Home / Archived For October 2015
Resep Macaroni Schotel Praktis - Macaroni Schotel merupakan sajian yang enak dan lezat dari Negeri Belanda yang cukup populer di penjuru dunia. ciri khas dari Macaroni Schotel ini adalah dihidangkan selagi panas dalam wadah yang cekung dan bundar. untuk ukuran loyang bundar biasanya ada yang kecil, sedang dan besar. dari berbagai hidangan schotel yang ada, Macaroni Schotel adalah sajian schotel yang paling banyak dibuat orang.
Di negara Belanda Schotel berartian Dish atau yang dalam bahasa indonesia-nya adalah masakan. di berbagai negara, masakan yang hampir mirip dengan Schotel disebut dengan Macaroni Casserole. untuk Resep Macaroni Casserole mungkin akan kita share di resep berikutnya ya. selain Macaroni Casserole, hidangan sejenis Schotel yang terkenal yang dibuat dari macaroni dan keju adalah Mac and Cheese. masakan Mac and Cheese ini mirip sekali dengan Macaroni Schotel, hanya minus telur dan daging diisiannya sehingga teksturnya lebih lembek, lembut dan ngeju sekali alias cheesy.
Untuk Resep Macaroni Schotel sebenarnya sudah banyak sekali sliweran di internet ya. tapi kami rasa resepnya kebanyakan terlalu ribet dan panjang sekali proses pembuatannya. pada umumnya Resep Macaroni Schotel menggunakan topping saus keju yang lumer. namun kali ini kami akan mengajak anda beralih ke resep mac n cheese yang pembuatannya lebih simple, mudah, praktis dan cepat.
Dengan ini agar tekstur Macaroni Schotel menjadi lebih padat dan lezat, anda cukup menambahkan kocokan telur didalam adonan macaroni. dalam Resep Macaroni Schotel ini agar lebih praktis, mudah dan cepat dalam pembuatannya kami pilihkan isiannya menggunakan sosis. namun bila anda ingin Macaroni Schotel yang anda buat lebih terasa special boleh ditambahkan dengan potongan daging asap, ayam cincang atau diganti dengan daging kornet agar lebih praktis. tapi jika anda membuatnya dengan daging kornet jangan lupa ditumis sebentar dengan bawang bombay agar hasilnya lebih terasa enak dan fress.
Selain daging asap atau kornet, dalam Resep Macaroni Schotel Belanda ala Indonesia ini anda juga dapat menambahkan aneka sayuran untuk kelengkapan gizi sang schotel. mulai dari sayuran wortel, jamur, kacang polong, brokoli, bayam dan lain sebagainya. namun bagi anda yang memakai bayam, Macaroni Schotel harus habis dalam waktu 5 jam ya. hal ini terjadi karena sayuran bayam tidak boleh dikonsumsi lebih dari sehari.
Untuk membuat Macaroni Schotel tentu saja sangat mudah, anda dapat membuatnya dengan cara kukus yang terkenal dengan nama Macaroni Schotel Kukus. lalu dengan cara di panggang, Macaroni Schotel seperti ini populer dengan nama Macaroni Schotel Panggang. sedangkan untuk anda yang ingin lebih praktis lagi anda dapat membuat Macaroni Schotel dengan cara di Goreng dan dengan menggunakan Happy Call yang fungsinya hampir sama dengan oven atau alat pemanggang.
Nah, untuk Resep Macaroni Schotel yang kami bagikan kali ini kita akan membuatnya dengan cara di panggang ya, jadi anda harus mempunyai oven. bagaimana sudah penasaran dengan Macaroni Schotel sehat dan praktis ini? yasudah, yuck segera disimak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Macaroni Schotel nya seperti berikut ini.
Resep Macaroni Schotel dan Cara Membuatnya
Bahan-bahan Macaroni Schotel :
- Makaroni ( Macaroni ) secukupnya
- Minyak goreng secukupnya
- Garam secukupnya
- Telur ayam 2 butir
- Sosis sapi 2 buah
- Bawang bombay secukupnya
- Susu UHT 150 mili liter
- Keju cheddar 100 gram
- Lada ( merica ) 1/2 sendok teh
- Oregano 1 sendok teh
- Basil 1 sendok teh
- kaldu ayam secukupnya
Cara Membuat Macaroni Schotel :
- Langkah awal panaskan oven dengan suhu 180 derajat. kemudian rebus makaroni dalam air mendidih, beserta minyak goreng dan garam, sampai makaroni lunak. tiriskan.
- Campurkan susu UHT, telur, bawang bombay, sosis dan kaldu ayam. aduk hingga semua bahan tercampur rata.
- Setelah itu masukkan makaroni ke dalam campuran susu UHT, tambahkan keju, lada bubuk, oregano dan daun basil. aduk kembali hingga rata.
- Selanjutnya masukkan adonan macaroni ke dalam pinggan tahan panas atau aluminium foil. panggang dalam oven selama 25 hingga 30 menit atau hingga atasnya berwarna kuning kecoklatan
- Angkat, sajikan Macaroni Schotel selagi hangat dengan ditemani aneka minuman hangat atau dingin sesuai selera.
