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Resep Bolu Kukus Pandan Irit Telur - Versi Wikipedia bolu atau kue bolu yang dalam bahasa Inggrisnya cake adalah kue yang dibuat dengan bahan dasar tepung. Umumnya dibuat dari tepung terigu, gula dan telur. Kue bolu atau cake ini dapat dimatangkan dengan cara dipanggang di dalam oven. Walaupun saat ini ada juga bolu yang dikukus seperti bolu kukus atau brownies kukus.

Nah kebetulan di dapur lagi ada endapan daun pandan, akhirnya di buat bolu pandan saja lah. Kebetulan saya lagi pengin bolu pandan yang menul-menul kempus gitu. Jadi kali ini saya akan membuat bolu pandan versi kukus. Cara membuat bolu kukus pandan ini menurut saya super gampang dan praktis banget. 

Soalnya dibuatnya dengan metode all in one, yaitu dengan cara mencampurkan semua adonan menjadi satu, lalu dikocok sampai adonan menjadi kaku atau yang dalam bahasa kerennya kental berjejak / jambul petruk. Setelah adonan selesai di mixer, baru deh di kukus ke dalam panci kukus yang sudah berisi air mendidih agar uap panasnya banyak.

Step By Step Cara Membuat Bolu Kukus Pandan

Tips bagi pemula atau yang baru belajar memasak kue mungkin pernah mengalami apa yang dulu saya alami. Pas pertama sekali membuat bolu kukus, saya tidak tahu bahwa mengukus cake, bolu atau brownies kukus itu harus dalam kondisi yang benar-benar panas dan air mendidih. Karena kukusan saya waktu itu belum panas akhirnya cake yang saya buat jadi tidak mengembang alias bantet.

Walaupun rasanya enak, tapi kalau bantat gitu rasanya ngenes banget deh. Setelah browsing-browsing dan belajar otodidak akhirnya tahu deh sekarang kalau mau mengukus kue, bolu atau cake ke dalam kukusan itu panci kukusan harus benar-benar panas dan airnya harus sudah mendidih. Lalu jangan lupa tutup panci atau kukusannya di alasi dengan serbet atau kain bersih. Yang bertujuan agar uap tidak jatuh ke adonan kue, alhasil kue nya pun akan mengembang dengan sempurna.

Walaupun terbuat dari resep bolu kukus yang sederhana dengan bahan yang murah meriah. Hasil dari bolu kukus pandan yang masuk ke dalam resep bolu kukus pandan irit telur ini enak dan kempus loh bun. Menul-menul kempus ringan gitu mirip dengan olahan chiffon. 

Bagi yang ingin membuat kue bolu kukus pandan irit telur ini, yuk langsung saja di simak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Bolu Kukus Pandan seperti dibawah ini.

Step By Step Cara Membuat Bolu Kukus Pandan 

Step By Step Cara Membuat Bolu Kukus Pandan

Bahan-bahan Bolu :

  • Gula pasir 90 gram
  • Telur 2 butir
  • Garam 1/4 sendok teh
  • Tepung terigu (kunci) 75 gram
  • SP 1/2 sendok teh (pelembut kue, bisa dibeli di toko bahan kue terdekat)
  • Baking powder 1/4 sendok teh
  • Pasta pandan 1/2 sendok teh (bisa menggunakan 2 sendok makan endapan atau jus pandan)
  • Minyak goreng 50 mili liter (minyak canola)

Langkah Membuat Bolu Kukus Pandan :

  1. Mixer gula,telur dan garam hingga sedikit mengembang lalu masukan sp. Mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi selama kurang lebih 10 menit hingga kental berjejak.
  2. Tambahkan pasta pandan dan vanili bubuk.
  3. Masukan tepung dan baking powder sambil diayak aduk balik (saya mixer dengan kecepatan rendah hingga rata saja).
  4. Tambahkan minyak goreng. aduk balik dengan spatula hingga rata dan homogen. Lalu tuang ke loyang yang sudah diolesi tipis margarin.
  5. Kukus dengan kukusan yang sudah dipanaskan dan beruap banyak. Jangan lupa tutup kukusan atau tutup panci di alasi serbet atau kasin bersih agar uap air tidak jatuh. Kukus selama 15-20 menit. Tutup dandang jangan bolak balik dibuka ya nanti hasilnya bantet.
  6. Angkat loyang, dinginkan, potong sesuai selera.

