spencer and Kessler are no longer real. On the other hand, the multitude of rich and powerful rapists, pedophiles and garden variety perverts, are still very real according to Jack’s superior morality framework. Mark is fighting the good fight on behalf of “our democracy” in a different way. His platform is pursuing the enemy from without, by tracking enemy advertising paid for with rubbles, not yuans or ryials or euros or dinars or wons or yens, only rubbles, because the legendary KGB masterminds always pay in rubbles (with a return address of Моско́вский Кремль 103073) for all their international spying needs.
Now that “our democracy” is all nice and fixed, the Cartel can apply lessons learned to “democratize” medicine and fix “our health care” too. Health care is rife with old people, old fashioned ideas, and it is scattered all over the place. Nothing a big platform, dripping with dopamine jolts, can’t fix though. Uber for health care. Facebook for health care. Health care is like the iPhone. Information “blockers” will be prosecuted (this one is for real). Structured data. Metadata. e-Visits. Remote monitoring. Predictive analytics. Population management. This stuff is just begging for a medical platform with hundreds of millions of patients “sharing” their health, their illness and their medical experience with each other, with doctors, researchers and of course the platform overlord and his customers.
You will share your symptoms, your concerns, your treatments, your outcomes. You will “like” CT scans, “star” lab results, and rate doctors, heath insurers, drugs or devices. Perhaps they’ll have a “dislike” button too. You will post videos of your colonoscopy and maybe live stream your telehealth session. You will ask for advice from patients like you and “clap” for the ones you like best. Your cancer remission could go viral. The platform will ensure you see things you care about and shield you from unsettling content. Before you know it, you will feel compelled to check your “health” every 5 minutes, and certainly when your iPhone vibrates with new images from Bertha’s mammogram, or when your Apple “watch” beeps with updates from your fantasy clinical trials league or with an urgent reminder to record your pre-hypertension medication intake so you can receive the coveted 20% discount on Christmas fruit cakes at CVS just in time.
Platformized health care will be cheap, convenient and readily available. And just like communications, shopping, porn, and news, it will be fake, manipulative, addictive and designed to “protect consumers” instead of benefiting citizens, or patients in this case. Jack doesn’t converse with his buddies on Twitter. Mark doesn’t get his news from Facebook. Jeff doesn’t shop for deals on Amazon. And none of them will be getting medical care from a phone or a watch. You will. Your children will too.
Facebook just introduced a “safe” messenger for children under 13. Parents are supposed to set this up for their babies. Many will do just that. And experts will be exalting the thoughtfulness of the Cartel for creating a less toxic version, suitable for hooking children on the product. Why would a six year old need to message his “friends” online, instead of chasing them in the backyard? Why would a three year old need to watch sickly YouTube videos prepared exclusively for toddlers, instead of playing with alphabet blocks on the carpet? Why would the most powerful 71 year old man in the world self-destruct on Twitter instead of running said world? Why can’t you read an entire book anymore? Such is the power of the Silicon Valley Cartel.
So here we are, in the land of the free and the home of the brave, where Jack and Mark decide what you can or cannot say, and what you can or cannot hear or see. This, my friend, is the power of “platforms”. In the old days, it used to be that he who pays the piper calls the tune. In the artificially intelligent technology age there are no pipers. He who owns the pipe makes it play whatever the hell he wants it to play. And as Sean Parker, a Facebook founder, elegantly put it, “God only knows what it's doing to our children's brains”. Perhaps God knows, but he is certainly not the only one who knows, because these platforms are built with the explicit intent to get people addicted to and dependent on the platform.
Funded with cash from sexist pigs and harassers, a startup, whose business model is to help other startups “hook” people on trashy little apps, is calling itself Dopamine Labs. “Dopamine makes your app addictive” is their promise. According to the website, they use AI and neuroscience to deliver jolts of dopamine that “don’t just feel good: they rewire the brain’s habit centers” of users to “boost usage, loyalty, and revenue”. “Your users will crave it. And they'll crave you”. At its rotten core, Silicon Valley is a drug cartel, a very clever and savvy cartel who managed to convince the world that its brand of drug addiction is actually good for you and either way, it’s inevitable.
But just getting billions of people on techno-drugs is obviously not the end game here. After extracting trillions of dollars from addicts who would rather go without food and medicine, than go without an iPhone X that costs more than a full blown top of the line computer, the Capos of Silicon Valley Inc. are now realizing that there is plenty more left to extract from the armies of zombies they are creating. "Because I'm a billionaire, I'm going to have access to better health care so ... I'm going to be like 160 and I'm going to be part of this, like, class of immortal overlords. [Laughter] Because, you know the [Warren Buffett] expression about compound interest. ... [G]ive us billionaires an extra hundred years and you'll know what ... wealth disparity looks like."
Ah, yes, health care, the final frontier. When Keytruda (the Jimmy Carter drug) became available, it was considered too expensive at around $150,000, but times are changing. The FDA recently approved the immunotherapy drug Kymriah from Novartis with a price tag of $475,000, although Novartis says it could have charged more, presumably because this drug is a life saver of last resort for small children with cancer. Next, another CAR-T cell therapy cancer drug, Yescarta was approved by the FDA for adult cancer and Gilead Sciences priced it at only $373,000 a pop (that’s how value-based health care works). At this rate of innovation, it should not be too difficult to project a precise date for the emergence of that immortal class of overlords.