Oregano atau Pot Marjoram ( origanum vulgare ) adalah tanamamn dari keluarga mint yang memiliki aroma kuat, berasa hangat serta terasa sedikit pahit. tanaman ini biasa di tanam di Mediteranis, Asia Selatan dan Asia Tengah. sedangkan Basil, selasih, tlasih atau basilikum ( Ocimum ) adalah sejenis terna yang dimanfaatkan daun, bunga dan bijinya sebagai rempah-rempah serta penyegar ( tonikum ). kedua bahan ini seringkali digunakan dalam pembuatan Pizza Ala Pizza Hut. anda dapat mendapatkannya di supermarket terdekat atau di tempat belanja yang terjangkau dari tempat tinggal anda.
Oh iya, agar semakin mantap, anda dapat menambahkan parutan keju di atas Macaroni Schotel agar semakin terasa kejunya. oh iya, Macaroni Schotel ini bisa di simpan dengan cara ditutup dengan aluminium foil lalu dimasukkan ke dalam lemari es ( kulkas ). dengan ini Macaroni Schotel dapat bertahan lama hingga 4-5 hari. saat akan menyajikan, anda tingga oven atau kukus sebentar hingga Macaroni Schotel menjadi hangat dan nikmat disantap bersama keluarga tercinta.
Anda dapat menyajikan Macaroni Schotel sebagai camilan keluarga yang enak dan favorit atau bisa juga dijadikan bekal anak ke sekolah. bagi anda yang suka pedas, boleh ditambahkan saus botolan diatas taburan keju yang gurih. selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Macaroni Schotel Praktis ini dirumah. buka juga informasi resep menarik lainnya seperti Resep Kimchi Masakan Korea Sehat dan Resep Bakpao Karakter Isi Daging Empuk yang sayang sekali bila anda lewatkan. terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga bermanfaat, sekian.
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3rd attempt |
I experimented 3 times to get the right texture for me, with some height. So, my colleagues became my guinea pigs, of which they didn't mind. Bakes with bananas are always greatly welcomed.
I have a colleague who was pregnant at that time, and she loved this so much. It's been almost a year since she last ate a piece of this, and she still tells me she missed this.
Cold and flu season has arrived, so now's a good time to look at ways to boost your immune system!
Along with a flu vaccination [Barnes-Jewish Hospital offers free shots (variety of dates)! and St. Louis County offers free FluMist for children 2-18 on October 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.] here are some tips to help keep your body running smoothly and illness-free:
maintain proper hygiene
handwashing with plain soap and water makes a huge difference
fatigue weakens the immune system, and makes you more vulnerable to bugs
a little light physical activity strengthens the immune system, boosts circulation, and increases energy
drink water
staying hydrated keeps systems working optimally
eat healthful foods, which include
yogurt, garlic, tea, mushrooms, berries
Along with a flu vaccination [Barnes-Jewish Hospital offers free shots (variety of dates)! and St. Louis County offers free FluMist for children 2-18 on October 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.] here are some tips to help keep your body running smoothly and illness-free:
maintain proper hygiene
handwashing with plain soap and water makes a huge difference
a little light physical activity strengthens the immune system, boosts circulation, and increases energy
drink water
staying hydrated keeps systems working optimally
eat healthful foods, which include
yogurt, garlic, tea, mushrooms, berries
The Alzheimer's Association presents a series of educational events in the St. Louis area starting in late October and running through November. Tickets are $5 per person, but readers of this blog can get in for free! Leave a comment or email echadderdon@slpl.org to find out how.
For more information on this series, call 1-800-272-3900 or visit alz.org/stl.
For more information on this series, call 1-800-272-3900 or visit alz.org/stl.
Resep Kimchi Masakan Korea Sehat - Kimchi adalah salah satu masakan ala korea yang enak, lezat dan bergizi. awalnya kimchi korea memiliki nama Chim-Chae yang artinya sayuran yang direndam. memiliki rasa manis, asam, asin dan pedas yang segar membuat kimchi disukai banyak orang. jika dibandingkan dengan asinan buah jakarta atau asinan sayur bogor, kimchi tidak semanis salad buah sayuran ala Indonesia tersebut. karena kimchi lebih dominan rasa asam, asin, pedas dan sedikit terasa manis.
Untuk sebagian orang kimchi masakan korea yang sehat bergizi ini mungkin masih asing didengar atau bahkan ada yang belum pernah mencicipinya sama sekali. maka dari itu kami akan sedikit menjelaskan tentang masakan korea kimchi. Kimchi adalah makanan fermentasi tradisional korea yang terbuat dari sayuran yang di olah dengan menggunakan aneka ragam bumbu yang khas. ada banyak sekali aneka jenis kimchi dengan bahan utama sayuran seperti sawi putih ( napa cabbage ), lobak, daun bawang, dan mentimun.
Bila kita telusuri makanan Kimchi ini merupakan salah satu jenis lauk atau banchan yang paling terkenal dan populer di negara Korea. selain dimakan begitu saja, kimchi sawi putih juga seringkali di kreasikan menjadi sebuah masakan yang enak dengan aneka ragam cara memasaknya yang berbeda. dari Kimchi Rebus atau yang sering disebut dengan Kimchi Jjigae, Sup Kimchi ( Kimchiguk ), Dadar Telur Kimchi atau yang terkenal dengan sebutan Kimchi Pancake ( Kimchijeon ), Nasi Goreng Kimchi, Kimchi Sushi dan masih banyak lainnya.