Bagaimana bun, mudah dan super praktis kan proses pembuatan bolu kukus pandannya? Bagi yang ingin membuat kue bolu pandan untuk cake ulang tahun atau syukuran. Atasnya bisa di olesi dengan icing dari krim mentega (buttercream), fondant atau marzipan ya. Nanti hasilnya jadi mirip kue tart (kue tarcis). Untuk pemanis atau hiasannya bisa di beri beberapa buah cheery segar atau manisan cherry kering yang biasa dijual dalam kemasan kaleng.

Kalau saya sih karena cuma untuk camilan di rumah, jadi saya cukup olesi sedikit buttercream kemudian saya taburi keju parut sebagai toppingnya. Hasilnya jadi manis gurih gitu, paling cocok untuk temal temil saat nonton tv dan bersantai dengan ditemani teh hangat atau kopi favorit. Tapi bagi yang suka manis, di beri taburan meises coklat juga endes loh. 

Atau kue bolu pandan kukus ini di belah jadi dua bagian, lalu tengahnya diberi olesan selai juga mantap. Selai yang dipakai bisa selai coklat, selai kacang, blueberry, strawberry dan diberi santan juga oke. Suka-suka saja untuk berkreasi ya bun, pokoknya tidak ada batasan untuk mengkreasikan bolu kukus pandan ini. 

Walaupun bolu kukus vanila dan bolu kukus cokelat masih menjadi juara di hati banyak orang. Namun bolu kukus pandan juga saat ini sudah menjadi favorit banyak orang loh. Aroma pandan dengan wangi yang khas memang selalu menggoda. Jadi tidak ada salahnya dong kalau kali ini bunda mencoba Resep Bolu Kukus Pandan Irit Telur Enak Kempus yang saya bagikan kali ini. Dijamin anak-anak dan keluarga lainnya pasti suka :)

Terimakasih sudah membuka resep membuat bolu kukus pandan simple 2 telur ala harianresep.blogspot.com, semoga bermanfaat ya, silahkan share bunda :)

Resep Bolu Kukus Pandan Irit Telur Enak Kempus

The brand new President Barack Obama, whether wittingly or not, invested his entire political capital in reforming health care in America. He gambled and he lost, not because he had nefarious intentions, but because he left the gory details to a corrupt Congress and a shady cadre of lying and conniving technocrats, ending up with something vastly different from what he campaigned on. From everything I’m reading now, Mr. Trump is about to walk in Mr. Obama’s footsteps, and if he does, the results will be unsurprisingly identical.

On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump repeatedly stated that Bernie Sanders forfeited his place in history when he “made a deal with the devil” and embraced the corrupt Democratic Party establishment that fought his candidacy in most abject fashion. Guess what? Mr. Trump seems to be making the same deal with the red version of the same devil. Mr. Trump’s cabinet choices indicate that he is now embracing the ultra-conservative factions of the Republican Party, the same people who actively or passive-aggressively opposed his candidacy. Nowhere is this peculiar and completely unnecessary capitulation more evident than in the beleaguered health care sector.

Mr. Trump campaigned on repealing and replacing Obamacare with something “terrific”, because Obamacare premiums are “going through the roof”, and because deductibles are so high that you can't actually use your Obamacare plan “unless you get hit by a truck”, and because people can’t keep doctors and plans they like. Mr. Trump also recognized that some Obamacare provisions are good and should be retained. One would therefore assume that whatever Mr. Trump proposes to replace Obamacare with, will lower premiums, lower deductibles and increase choice of plans and doctors. Although the details were rather fuzzy, two things were consistently mentioned during the campaign: selling insurance across state lines and utilization of health savings accounts. Both “ideas” can be summed up as essentially deregulation of the health insurance industry and the unleashing of free-markets. We’ve seen this movie before.

Déjà Vu

As late as 1978, interest rates on loans were governed by local state usury laws. Based on biblical moral and ethical considerations, these local regulations placed modest limits on interest rates charged by banks in a particular state. Just like our own advocates for selling health insurance across state lines, the national banks lobbied back then for the ability to lend across state lines, which means that the bank home state governs the interest rates in all other states. In 1978 the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the banks, and in 1980 Congress passed formal legislation to that effect. The result, as surprising as that may be, was not fierce competition between banks offering the lowest possible interest rates in all states. Instead, some states immediately removed all caps on usury in order to attract big banks, and high interest rates spread like wildfire, rendering state protections against usury irrelevant.