Developing personalized drugs, like immunotherapy, requires mountains of data from millions of people, and this is where the app-addicted public has a crucial role to play. Before the overlords can become immortal, we all need to “donate” our medical data, submit to experimentation, get sick and die, and yes, here and there a few lucky bastards will benefit from therapies their children will never be able to afford. Not surprisingly, Mr. Parker, the aspiring overlord, is now invested in an immunotherapy platform to coordinate research, or something like that. But Mr. Parker is a diversified investor. He has a couple more platforms. One is there to save the world from the AIDS epidemic by providing support to the Clinton Foundation.
The other platform is designed to help us vote. Yes, vote. The guy who promises to show us what wealth disparity really looks like is building platforms, complete with little dopamine jolts and colored pictures of bananas, to teach us all about “civic engagement”, because according to Mr. Parker’s venture buddy “the tools we build in Silicon Valley represent the best hope for fixing our democracy”. Everything was just fine with “our democracy” until all investments in the Clinton Foundation came crashing down like a house of cards in one fateful night in November 2016, when the overlords were positively robbed by a dopamine-deficient populist mob. In a wholesome democracy, when you pay for a President, you’re supposed to get a President.
Of course “our democracy” has been “broken” in one way or another for upwards of two hundred and forty years, but I think we can all agree that “our democracy” today is less broken than “our democracy” in 1789. There is great utility though, in declaring something to be broken, especially something big and nebulous like “our democracy”, because such declarations are almost always followed by assertions that the diagnosticians of brokenness are uniquely positioned to become the fixers of all broken things. Our health care is broken. Our education is broken. Our justice system is broken. Our economy is broken. Our tax system is broken. Our infrastructure is broken. Our entire goddamn country is broken. Oh, what the hell, the entire freaking world is broken. And Silicon Valley is our only hope.
Silicon Valley has essentially only one product, a very versatile product indeed, but a single product nevertheless. Silicon Valley doesn’t actually make this product. They harvest it by casting gigantic computerized platforms and collecting everything caught in their digital nets, very much like Bubba’s shrimp: “… shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sauté it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.”
Information is the fruit of humanity. You can boil it and broil it to intimidate doctors and manipulate people, to extract immortality (and cash) for you and yours, thus fixing health care. You can sauté it and puree it to terrorize teachers and crush the minds of small children, to generate armies of drones (and cash), thus fixing education. You can sift it, scramble it, steam it, and serve it to nullify judges and juries, to protect property rights (and cash), thus fixing justice for all. You can slice it, dice it, can it and ban it as needed to keep all that cash flowing, thus fixing “our democracy”.
Remember Jack and Mark? Unlike Mark, Jack is allowing users to remain anonymous on his platform. On Jack’s platform, if you see a blue checkmark next to the name of someone, you can reasonably conclude that you are talking, or rather listening, to a “real” person, instead of, say, a Russian bot. Over time, it became clear that according to Jack, real people are those who are rich, powerful, or have enough “followers” to influence public opinion. Everybody else on Jack’s platform is shrimp. But Jack is an honorable man.
Jack is fixing “our democracy” by revoking the coveted blue checkmarks from some white supremacists. Presumably Messrs. Spencer and Kessler are no longer real. On the other hand, the multitude of rich and powerful rapists, pedophiles and garden variety perverts, are still very real according to Jack’s superior morality framework. Mark is fighting the good fight on behalf of “our democracy” in a different way. His platform is pursuing the enemy from without, by tracking enemy advertising paid for with rubbles, not yuans or ryials or euros or dinars or wons or yens, only rubbles, because the legendary KGB masterminds always pay in rubbles (with a return address of Моско́вский Кремль 103073) for all their international spying needs.
Now that “our democracy” is all nice and fixed, the Cartel can apply lessons learned to “democratize” medicine and fix “our health care” too. Health care is rife with old people, old fashioned ideas, and it is scattered all over the place. Nothing a big platform, dripping with dopamine jolts, can’t fix though. Uber for health care. Facebook for health care. Health care is like the iPhone. Information “blockers” will be prosecuted (this one is for real). Structured data. Metadata. e-Visits. Remote monitoring. Predictive analytics. Population management. This stuff is just begging for a medical platform with hundreds of millions of patients “sharing” their health, their illness and their medical experience with each other, with doctors, researchers and of course the platform overlord and his customers.
You will share your symptoms, your concerns, your treatments, your outcomes. You will “like” CT scans, “star” lab results, and rate doctors, heath insurers, drugs or devices. Perhaps they’ll have a “dislike” button too. You will post videos of your colonoscopy and maybe live stream your telehealth session. You will ask for advice from patients like you and “clap” for the ones you like best. Your cancer remission could go viral. The platform will ensure you see things you care about and shield you from unsettling content. Before you know it, you will feel compelled to check your “health” every 5 minutes, and certainly when your iPhone vibrates with new images from Bertha’s mammogram, or when your Apple “watch” beeps with updates from your fantasy clinical trials league or with an urgent reminder to record your pre-hypertension medication intake so you can receive the coveted 20% discount on Christmas fruit cakes at CVS just in time.