Pada umumnya kimchi ini dimasak dengan bumbu Gochujang, yaitu pasta cabai dari korea asli. namun banyak merek Gochujang yang tidak memiliki label halal. hal ini membuat banyak orang indonesia muslim yang mengganti Gochujang dengan cabai bubuk kering untuk mendapatkan rasa pedasnya. walaupun tidak menggunakan bumbu ala korea asli, namun kimchi ala indonesia yang kami bagikan ini sangat enak dan lezat sehingga cukup memuaskan rasa penasaran anda tentang Kimchi.
Oh iya, tahukah anda bahwa kimchi ala korea masuk dalam daftar 5 besar Makanan Tersehat d Dunia Versi majalah health? hal ini karena kimchi terbuat dari berbagai macam sayuran yang kaya akan serat makanan dan rendah akan kalori. dengan ini bagi anda yang sedang menjalankan program diet atau yang sedang bekerja keras menurunkan berat badan. kimchi merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk camilan atau untuk dikonsumsi sebagai makanan sehat sehari-hari.
Hal ini ditunjukan dari satu porsi kimchi mengandung lebih dari 50% kebutuhan tubuh harian akan vitamin C dan karotin. hampir semua jenis kimchi mengandung bawang bombay segar, bawang putih dan cabai bubuk dimana semuanya merupakan bahan makanan yang sangat baik bagi kesehatan tubuh anda. selain itu sayuran yang digunakan untuk membuat kimchi juga memberikan kontribusi terhadap nilai nutrisi secara keseluruhan. Kimchi juga kaya akan vitamin A, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), Kalsium dan besi, serta mengandung banyak bakteri asam laktat dari species Lactobacillus kimchii yang diperlukan tubuh.
Namun sayangnya kimchi tidak boleh dikomsumsi secara berlebihan karena kimchi juga dapat memicu timbulnya kangker lambung ( karsinogen). nah, itulah beberapa kandungan vitamin dan mineral yang terdapat di makanan kimchi. sebenarnya masih banyak sekali kandungan dan manfaat yang dapat anda peroleh ketika mengkonsumsi kimchi korea. nah, bagi anda yang penasaran akan kimchi yuck segera disimak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Kimchi sawi putih seperti berikut ini.
Resep Kimchi dan Cara Membuatnya
Bahan-bahan Kimchi Sawi :
- Sawi putih 1 kilo gram
- Cabai bubuk 1/4 cangkir
- Minyak ikan 3 sendok makan
- Gula pasir 1 sendok makan
- Jahe parut 1 sendok teh
- Bawang putih 2 siung
- Apel 2 buah
- Saus tiram 1 sendok makan
- Garam 1/2 cangkir
- Bawang bombay 1 buah ( cincang )
Cara Membuat Kimchi Masakan Korea Sehat :
- Langkah awal belah-belah 1 buah sawi putih menjadi 2 bagian. lalukan terus hingga semua sawi terbelah menjadi 2.
- Selanjutnya ambil 1/2 cup garam lalu sebagian disiramkan diantara lebaran sawi. sedangkan setengahnya lagi dilarutkan ke dalam 2 buah cup air. siram air garam dalam sawi. lalu rendam sawi / lobak selama 6 jam. jangan lupa bolak-balik tiap 2 jam sekali.
- Jika sudah 6 jam, cuci bersih sawi 3-4 kali agar tidak terlalu asin, lalu tiriskan sawi selama 2 jam.
- Setelah itu potong korek api 1 buah apel, sedangkan buah apel yang 1 nya di blender halus. sisihkan.
- Potong memanjang sawi putih, lalu campur apel yang sudah diblender, apel yang dipotong korek api, cabai bubuk, minyak ikan, jahe parut, bawang putih parut, bawang bombay cincang, gula pasir dan saus tiram.
- Terakhir campurkan bumbu dan sayuran sawi, aduk hingga rata.
- Kimchi sawi segar siap dinikmati, eehmm yuumiii.
Selain menggunakan buah apel, sebenarnya anda juga dapat menambahkan bahan-bahan lainnya seperti wortel dan daun bawang. agar terasa crunci, anda juga dapat menambahkan mentimun yang dipotong korek api kedalam resep kimchi ini. selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Kimchi Masakan Korea Sehat yang kami bagikan. buka juga resep menarik lainnya seperti Resep Bakpao Karakter Isi Daging Empuk dan Resep Membuat Es Krim Rujak Jogja yang sayang sekali jika terlewatkan. terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga bermanfaat. sekian :)
Social connections, exercise, and good nutrition all are good for your health!
Next Saturday, join Lafayette Square Chiropractic Centre to make trail mix, followed by a walk in the woods. The walk is around 2 miles, and will last about an hour.
Next Saturday, join Lafayette Square Chiropractic Centre to make trail mix, followed by a walk in the woods. The walk is around 2 miles, and will last about an hour.