With a little more help from the Court, the same deregulation was applied to credit card late fees in 1996, with the same typical free-market results for citizens who watched their late fees quadruple. To create the appearance of efforts to counteract the disastrous effects of deregulation on interest rates, the Federal government created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an agency with no power to do anything of consequence, and which is currently busy spending taxpayer money on a mega database containing “more information than most people can remember about themselves”, financial, personal and social. The parallels to health care should be self-evident.

And then of course there is the saga of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which enforced the separation between banking, insurance and dealing in securities, because mixing these activities was seen as a conflict of interest and an increased risk to bank failures. Glass-Steagall was repealed in pieces, with the death blow delivered by the Financial Modernization Act of 1999. Financial institutions merged and integrated vertically and horizontally into gigantic experiment labs for innovative financial instruments with no oversight and no accountability. The results came home to roost in 2008, with millions of people kicked out of their homes while their taxes were diverted to feed the gargantuan players of free financial markets. We never had a Glass-Steagall in health care, but watching hospitals merging, gobbling physician practices and morphing into underwriters, while insurers are expanding in the opposite direction, is more than enough to trigger that spooky déjà vu feeling.


Health Savings Accounts (HSA) are another financial instrument beloved by free-market advocacy groups. The idea is to allow people to spend their own money as they see fit, instead of forcing them to buy government defined insurance benefits. To sweeten the deal, HSA moneys are not taxable. HSAs are usually paired with so called catastrophic health insurance to cover life’s major disasters. The theoretical logic favoring HSAs is impeccable. Why should you buy insurance for things you don’t need? Why should you buy insurance for routine services you know you will need and are able to budget for, just like you budget for oil changes for your car, haircuts, gutter cleaning and such? Just imagine how expensive all these things would become and how little choice you would have, if you paid for them with insurance. Fair enough.

There is one small problem though. According to a recent Fed report, “forty-six percent of adults say they either could not cover an emergency expense costing $400, or would cover it by selling something or borrowing money”. Another survey from GoBankingRates found that “nearly seven in 10 Americans (69%) had less than $1,000 in their savings account”. A new study from the Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development finds that “more than half of New Yorkers are one paycheck away from homelessness”.  These are not “just” the traditionally poor people in inner cities, rural boonies, Appalachian trailer parks, or however your pampered mind imagines poverty in America. This is the middle class.  These are the “nice” people you see every day all around you. So how much funding do you think will be going into those spiffy HSA accounts? Not much.

Catastrophic Care

This week, President-elect Trump picked Rep. Tom Price, a former orthopedic surgeon, to be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Dr. Price is a man with a plan. The plan is to replace Obamacare with age adjusted, tax credits and HSAs, while making the same model available to employers, Medicare and Medicaid too. People would use the tax credits to buy catastrophic health plans across state lines, and deposit the difference in their HSAs to cover routine health care. Sounds good until you realize that the tax credits proposed by Dr. Price are ridiculously low and would cover less than half the cost of a catastrophic insurance plan. Now, it is possible, that once all Obamacare protections are removed, trashy little health plans, priced exactly the same as the tax credits, will return to the marketplace, but I seriously doubt that anything will be left over for HSA deposits. I’m willing to bet that the majority of employers will jump at the chance to extend the same parsimonious offer to their employees.

Once the Medicare modernization features of Dr. Price’s plan are also implemented and Medicaid gets cut and tossed into the lap of perpetually bankrupt states, America will finally achieve universal catastrophic health care. Let me dispel the bleakness for a brief moment though. Dr. Price’s plan has all sorts of great features for doctors. Malpractice insurance reform, freedom to provide cash services to Medicare beneficiaries, freedom to balance bill, some relief from regulatory burdens and a seat at the table for medical associations, are all included in the plan. It is also quite possible that physicians in non-catastrophic specialties will get to enjoy some well-deserved leisure time. I can’t imagine too many non-catastrophic customers, flush with non-existent HSA cash, banging on their doors. 