Platformized health care will be cheap, convenient and readily available. And just like communications, shopping, porn, and news, it will be fake, manipulative, addictive and designed to “protect consumers” instead of benefiting citizens, or patients in this case. Jack doesn’t converse with his buddies on Twitter. Mark doesn’t get his news from Facebook. Jeff doesn’t shop for deals on Amazon. And none of them will be getting medical care from a phone or a watch. You will. Your children will too.
Facebook just introduced a “safe” messenger for children under 13. Parents are supposed to set this up for their babies. Many will do just that. And experts will be exalting the thoughtfulness of the Cartel for creating a less toxic version, suitable for hooking children on the product. Why would a six year old need to message his “friends” online, instead of chasing them in the backyard? Why would a three year old need to watch sickly YouTube videos prepared exclusively for toddlers, instead of playing with alphabet blocks on the carpet? Why would the most powerful 71 year old man in the world self-destruct on Twitter instead of running said world? Why can’t you read an entire book anymore? Such is the power of the Silicon Valley Cartel.
Resep Pisang Nugget Kekinian - Kudapan kekinian yang memiliki rasa manis gurih ini bakal jadi favorit kelurga. Cocok juga untuk bekal anak sekolah, sajian arisan, pengajian dan juga isian snack box. Namanya nugget pisang yang familiar disebut banana nugget atau pisang nugget.
Bagi Anda penggemar olahan pisang, tentunya sudah tak asing lagi dengan pisang nugget bukan? Makanan yang terbuat dari bahan utama pisang ini memang lagi ngehitz banget di tahun 2017 ini. Walaupun sebenarnya makanan ini sudah ada dari beberapa tahun yang lalu.
Untuk membuat resep pisang nugget kekinian tentu saja yang di butuhkan adalah pisang. Pilih pisang yang benar-benar matang sempurna, agar rasa pisang nugget yang dibuat terasa gurih, manis nan legit.
Soalnya pernah pengalaman bikin resep pisang nugget kekinian pakai pisang yang belum terlalu matang rasanya kaya ada sepet-sepet khas pisang gitu. Itu critanya saya gak sabar mencoba resep nugget pisang kriuk. Jadi pas dapat pisang belum terlalu matang langsung saja buat saja hihihi. Tapi tetap enak kok, walaupun gak seenak nugget pisang yang memakai pisang yang benar-benar matang sempurna.
Ada banyak cara menikmati pisang nugget crispy ini, yaitu dengan cara di makan begitu saja. Dan juga bisa di beri topping aneka rasa sesuai selera. Seperti keju, coklat batangan, nuttela, susu kental manis, meises coklat dan warna-warni, kacang almond dan bahkan krim keju.
Untuk topping suka-suka yes, di sesuaikan dengan selera masing-masing saja. Langsung saja yuk di simak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Resep Nugget Pisang Kekinian seperti berikut ini.
Nugget pisang kepok goreng hitz ini paling enak di nikmati selagi dalam kondisi hangat. Rasanya enak dan cocok untuk teman bersantai sembari minum teh.
Adanya resep pisang nugget kekinian ini menambah daftar camilan enak yang dibuat dari pisang ya. Pokoknya saya selalu suka olahan pisang entah itu mau dibuat bolu pisang, cake pisang apel, keripik pisang, pisang goreng, pisang kukus, kolak pisang, es kul kul (es pisang coklat), es susu banana, es pisang hijau, molen pisang dan bolen pisang.
Bagi Anda yang sebelumnya sudah punya usaha kue rumahan, rasanya tak ada salahnya menambah pisang nugget ke daftar jualan. Pisang nugget untuk jualan bisanya di jual dengan harga Rp 10.000.- per 5 bijinya. Topping bisa di mix sesuai permintaan pembeli.
Oh iya, dalam resep pisang nugget kekinian ini saya buat dari 1 kg pisang. Kalau Anda ingin membuatnya dalam jumlah sedikit bisa cek resepnya di sini ya Cara Membuat Nugget Pisang Coklat Keju Goreng Kriuk Kekinian. Karena disana saya tulis setengah resepnya.
Selamat mencoba dan berkreasi dengan Resep Pisang Nugget Kekinian Enak Kriuk (Banana Nugget). Baca juga olahan nugget lainnya seperti Resep Membuat Nugget Ayam Enak Lezat. Semoga bermanfaat :)
Bagi Anda penggemar olahan pisang, tentunya sudah tak asing lagi dengan pisang nugget bukan? Makanan yang terbuat dari bahan utama pisang ini memang lagi ngehitz banget di tahun 2017 ini. Walaupun sebenarnya makanan ini sudah ada dari beberapa tahun yang lalu.
Baca Juga : Resep Membuat Nugget Sayur Enak Sehat Dan Praktis
Untuk membuat resep pisang nugget kekinian tentu saja yang di butuhkan adalah pisang. Pilih pisang yang benar-benar matang sempurna, agar rasa pisang nugget yang dibuat terasa gurih, manis nan legit.