In a previous post we explored the doctor-patient relationship, which according to many is an important factor influencing the health care trifecta of quality, outcomes and cost. So far the doctor-patient relationship escaped rigorous quantification, because “relationship” is largely a nostalgic quantity, and because “communications” was deemed to be a reasonable substitute. There are various tools and instruments for subjective measurement of communications with one’s doctor, with the most common being the ubiquitous patient experience survey. However, if we accept a broader definition of the doctor-patient relationship, such as the 6C’s proposed by Dr. Emanuel, a more objective measurement of the relationship seems not only possible, but desirable even for those who may be questioning the value and purpose of quantification in general, and obsessive measurement in particular, present company included.
Let’s take the 6C’s from the top, leaving out communications and compassion, which are subjective quantities. The intent is to create an accurate picture of relationships patients can expect to have with a physician within the boundaries imposed by their financial circumstances. Most suggestions presented here are not attempting to score the physician directly, since relationships are always affected by more than just intrinsic qualities of the two parties relating to each other. For example, a relationship with the most compassionate and articulate physician may turn into a disastrous affair if conflicts of interest dictate how communications are conducted and how and when compassion is expressed. Ideally, a patient specific “scorecard” composed of the criteria below, would be compiled by a non-biased third party, or by physicians themselves, and made available to patients.
Choice of specialists and hospitals can be inferred from the same variables as measured above, but adjustments will need to be made to account for hospital privileges and referral patterns of the primary care physician. This too can be measured and scored pretty accurately from easily obtainable hard data. Choice among treatment alternatives is a bit trickier, particularly in primary care. Using process measures, sample documentation and insurance plan policies, one could derive an individualized measure of choices available to patients. It is important to note that here we are not measuring “appropriateness”, “stewardship of scarce resources” or how “wisely” people choose, nor do we measure “education” about options. We measure the actual availability of treatment options.
We can certainly envision physicians assessed by their peers (perhaps anonymously or through virtual grand rounds collaboratives), but competence cannot be discussed until we quantify the prerequisite time variable. It makes little difference whether a physician is competent or not, if the patient rarely sees the doctor, or if visits are limited to a few minutes of furious typing, clicking and scrolling. So here is one variable that can be objectively and rather easily quantified: time spent with patients by severity of chief complaint, patient health status and vulnerability. We can get fancy and measure frequency of visits and total time spent per patient per year, adjusted for a host of variables.
Another factor closely related to competence in primary care, and not explicitly addressed by the 6C’s framework, is comprehensiveness. This too can be measured objectively. The range of conditions treated by the physician, and the list of those routinely referred out can be compiled, ranked and assigned relative scores accounting for frequency of occurrence, along with patient characteristics. For example, a physician treating large numbers of elderly diabetics with multiple comorbidities, would garner more competence points than a physician who spends most of his time taking telemedicine calls for minor and limited ailments. A physician who admits and manages her own patients when hospitalized would rank higher than physicians who never set foot in a hospital.
It is important not to confuse continuity of care with continuity of medical records, or care coordination, when quantifying this aspect of the doctor-patient relationship, but other than that this may be the easiest factor to quantify objectively. A physician who always sees his or her patients, is always available in between visits to provide clinical advice, and has maintained this relationship with individual patients over long periods of time, would score high on this factor. Almost by definition, solo practitioners and many direct primary care physicians should top the charts on continuity. Similar to the quantification of patient choice, here too we must account for the vagaries of health insurance marketplaces which are increasingly empowered to break any relationship at any time on a whim.
We all know now that accepting the smallest gifts from pharmaceutical companies represents a conflict of interest. But how about directly tying salaries, and other compensation for labor, to corporate revenues? How about enforcement of corporate protocols and suppression of “disruptive” behavior? How do these things jive with the clinical judgement required by our “competence” factor? How about coercive “reimbursement” rates that force physicians to limit time spent with patients, and exclude certain patients from their practice? How about participation in incentive programs that pay doctors to substitute the interests of “society” for the individual interests of patients (as “misguided” and “wasteful” as those may be)? These are precisely quantifiable data.
Ideally, I would love to see a comprehensive, and frequently updated, list of all potential conflicts of interests for each physician, by health insurance plan, publicly displayed in every practice and on every practice website. Why? Because conflict of interest, whether by choice or externally imposed, affects the most basic ingredient of any relationship: trust. If you were charged with a crime, would you trust a lawyer who is payed to keep society safe from criminals? Would you trust an accountant who is paid to increase IRS revenues? Would you trust a hair dresser paid a fixed fee per client per year? Would you trust a mechanic who gets a little kickback from your insurance company to use the cheapest replacement parts for your car? Same goes for doctors.
In summary, there is absolutely no reason why we should not collect objective data, which is readily available in quantifiable formats, and combine it to create an informative picture of each physician and the environment in which he or she is practicing medicine. We may not be able to come up with a simplistic single score on some artificial scale, and we may not be able to punish or reward doctors for the “relationship measure", but people have a right to know what lies behind studied communications and standardized compassion, and most of all, people have a right to know how health care reforms are affecting a physician’s ability to maintain relationships with patients. If I’m not mistaken, this is what transparency is all about.