Soalnya pernah pengalaman bikin resep pisang nugget kekinian pakai pisang yang belum terlalu matang rasanya kaya ada sepet-sepet khas pisang gitu. Itu critanya saya gak sabar mencoba resep nugget pisang kriuk. Jadi pas dapat pisang belum terlalu matang langsung saja buat saja hihihi. Tapi tetap enak kok, walaupun gak seenak nugget pisang yang memakai pisang yang benar-benar matang sempurna.
Cicipi Juga : Resep Membuat Nugget Kentang Special Keju
Ada banyak cara menikmati pisang nugget crispy ini, yaitu dengan cara di makan begitu saja. Dan juga bisa di beri topping aneka rasa sesuai selera. Seperti keju, coklat batangan, nuttela, susu kental manis, meises coklat dan warna-warni, kacang almond dan bahkan krim keju.
Untuk topping suka-suka yes, di sesuaikan dengan selera masing-masing saja. Langsung saja yuk di simak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Resep Nugget Pisang Kekinian seperti berikut ini.
Step By Step Membuat Resep Nugget Pisang Kekinian Kriuk
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Nugget Pisang Bandung by Hannatia Alifa Sjafmuna Cookpad |
Bahan-bahan Pisang Nugget :
- Pisang kepok 1kg (bisa gunakan pisang apa saja)
- Tepung terigu 6 sendok makan
- Susu bubuk putih 4 sendok makan (saya pakai Dancow, hasilnya enak dan wangi)
- Gula pasir 4 sendok makan
- Telur 2 butir, kocok lepas
- Garam 1/2 sendok teh
- Keju parut 100 gram
Bahan Pelapis atau Pencelup :
- Tepung terigu 250 gram atau secukupnya
- Tepung panir 500 gram atau secukupnya
Topping :
- Nutella, meises, keju parut, sringkle, kacang almond, DCC (Dark cooking chocolate) lelehan coklat atau coklat warna warni, selai nanas, greentea, susu kental manis, oreo, tiramissu dan lainnya sesuai selera.
Langkah Cara Membuat Nugget Pisang :
- Hancurkan pisang dengan garpu atau gelas sampai benar-benar hancur hampir lembut.
- Tambahkan tepung terigu, susu bubuk Dancow, gula pasir, garam dan telur, aduk rata. Kemudian tambahkan keju, aduk rata.
- Selanjutnya masukkan ke dalam loyang yang sebelumnya sudah di oles minyak dan di alasi plastik, kukus kurang lebih selama 25 menit atau sampai matang.
- Angkat, lalu tunggu sampai dingin. Bisa masukkan ke dalam kulkas terlebih dahulu kemudian di potong-potong sesuai selera.
- Selanjutnya celupkan potongan nugget ke dalam adonan tepung terigu dan air, lalu gulingkan ke dalam tepung panir. Ulangi sampai semua adonan habis.
- Goreng dalam minyak panas dengan mengunakan api sedang sampai kuning keemasan, angkat lalu tiriskan.
- Beri topping sesuai selera, nugget pisang yang disebut banana nugget pun siap di nikmati selagi hangat. Krenyes! Kriuk diluar, tetap lembut di dalam.
Nugget pisang kepok goreng hitz ini paling enak di nikmati selagi dalam kondisi hangat. Rasanya enak dan cocok untuk teman bersantai sembari minum teh.
Coba Juga : Resep Membuat Nugget Tahu Enak Mudah
Adanya resep pisang nugget kekinian ini menambah daftar camilan enak yang dibuat dari pisang ya. Pokoknya saya selalu suka olahan pisang entah itu mau dibuat bolu pisang, cake pisang apel, keripik pisang, pisang goreng, pisang kukus, kolak pisang, es kul kul (es pisang coklat), es susu banana, es pisang hijau, molen pisang dan bolen pisang.
Bagi Anda yang sebelumnya sudah punya usaha kue rumahan, rasanya tak ada salahnya menambah pisang nugget ke daftar jualan. Pisang nugget untuk jualan bisanya di jual dengan harga Rp 10.000.- per 5 bijinya. Topping bisa di mix sesuai permintaan pembeli.
Jangan Lewatkan : Resep Membuat Nugget Tempe Enak Mudah
Oh iya, dalam resep pisang nugget kekinian ini saya buat dari 1 kg pisang. Kalau Anda ingin membuatnya dalam jumlah sedikit bisa cek resepnya di sini ya Cara Membuat Nugget Pisang Coklat Keju Goreng Kriuk Kekinian. Karena disana saya tulis setengah resepnya.
Selamat mencoba dan berkreasi dengan Resep Pisang Nugget Kekinian Enak Kriuk (Banana Nugget). Baca juga olahan nugget lainnya seperti Resep Membuat Nugget Ayam Enak Lezat. Semoga bermanfaat :)
Hello to all,
Today marks my blog's 10 year anniversary.
I started blogging after I had my first child and this year she turned 10 in August. The first recipe that I blogged about was the Moist Chocolate Cake that I bake quite often. And until this day, I've posted 1288 posts, of which should be around 1200 recipes, at least. Many of the recipes are with referred sources (usually with some personal adaptations to suit my preference) and recreated by me without any recipe to refer to, and I'm always proud of the recipes that I created by myself.