Let’s take the 6C’s from the top, leaving out communications and compassion, which are subjective quantities. The intent is to create an accurate picture of relationships patients can expect to have with a physician within the boundaries imposed by their financial circumstances. Most suggestions presented here are not attempting to score the physician directly, since relationships are always affected by more than just intrinsic qualities of the two parties relating to each other. For example, a relationship with the most compassionate and articulate physician may turn into a disastrous affair if conflicts of interest dictate how communications are conducted and how and when compassion is expressed. Ideally, a patient specific “scorecard” composed of the criteria below, would be compiled by a non-biased third party, or by physicians themselves, and made available to patients.
For patients, this means choice of practice type and settings, primary care physician, specialists, hospitals, and choice among treatment alternatives. Surely the degree to which these choices are available to patients can be objectively calculated, rated and ranked as is now fashionable. For example, where patients are assigned to physicians by third parties, the relationship would score a big fat zero. A point or two would be awarded to a vertically integrated system where patients can choose from the physicians employed by the group. Scores would be proportional to network size and variability for more traditional plans, with Medicare fee-for-service and cash-only practices getting the highest scores. Obviously, patients will need to account for individual scenarios for incrementing or decrementing scores.Choice of specialists and hospitals can be inferred from the same variables as measured above, but adjustments will need to be made to account for hospital privileges and referral patterns of the primary care physician. This too can be measured and scored pretty accurately from easily obtainable hard data. Choice among treatment alternatives is a bit trickier, particularly in primary care. Using process measures, sample documentation and insurance plan policies, one could derive an individualized measure of choices available to patients. It is important to note that here we are not measuring “appropriateness”, “stewardship of scarce resources” or how “wisely” people choose, nor do we measure “education” about options. We measure the actual availability of treatment options.
How does one measure physician competence? Arguably, all current “quality” measures, public reporting and board certifications are aiming to quantify and ensure precisely the competence of doctors, in a roundabout way that is failing to measure anything of consequence. If we describe a competent physician as one who stays up to date, has good technical and diagnostic skills, exhibits good clinical judgement and is cognizant of his or her own limitations (as Dr. Emanuel did), we could devise better ways to assess competence. Staying up to date is trivial to measure. Technical and diagnostic skills, as well as clinical judgement, are very difficult to assess objectively, and perhaps this is why all our faux measuring schemes seem woefully inadequate.We can certainly envision physicians assessed by their peers (perhaps anonymously or through virtual grand rounds collaboratives), but competence cannot be discussed until we quantify the prerequisite time variable. It makes little difference whether a physician is competent or not, if the patient rarely sees the doctor, or if visits are limited to a few minutes of furious typing, clicking and scrolling. So here is one variable that can be objectively and rather easily quantified: time spent with patients by severity of chief complaint, patient health status and vulnerability. We can get fancy and measure frequency of visits and total time spent per patient per year, adjusted for a host of variables.
Another factor closely related to competence in primary care, and not explicitly addressed by the 6C’s framework, is comprehensiveness. This too can be measured objectively. The range of conditions treated by the physician, and the list of those routinely referred out can be compiled, ranked and assigned relative scores accounting for frequency of occurrence, along with patient characteristics. For example, a physician treating large numbers of elderly diabetics with multiple comorbidities, would garner more competence points than a physician who spends most of his time taking telemedicine calls for minor and limited ailments. A physician who admits and manages her own patients when hospitalized would rank higher than physicians who never set foot in a hospital.
Continuity of care is another word for long lasting, comprehensive relationships, and it can be accurately quantified with very little effort. Both PCMH and standard patient experience surveys include vague attempts to quantify continuity, but those could be misleading. Continuity of care is now applied loosely to teams of clinicians, such as residency groups, and it does not account for how appointments are conducted. When the patient is seen by a team member, and the billing doctor sticks his head in for a few seconds to say hello, does this count as continuity? When any and all patient interactions that do not involve a face-to-face visit are “handled” by other team members, and never the physician, does that count as continuity? How about outsourcing complex care management in between visits altogether, which is the “unintended” consequence of the new Medicare chronic care management fee?It is important not to confuse continuity of care with continuity of medical records, or care coordination, when quantifying this aspect of the doctor-patient relationship, but other than that this may be the easiest factor to quantify objectively. A physician who always sees his or her patients, is always available in between visits to provide clinical advice, and has maintained this relationship with individual patients over long periods of time, would score high on this factor. Almost by definition, solo practitioners and many direct primary care physicians should top the charts on continuity. Similar to the quantification of patient choice, here too we must account for the vagaries of health insurance marketplaces which are increasingly empowered to break any relationship at any time on a whim.
(non) Conflict of interest
This is arguably the most important factor in the doctor-patient relationship, and other than random incendiary headlines, there are no serious attempts to measure or even shed light on the mushrooming conflicts of interest systematically inserted into the traditional doctor-patient relationship. Ideally, physicians would always act solely in the best interest of the one patient in front of them. Most people still believe that this is the case and most physicians will insists that regardless of circumstances, this is what they strive to do, but there are objective data points that could more precisely quantify the alignment of interests between doctors and patients.We all know now that accepting the smallest gifts from pharmaceutical companies represents a conflict of interest. But how about directly tying salaries, and other compensation for labor, to corporate revenues? How about enforcement of corporate protocols and suppression of “disruptive” behavior? How do these things jive with the clinical judgement required by our “competence” factor? How about coercive “reimbursement” rates that force physicians to limit time spent with patients, and exclude certain patients from their practice? How about participation in incentive programs that pay doctors to substitute the interests of “society” for the individual interests of patients (as “misguided” and “wasteful” as those may be)? These are precisely quantifiable data.
Ideally, I would love to see a comprehensive, and frequently updated, list of all potential conflicts of interests for each physician, by health insurance plan, publicly displayed in every practice and on every practice website. Why? Because conflict of interest, whether by choice or externally imposed, affects the most basic ingredient of any relationship: trust. If you were charged with a crime, would you trust a lawyer who is payed to keep society safe from criminals? Would you trust an accountant who is paid to increase IRS revenues? Would you trust a hair dresser paid a fixed fee per client per year? Would you trust a mechanic who gets a little kickback from your insurance company to use the cheapest replacement parts for your car? Same goes for doctors.
In summary, there is absolutely no reason why we should not collect objective data, which is readily available in quantifiable formats, and combine it to create an informative picture of each physician and the environment in which he or she is practicing medicine. We may not be able to come up with a simplistic single score on some artificial scale, and we may not be able to punish or reward doctors for the “relationship measure", but people have a right to know what lies behind studied communications and standardized compassion, and most of all, people have a right to know how health care reforms are affecting a physician’s ability to maintain relationships with patients. If I’m not mistaken, this is what transparency is all about.
The second book I received from Tuttle Publishers.
I went through the book a a few times.. and I needed to convince myself that there is something good in there.
I've never been to Vietnam. My experience of eating Vietnamese food depends on the restaurants. The more variety it offers, then only, I get to try something new.
Would you like to enjoy yourself, make a little money, and advance scientific knowledge? Are you 65 or older? There are opportunities right here in St. Louis for you!
Washington University Aging and Development is conducting research on aging and draws on an Older Adult Participant Pool. When a study needs participants, they check their database and send out invitations. Areas they study include cognitive testing, sleep studies, and memory training. Contact 314-935-6524 or jenniferguyton@wustl.edu to be added to the database or for more information. Visit www.psychnet.wustl.edu/coglab/ for more information.
KnightADRC (Alzheimer's Disease Research Center) at Washington University is looking for people 65 and older, both with mild dementia, and those with no memory or thinking problems, to join their Memory and Aging Project (MAP). Their goal is to learn how aging may affect memory and thinking abilities and to better understand brain disorders that cause memory loss. Brain scans, memory testing, and helping researchers find ways to diagnose and treat dementia are benefits of participating. Call 314-286-2683 or visit alzheimer.wustl.edu for more information.
Washington University Aging and Development is conducting research on aging and draws on an Older Adult Participant Pool. When a study needs participants, they check their database and send out invitations. Areas they study include cognitive testing, sleep studies, and memory training. Contact 314-935-6524 or jenniferguyton@wustl.edu to be added to the database or for more information. Visit www.psychnet.wustl.edu/coglab/ for more information.
KnightADRC (Alzheimer's Disease Research Center) at Washington University is looking for people 65 and older, both with mild dementia, and those with no memory or thinking problems, to join their Memory and Aging Project (MAP). Their goal is to learn how aging may affect memory and thinking abilities and to better understand brain disorders that cause memory loss. Brain scans, memory testing, and helping researchers find ways to diagnose and treat dementia are benefits of participating. Call 314-286-2683 or visit alzheimer.wustl.edu for more information.
Resep Bakpao Karakter Isi Daging Empuk - Bakpao atau yang sering disebut dengan Bakpau atau Bakpaw ini adalah salah satu roti yang memiliki tekstur empuk dan lembut. ciri khas dari roti bakpao yang membedakan dari roti biasanya adalah memiliki bentuk bulat dan warnanya yang putih bersih. namun saat ini Bakpao memiliki banyak sekali variasi bentuk dan kreasi rasa untuk isiannya. seperti bakpao yang akhir-akhir ini booming dan populer dimana-dimana yaitu Bakpao Karakter.
Jika anda salah satu pecinta kue, cake, bolu atau roti tentu saja anda sudah tak asing lagi dengan bakpao karakter bukan? Bakpao karakter adalah salah satu cara lain membuat bakpao sederhana dengan cara yang lebih bervariasi. jika biasanya bakpao hanya bulat, warna putih dengan isian kacang hijau atau coklat. untuk saat ini bakpao sudah disulap menjadi makanan yang enak dengan bentuk menarik.
Cara membuat bakpao karakter sebenarnya hampir sama dengan pembuatan bakpao pada umumnya. hanya saja disini kita akan bermain warna dan bentuk sehingga bakpow karakter menjadi semakin menarik dan menggoda untuk segera di nikmati. untuk isian bakpao karakter boleh disini apa saja sesuai dengan selera. mulai dari kacang hijau, karamel, coklat, keju, aneka selai seperti selai stroberry, selai nanas, selai kacang, ayam, sosis, telur atau isi daging seperti resep bakpao karakter yang akan kami bagikan untuk anda.