Looking back.... My most active years were 2010-2013 and in 2010 I posted for mostly 6 days a week. 2011 I slowed down a bit due to my house move and a new baby. I really slowed down when I went back to work. I tried hard to upkeep my tempo, but it was hard. Even when I finally resigned and left the working world, it's hard to go back to how it was.
Why did I resign from my lifelong paying job as a Government School Teacher then? Blogging earns alot, right, with all the high readershipI get....... Some people tend to think I earn a lot from blogging. If USD20 a month is a lot, please .... I'm really not earning enough to even buy the annual amount of butter I use in a year. Being a mother is difficult. Being torn between children and work, I chose to stay home and be just a mother and wife. I didn't resign to focus full time on blogging.
Many years ago, I was tagged by ShuHan from Mummy I can Cook to do a '7 posts' post. I responded to her invite, but I did it the wrong way instead by listing my fav 7. LOL. I guess I should revisit that and do it right this time.
1. The most beautiful post
2. The most popular post
3. The most controversial post
4. The most helpful post
5. The post that was surprisingly successful
6. The post that did not get the attention it deserved
7. The post I'm most proud of
Hello Friends !
I had already written about amazing health benefits of apricot fruit & dried apricot. But, it wonderful benefits are not restricted to here only. Even oil made from apricots is beneficial to you in many ways.
So, in this article, I am going to tell you about amazing health benefits of apricot seed oil or apricot kernel oil.
Apricot kernel oil has also amazing health and beauty benefits.
Apricot kernel oil has also amazing health and beauty benefits.
1). Cold And Flu :-
Apricot seed oil boosts your immunity and helps maintaining good immune system. It is responsible for the strong ability of your body to fight infections like cold & flu.2). Controls Blood Pressure :-
As it is made up of apricot, it also contains Vitamin B17. Vitamin B17 is helpful in controlling blood pressure and helps in lowering it down.3). Relieves Arthritis :-
Apricot seed oil has anti- inflammatory properties. It helps in reducing arthritis symptoms. It also soothes and can give you relief from the pain.4). Prevents Against Cancer :-
A research says that the seeds of the apricot fruit contain a substance called laetrile, which may be helpful in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Laetrile is also known as Vitamin B17. In the year 1920s, the idea was found for the first time. The idea was that the substance extracted from apricot seeds can reduce tumors. This idea was developed by Dr. Ernst Krebb, a doctor from San Francisco. On further studies and researches, he found that using amygdalin, an extract obtained from apricot seed kernels could be too dangerous for humans to use. Twenty years later, a safer version of this substance was synthesised.There are four substances present in amygdalin – two types of glucose, benzaldehyde, and cyanide. Of course, it is known that free or released pure molecules of benzaldehyde and cyanide are poisonous only. Many foods that contain cyanide are safe to be consumed as this substance is locked as a component of another molecule.
Rhodanese enzyme present in normal cells, can capture cyanide molecules that are free and make them harmless by binding them with sulfur. In this state, when the cyanide is bound to sulfur, it gets converted to a neutral substance known as cyanate. It will then be able to pass through the urine easily without causing any harm to the normal cells.
5). Skin Massage :-
A very good property of any massage oil is that it should get absorbed quickly and easily by the skin.Apricot seed oil gets very quickly absorbed into the skin making it a good massage oil. Massage done by this oil helps in reducing stress, pain and inflammation. This oil is very mild and non-irritating, and can even be used for children and infants.
6). Good For Skin Health :-
Apricot seed kernal oil is very light and gentle on the skin. This oil is beneficial for normal and oily skin. It moisturizes the skin. The texture of this oil is very light so it can be used as a face serum. It is non-greasy when applied on the skin in coat. It also rehydrates your skin.7). Skin Scrub :-
It can serve as a very good scrub for your skin giving you a radiant skin. It is as good as olive or almond oil when used as scrub. You can mix the seed oil with sugar and scrub your face to exfoliate. It also acts as a good cleanser giving you a glowing complexion and renewed radiance.8). Provides Nourishment :-
Gamma linoleic acid is present in apricot seed oil. It is useful to firm and tone your skin. It is also rich in Vitamin A and E which you already know are good for healthy skin. It soothes and can slow down the ageing process. It has nourishing properties and an anti-inflammatory effect to soothe eczema.9). Act As A Moisturiser :-
Apricot seed oil can be used as a moisturizer for dry areas such as elbows, knees, feet and hands. It can be helpful in making your skin extra soft, supple and smooth by moisturising the skin.It can be used as a night oil too.
This oil can give you best results when used as a night moisturizer. To achieve this, you can mix it with any other essential oil that suits you. You can cleanse and tone your face and then massage with it gently onto your skin. It will help in getting rid of clogged pores, a shiny nose and will also moisturize dry skin.
This oil can give you best results when used as a night moisturizer. To achieve this, you can mix it with any other essential oil that suits you. You can cleanse and tone your face and then massage with it gently onto your skin. It will help in getting rid of clogged pores, a shiny nose and will also moisturize dry skin.