Untuk karakter yang digunakan juga bisa disesuaikan dengan hoby, kesukaan atau karakter yang di inginkan sesuai selera yah. dari Bakpao Karakter Lucu, Bakpao Karakter Kartun, Bakpao Karakter Hewan, Bakpao Karakter Superhero, Bakpao Karakter Huruf, Bakpao Karakter Angka, atau Bakpao Karakter Ala Diana Cahaya yang terkenal dengan pencipta bakpao karakter yang lucu, unik dan menggemaskan. intinya disini anda boleh berkreasi sesuka anda sehingga bakpao terbentuk karakter sesuai dengan yang anda inginkan.
Nah, bagi anda yang suka menikmati bakpao karakter dengan membelinya di luar seperti toko kue dan lain sebagainya, kali ini coba membuatnya sendiri dirumah yuck. ternyata cara membuat sebuah bakpao karakter isi daging cukup mudah dan tidak sesulit yang kita bayangkan loh. nah dari pada paenasaran, yuck segera disimak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Bakpao Karakter Isi Daging nya seperti berikut ini.
Resep Bakpao Karakter Isi Daging dan Cara Membuatnya
Bahan-bahan Roti Bakpao :
- Tepung terigu protein rendah 200 gram
- Tepung tang mien 50 gram
- Gula pasir 5 sendok makan
- Ragi ( fermipan ) 1 sendok teh
- Mentega putih 3 sendok makan
- Baking powder 1 sendok teh
- Garam 1/2 sendok teh
Bahan Isian Bakpao Isi Daging :
- Daging sapi cincang / giling 200 gram
- Kecap manis 3 sendok makan
- Saus tiram 2 sendok makan
- Serai 1/2 batang ( dimemarkan )
- Daun salam 2 lembar
- Bawang bombay 1/2 buah ( cincang halus )
Bumbu Halus Isian Bakpao Daging :
- Bawang putih 2 siung
- Bawang merah 3 siung
- Kunyit 1 siung
- Pewarna makanan secukupnya
- Air 250 mili liter
Cara Membuat Bakpao Karakter Isi Daging Empuk :
- Langkah awal campurkan 150 mili liter air dengan gula pasir dan ragi lalu diamkan selama 20 menit hingga berbuih.
- Selanjutnya campurkan tepung terigu, tepung tang mien dan baking powder, setelah adonan tercampur dengan rata masukkan campuran air, gula dan ragi yang sebelumnya sudah disiapkan.
- Uleni adonan hingga kalis, kemudian baru ditambahkan dengan garam dan mentega putih. uleni terus adonan hingga benar-benar kalis. lalu diamkan adonan sekitar selama 45 menit hingga adonan mengembang.
- Untuk Isian : langkah awal tumis bumbu halus dan bawang bombay lalu masukkan daging cincang, masukkan 100 mili liter air, gula, garam, serai dan salam lalu aduk hingga rata. masak terus dengan menggunakan api kecil hingga air habis.
- Setelah itu kempiskan adonan yang telah mengembang, potong sesuai dengan keinginan, potong besar untuk bakpao karakter besar dan potong kecil untuk bakpao karakter mini lalu warnai sesuai dengan selera.
- Pipihkan adonan, beri isian tumisan daging kemudian bentuk adonan warna sesuai dengan pola. misal mata, kerudung, mulut, rambut, telinga, hidung dan lain sebagainya.
- Bentuk adonan sesuai dengan keinginan, setelah bakpao karakter sudah jadi segera dikukus kurang lebih selama 10 menit dengan menggunakan api sedang. angkat.
- Bakpao karakter siap dinikmati selagi hangat dengan minuman hangat atau minuman dingin agar lebih makyusss.
Jangan Lewatkan : Resep Cheese Cake Lumer Untuk Pemula
Resep Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand
Setelah dingin masukkan bakpao karakter isi daging ke dalam wadah tertutup bertujuan agar tekstur empuk bakpao tetap terjaga dan tidak menjadi keras. nikmati bergitu saja atau bisa juga disajikan dengan saus sambal atau saus tomat untuk menambah citarasanya lezatnya. selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga resep-resep yang kami bagikan dapat bermanfaat untuk anda. sangat hangat dari admin, enjoy !!
I first had a piece of this, not too long ago, maybe 5 years back? And I was smitten by the taste and texture. My SIL baked it for the 2nd time and I asked her if she put in any cocoa powder, because it felt like I was eating a bouncy chewy chocolate cake. She said no, it’s just caramel. I was totally taken by surprise.
Then 3 years ago, I had this sudden “want” to bake this cake and eat it too, I asked my SIL for the recipe. She actually got this recipe from a fellow church friend Mrs Elaine Wong. My SIL was smitten by Elaine’s cake and that got her to request for the recipe. The love bug for this spreads....