10). As An Ingredient In Cosmetics :-
Apricot seed oil contains high fatty acids, Vitamin E and A giving it moisturizing and nourishing properties. It is good for dry and mature skin. This oil is one of the ingredients in many cosmetics like creams, soaps, and skin lotions. The oil gets easily absorbed into the skin without leaving any oily residue. Due to this quality, it is also used for massage and as sunbathing oil. You can use this as a base with other aromatherapy oils.11). Good For Hair Health :-
Apricot seed oil is beneficial for hair health. You can massage your hair by mixing apricot seed oil with other oils like Amla, coconut, and olive to cure a dry and flaky scalp. It is very good for damaged and chemically treated hair. This will restore the shine and lustre of your hair.12). Good For Cooking :-
Apricot seed oil is used for cooking and flavoring of traditional Italian liquor. It can also be used as a salad oil that has many health benefits. A Post By Admin.
Author - Swatti Sharrma ß
Disclaimer :- This blog is not intended to any prescription or medical advice. It is for general info only. Always consult your doctor before using or applying anything. Keep an eye on the ingredients to which you are allergic. Be cautious if you have any specific health condition or you are under medication. Consult your doctor first. Use info on your own wisdom.
Disclaimer :- This blog is not intended to any prescription or medical advice. It is for general info only. Always consult your doctor before using or applying anything. Keep an eye on the ingredients to which you are allergic. Be cautious if you have any specific health condition or you are under medication. Consult your doctor first. Use info on your own wisdom.
Swatti Sharrma ß
Fruits are healthy for us. We are aware of this fact. They are not only tasty but packed with nutrients that are beneficial for our health. Some fruits are so amazing that they can be useful to keep yourselves healthy in fresh and dried form both.
One such fruit is Apricot
One such fruit is Apricot
Previously, I had written an article on Health Benefits Of Apricot Fruit.
In today's article, I am going to tell you about health benefits of dried Apricot.
So, there is no doubt you care about your health and your beloved one's health, you are curious & ready to know about amazing uses of dried apricot, keep reading....
I love orange flavoured bakes. It has a wake me up effect.
My kids love butter sugar buns, so I made the usual butter sugar bun into an orange sugar bun.
You can use your favourite basic bun recipe and mix the sugar with some orange zest to get the same effect.
Gone in a day.
Hi there !
Today, I will talk about a fruit called APRICOT which is also eaten in dried form too. Apricot is having it's significance in health care and beauty care as well.
Apricots are bright yellow or you can also say golden orange colored fruits.
Apricots belong to the Rosaceae family of fruit trees. Peaches, plums, and nectarine also fall in the same category. Apricots are generally available during the summer.
Dried and canned apricots are available all the year round. Apricot is velvety soft skin fruit that shows, close resemblance to peaches appearance.
Apricots belong to the Rosaceae family of fruit trees. Peaches, plums, and nectarine also fall in the same category. Apricots are generally available during the summer.
Dried and canned apricots are available all the year round. Apricot is velvety soft skin fruit that shows, close resemblance to peaches appearance.
Apricot fruit name in Hindi - Khubani/Khumani/Jardalu
In Telugu - Jaldaru
In Telugu - Jaldaru
Apricots have a centrally located single seed which is surrounded by edible flesh. They have a smooth and sweet flavor which is full of musky flavor and very light tartness. The seed is also edible and resembles almonds in taste and appearance. It is enclosed in a hard stony shell often called a “stone”. Oil extracted from these seeds is used in cooking. And often seeds are substituted as almonds. Sometimes people use apricot seeds instead of almonds.
Apricots are a available in fresh and in dried form and can be enjoyed both fresh and dried. However, it is to be noted that fresh fruits have higher vitamin C content and they are more healthy by some while dried form of apricots are long lasting, can be stored and are generally preferred by dieters. Some experts say dried form is more nutritious than their fresh counterparts. Apricots are used in various recipes and forms.
Although the fruit is not a native of India, it is widely used in both fresh and dried forms of the fruit in different parts of the country. Apricots comes in May and is available until the month of August.
It's rich nutritional content makes a most popular fruit of North and South America. This fruit was first grown in the China and then distributed to all over the world. Some of the highly apricot producing countries are Spain, Italy, Russia, Turkey, France, United States and Greece.
It's rich nutritional content makes a most popular fruit of North and South America. This fruit was first grown in the China and then distributed to all over the world. Some of the highly apricot producing countries are Spain, Italy, Russia, Turkey, France, United States and Greece.
Nutrition Facts Of Apricots -
Here you will know about apricot nutritional value in detail.
Here you will know about apricot nutritional value in detail.
Apricots (Prunus armeniaca), fresh.
Nutritive Value per 100 g. Total-ORAC umol TE/100 g-1115.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
That's why they are present on the list when you are going for a weight loss.
You can cut a few slices of apricots. Add it to your morning cereal breakfast or to your glass of milkshake. Because of their potent antioxidant activity, apricots help preventing direct DNA damage that could lead to cancer.
Apricots contain these minerals which maintains the balance of electrolyte levels. It is important for the transportation of ions to every cells of the body. It maintains fluid level which is important for muscle contraction.
For more on Beauty benefits of Apricot, plz visit here.
Nutritive Value per 100 g. Total-ORAC umol TE/100 g-1115.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Nutrient | Amount | %age Of RDA |
Energy | 50 Kcal. | 2.5% |
Carbohydrates | 11 g | 8.5% |
Protein | 1.4 g | 2.5% |
Total Fat | 0.4 g | 1% |
Cholesterol | 0 mg | 0% |
Dietary Fibre | 2 g | 5% |
Folates | 9 µg | 2% |
Niacin | 0.600 mg | 4% |
Pantothenic Acid | 0.240 mg | 5% |
Pyridoxine | 0.054 mg | 5% |
Riboflavin | 0.040 mg | 3% |
Thiamin | 0.030 mg | 2.5% |
Vitamin-A | 1926 IU | 64% |
Vitamin-C | 10 mg | 16% |
Vitamin-E | 0 mg | 0% |
Vitamin-K | 3.3 µg | 3% |
Sodium | 1 mg | 0% |
Potassium | 259 mg | 5.5% |
Calcium | 13 mg | 1.3% |
Copper | 0 mg | 0% |
Iron | 0.39 mg | 5% |
Magnesium | 10 mg | 2.5% |
Manganese | 0.077 mg | 3% |
Phosphorus | 23 mg | 3% |
Zinc | 0.2 mg | 2% |
Carotene-α | 19 µg | N/A |
Carotene-β | 1094 µg | N/A |
Crypto-xanthin-β | 104 µg | N/A |
Lutein-zeaxanthin | 89 µg | N/A |
To stay healthy, you need to consume Apricot daily. Apricots are as healthy as many other fruits. They are extremely low in calories and high in antioxidants and dietary fiber and that's why they are consumed as a dietary food.
Now, let's see amazing health benefits of Apricot.
Here are they...
Here are they...
1). Eye Health :-
Researches have proved that this nutritious fruit is very good for the health of the eyes on its regular consumption. It improves the eye health. It has vitamin c and other nutrients which makes it healthy for eyes. Apricots are highly rich in vitamin A. About one cup of chopped apricots is efficient as it fulfills the 60% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is also good for eye health as we already know. It strengthens the optic nerves. It not only helps reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) but also helps cure it. Age related macular degeneration means
due to ageing process when people start losing their normal eye sight.
Apricot is rich in vitamins A, C and E as well as carotenoids that reduce the risk of eye vision problems.
due to ageing process when people start losing their normal eye sight.
Apricot is rich in vitamins A, C and E as well as carotenoids that reduce the risk of eye vision problems.
2). Good For Digestion :-
Apricots are packed with high amounts of pectin and cellulose that act as a mild laxative, thus helping in the treatment of constipation. Apricots contains high amount of fiber which is vital for colon health and prevents constipation. Apricots reduces the cause of colon cancer. Fibers can help in balancing the body’s metabolism. Thus, Apricots support digestive system. It provides 3% of your recommended fibre intake with just one small-sized apricot. The fibre present in this fruit, being soluble in nature, helps breakdown and digestion of food. Consumption of Apricot also helps better absorption of nutrients from the food.3). Beneficial For Anaemic :-
A significant amount of non-heme iron, a type of iron that is absorbed very slowly by the body, is found in Apricots. It can allow better absorption and prevention of development of anemia for a long period of time.4). Heart Health :-
Apricot fruit is capable of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It contains abundant amount of antioxidants like vitamin C and lycopene. These antioxidants can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). This can minimize the risk of heart attack and is helpful in improving your heart health. Hence, it keeps your heart healthy by reducing the risk of heart disease. It can be better understood in this way. Apricots packed with antioxidants like carotenoids and flavonols prevents the oxidation of cholesterol in the arteries. And different nutrients in apricots help in reducing risk factors like obesity, cholesterol and diabetes that are linked to heart disease.5). Helps In Weight Loss :-
Apricot is a fruit which is rich in dietary fiber, and has low calories.That's why they are present on the list when you are going for a weight loss.
6). Bones Health :-
Apricots contains high amount of calcium which plays an important role in not only formation of bones but in development of bones too. Apricots helps in maintaining bone health thus further preventing bone related problems.
7). Relieves Arthritis :-
Apricot kernel oil is full of anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it efficient in reducing symptoms of arthritis. It also helps in relieving pain and soothes the affected areas.8). Protects From Cancer :-
This fruit is enruched with antioxidants. These antioxidants are helpful in protecting our bodies from free radicals which cause damage to cells. Many factors can be responsible for free radicals which are produced in our body like pollution, harmful UV rays and smoke. These harmful radicals act as enemies as they disturbs the normal process of cell growth, bringing about changes in DNA of the cells. This can lead to the formation of cancer cells. Apricots are rich in vitamins A and C which are powerful antioxidants that fight cancer diseases and boosts your immune system. Even apricot fruit seed contains a compound called B17 that can fight cancer.You can cut a few slices of apricots. Add it to your morning cereal breakfast or to your glass of milkshake. Because of their potent antioxidant activity, apricots help preventing direct DNA damage that could lead to cancer.
9). Boosts Immunity :-
Apricot boosts the immunity of your body. Apricot oil helps in strengthening the immune system. Strong immunity helps in fighting infections like cold and flu thus, preventing body from illness.10). Helps In Electrolyte Balancing :-
For the maintenance of Electrolyte balance, minerals like sodium and potassium play a vital role.Apricots contain these minerals which maintains the balance of electrolyte levels. It is important for the transportation of ions to every cells of the body. It maintains fluid level which is important for muscle contraction.