Mrs Elaine Wong ~~ SIL ~~~ Me ~~~~ Annielicious (after she ate this)
Resep Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand - Pisang goreng merupakan salah satu gorengan yang enak dan renyah. cara membuatnya yang mudah membuat pisang goreng seringkali hadir di berbagai acara sebagai camilan. dari acara arisan, khajatan, kumpul keluarga, syukuran dan acara-acara istimewa lainnya. selain itu, pisang goreng juga nikmat sekali disajikan dengan ditemani kopi ataupun teh manis hangat saat bersantai.
Pisang goreng Khas Nusantara Indonesia pada dasarnya memiliki banyak sekali variasi rasa dan bentuknya. dari Pisang Goreng Kalimantan, Pisang Goreng Kipas, Pisang Goreng Coklat, Pisang Goreng Kremes, Pisang Goreng Pasir, Pisang Goreng Renyah, Pisang Goreng Keju, Pisang Goreng Crispy ataupun Pisang Goreng Sederhana Ala Abang Gorengan. aneka pisang goreng ala Nusantara ini sebenarnya hampir sama rasa dan penggunaan bahannya yaitu dengan bahan utama tepung terigu dan aneka pisang. namun ada beberapa bahan penunjang yang membuat aneka pisang goreng memiliki citarasa yang berbeda dari kreasi pisang goreng tersebut.
Untuk pisang goreng khas nusantara kami rasa sudah tak asing lagi untuk kalian ya? karena banyak sekali warung atau pedagang gorengan yang menyajikan aneka pisang goreng tersebut. namun pernahkah anda mencicipi enak dan lezatnya pisang goreng khas thailand? kreasi baru dari pisang goreng ala thailand yang akhir-akhir ini populer sekali di Jakarta membuat admin ingin menulis Resep Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand untuk anda.
Yups, Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand merupakan salah satu olahan pisang yang cara membuatnya hampir sama dengan aneka pisang goreng lainnya. hanya saja pisang goreng khas thailand lebih kaya bumbu didalam adonan tepung yang digunakannya. salah satunya adalah wijen, gula pasir, kelapa parut, gula aren atau gula merah dan lain sebagainya. untuk membuat adonan tepung semua bahan tersebut diaduk menjadi satu lalu diberi air secukupnya hingga menjadi adonan yang siap untuk membalut pisang tanduk yang siap untuk digoreng.
Sebenarnya untuk membuat Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand ini memiliki 2 versi atau kreasi. untuk kreasi pertama yaitu seperti pada resep yang akan kami berikan seperti cara membuat pisang goreng pada umumnya yaitu pisang dicelupkan ke dalam adonan terigu lalu digoreng hingga crispy. lalu untuk kreasi Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand yang kedua adalah pisang yang diiris-iris kecil, lalu di beri taburan coklat dan keju lalu digulung didalam kulit lumpia. untuk Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand dengan kulit lumpia jika kita lihat nanti hasilnya seperti Lumpia Pisang Coklat Keju / Piscok / Pisang Aroma Coklat Keju dan olahan aneka pisang dengan kulit lumpia lainnya.
Nah, bagi anda yang penasaran akan proses pembuatan pisang goreng khas thailand dan ingin segera mencoba membuatnya dirumah. yuck disimak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand nya seperti berikut ini.
Resep Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand dan Cara Membuatnya
Bahan-bahan Pisang Goreng :
- Pisang tanduk 3 buah ( diiris serong )
- Tepung beras 150 gram
- Gula pasir 75 gram
- Kelapa 75 gram ( dikupas, parut )
- Air 125 mili liter
- Gula aren / gula kelapa / gula jawa atau gula merah 1 sendok makan
- Wijen 50 gram ( disangrai )
- Garam secukupnya
- Minyak goreng ( digunakan untuk menggoreng )
Cara Membuat Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand :
- Langkah awal, campur tepung beras, gula pasir, kelapa parut dan air hingga rata. tambahkan gula aren dan wijen sangrai. aduk kembali hingga rata.
- Selanjutnya celupkan potongan pisang ke dalam adonan terigu.
- Setelah itu goreng kedalam minyak yang cukup panas hingga kuning keemasan. angkat, tiriskan, lalu sajikan hangat.
Untuk saat ini Pisang Goreng Wijen Khas Thailand atau yang sering disebut dengan Kluey Khek yang merupakan asli kuliner jajanan thailand ini baru ada di menu resto dan aneka cafe saja. untuk satu porsi Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand biasanya di hagai sekitar Rp 25.000, hingga Rp 40.000,-. lumayan cukup mahal ya untuk sekelas pisang goreng yang mudah dan praktis dibuat seperti Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand ini. maka dari itu dari pada mahal-mahal mencari kluey khek ini mending coba buat sendiri dirumah.
Bahan-bahan yang digunakan kami rasa cukup terjangkau dan mudah di temui dimana-dimana, sehingga tak akan menyulitkan anda untuk segera mengeksekusi di dapur tercinta anda dirumah. selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan Resep Pisang Goreng Khas Thailand. coba juga Kuliner Masakan Thailand lainnya seperti Resep Membuat Sup Tom Yam Ala Thailand Enak dan camilan kekinian dari Mie Instan seperti Resep Mie Mozarella Stick Praktis yang sayang sekali jika anda lewatkan. terimakasih sudah membuka harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga resep-resep yang kami bagikan dapat bermanfaat. sekian.
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