11). Lowers Down The Cholesterol Levels :-
Apricot contains soluble fibre. This soluble fibre is known to reduce total cholesterol levels in the blood by reducing re-absorption of bile in the intestine. Due to lack of absorption, bile gets excreted through feces. In order to compensate this loss, the liver produces bile salts with the help of cholesterol present in the blood. As we know, apricots contain soluble fibre, it can help in reducing your blood cholesterol levels to make more bile.
12). Reduce The Risk Of Liver Disease :-
Apricot can protect from hepatic steatosis also known as fatty liver disease and liver damage. A study conducted by Ozturk F and colleagues on rats have found that apricot when fed had reduced liver injury in rats suggesting that it may help to reduce the risk of fatty liver disease.13). Relieves Asthma :-
It has been proved that Apricots are beneficial in providing relief from the symptoms of asthma, tuberculosis, and bronchitis.14). Fights Against Inflammation :-
Apricot is rich in catechins. Catechins is a group of flavonoids. It makes apricots exhibit a strong anti-inflammatory action. Scientists say that catechins inhibit the key enzymes required in the process of inflammation.15). Helps In Getting Relief From Fever:-
Apricots are helpful in getting relief from fever. To get it's benefits in fever, you can take apricot and water, then make a liquid out of it, and afterwards, you can add a little honey in it. This will help in relieving thirst & fever. It will also clean your system and add vitamins and minerals to the body.16). Source Of Vitamin B17 :-
Apricot oil is a great source of Vitamin B17. In Apricots, Vitamin B17 is present in the seeds of the fruit. This nutrient appears to be helpful in the prevention of various types of cancers like cancer of bone, cervical and skin cancers. These cancers can be prevented with the help of apricot oil. Vitamin B17 is also known to lower and maintain blood pressure.17). Skincare :-
Apricot do wonders in skincare. It maintains the skin health and improves the skin texture. You already know about apricot scrubs (exfoliators) available in the market.For more on Beauty benefits of Apricot, plz visit here.
As I always say , every thing you eat or apply, you should be cautious about it. You should be aware of risk factors and side-effects, allergies and health conditions which alter it.
Same thing applies here too. You should take precautions while
eating apricots as it may lead to some serious health disorders because of its side effects and disadvantages.
eating apricots as it may lead to some serious health disorders because of its side effects and disadvantages.
It is said that eating dried apricots should be avoided. The reason behind it is the way it is stored. As it is stored using sulfites in order to preserve it and prevent from oxidation, it can cause side-effects. Sulfites may cause some serious health problems like acute bronchospasm and asthma in later life.
It contains some amount of oxalates which can cause kidney or gall bladder stones.
It contains some amount of oxalates which can cause kidney or gall bladder stones.
Apricots kernel may cause cyanide toxicity that makes it efficient in developing symptoms like nausea, headache, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, liver damage, diminished alertness, cyanosis (decreased oxygen level in the blood), ptosis (drooping eyelids), hypotension (low blood pressure), neuropathies (nerve damage), difficulty in walking due to nerve damage and etc.
Cyanide poisoning may lead to the serious conditions like coma or death in some cases.
It should be avoided by the pregnant and breast feeding women or eaten under careful guidance of the doctor.
It should be avoided by the pregnant and breast feeding women or eaten under careful guidance of the doctor.
Again as I recommend, you should consult your doctor before consuming anything specially if you have specific health conditions.
Appropriate Quantity Of Consumption Is Necessary -
Apricots are no doubt healthy fruits packed with nutrients yet like othee fruits etc. one should eat anything under limit & same applies on Apricots.
It is healthy to eat it according to the body need and requirement. Many factors like age, sex, weight and health conditions of a person are taken to be in consideration while consuming apricots. However, you can eat around 5-6 a day as it is OK for a normal person to take health benefits out of it. In other cases it must be well consulted by the doctor or health consultants.
Apricots are no doubt healthy fruits packed with nutrients yet like othee fruits etc. one should eat anything under limit & same applies on Apricots.
It is healthy to eat it according to the body need and requirement. Many factors like age, sex, weight and health conditions of a person are taken to be in consideration while consuming apricots. However, you can eat around 5-6 a day as it is OK for a normal person to take health benefits out of it. In other cases it must be well consulted by the doctor or health consultants.
A Post By Admin.
Author - Swatti Sharrma ß
Disclaimer :- This blog is not intended to any prescription or medical advice. It is for general info only. Always consult your doctor before using or applying anything. Keep an eye on the ingredients to which you are allergic. Be cautious if you have any specific health condition or you are under medication. Consult your doctor first. Use info on your own wisdom.
Disclaimer :- This blog is not intended to any prescription or medical advice. It is for general info only. Always consult your doctor before using or applying anything. Keep an eye on the ingredients to which you are allergic. Be cautious if you have any specific health condition or you are under medication. Consult your doctor first. Use info on your own wisdom.
Swatti Sharrma ß
Swatti Sharrma ß
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