Augment and Replace

Mr. Trump has a mandate to replace Obamacare with something “terrific”. He has a mandate to defend Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Those are the things he campaigned on and this is the mandate that comes with his election, nothing more and nothing less either. The conservative apparatus that rode into power on his surprisingly long coattails has no independent mandate. Donald Trump was elected President of the United States by the people of these United States in spite of the Republican Party not because of it. We did not send Mr. Trump to the White House to help Speaker Ryan and his conservative posse of faux intellectuals to dismantle the big bad “welfare state”. I can only hope that the President-elect understands that the manufactured urgency of repealing Obamacare, while blowing up Medicare, is nothing but a shrewdly laid trap for him personally, for his presidency, and for the American people.

It may be helpful to remember that for each Obamacare frustrated person, there is at least one fairly content person, and many if not most of those content people are less affluent, mostly white, working families who either receive large subsidies or have become eligible for Medicaid. These are the forgotten workers Mr. Trump promised to speak for, fight for and win for. Yes, Obamacare needs to be replaced, and the best and safest way to replace it is not to repeal it, but to augment it. Try selling insurance across state lines if you must. Add options to pair catastrophic plans with HSAs. Heck, while you’re at it, might as well try an experimental public option. And sure, get all your anti-abortion stuff in there to keep the faux intellectuals happy. Let people choose what works best for them, because free people trump free-markets every single time, and that is truly terrific.

As Obamacare Lay Dying

Dundee cake is a traditional cake from Dundee, Scotland. Traditionally, it should contain sultanas, Seville orange peel and decorated with almonds. But as time goes by, people tend to change the ingredients to their liking. I find most modern Dundee cake recipes not much different from other fruit cake recipes, other than the almonds on top. The original Dundee cake does not contain any cherries or currants, or any mix peel, but specifically Seville orange peel for that bitter orange tinge and sultanas, just sultanas.

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Dundee Cake

19 Kumpulan Resep Puding - Versi Wikipedia, puding adalah nama untuk berbagai hidangan penutup yang umumnya dibuat dari bahan-bahan yang direbus, dikukus atau dipanggang. Istilah puding sendiri juga sering dipakai untuk berbagai jenis pie atau pai yang berisi cincangan daging, lemak hewan atau buah-buahan yang dipanggang.

Pada umumnya puding yang dibuat dengan bahan baku susu (yogurt), tepung maizena, tepung tapioka, atau telur sebaiknya dihidangkan setelah didinginkan di dalam lemari es terlebih dahulu. Penyajian dalam kondisi dengin ini yang membuat puding semakin enak, kenyal dan segar saat di makan. Biasanya untuk puding jenis ini memiliki rasa manis legit dengan perisa cokelat, karamel, vanila, dan topping buah-buahan segar seperti jeruk, nanas, sirsak, mangga, markisa, buah naga, anggur maupun buah kaleng.

Sedangkan untuk jenis puding agar-agar swalow umumnya dibuat dengan mencampur bubuk agar-agar bersama susu cair atau susu bubuk yang kemudian diberi tepung maizena atau telur kocok sebagai pengentalnya. Agar tampilannya semakin menarik dan rasanya semakin enak, puding agar-agar sebaiknya disajikan bersama saus manis yang disebut vla / fla. 

19 Kumpulan Resep Puding Yang Cocok Untuk Jualan Terbaru 2017

Semakin banyaknya pecinta puding, kini banyak pula kreasi puding instan yang dijual oleh perusahaan dengan merek terkenal yang di jual dalam kemasan yang disebut tepung puding atau bubuk Puding. Cara membuatnya sangat mudah yaitu dengan hanya mencampur bubuk puding dengan susu atau air panas saja. Dan puding pun siap di makan dalam kondisi dingin agar lebih enak dan segar.

Saat ini di Indonesia terdapat berbagai jenis puding dengan rasa khas tradisional yang melegenda. Misalnya seperti puding kelapa muda, puding gula merah, santan, puding tapai ketan hitam, putih dan hijau serta campuran daun suji dan daun pandan semacam Resep Puding Lumut Pandan Hijau Lapis Coklat, Enak dan Gurih Banget yang beberapa lalu sempat booming dan populer dimana-dimana. 

Nah pada kesempatan kali saya selaku admin dari harianresep.blogspot.com akan membagikan kumpulan resep puding terbaru yang cocok untuk jualan di tahun 2017 nanti. Aneka kreasi puding yang ada di kumpulan resep puding ini sebenarnya merupakan aneka puding sederhana dan special yang dapat dibuat kapan saja di rumah. Tak tanggung-tanggung saya akan memberikan 19 resep puding sekaligus.

Mulai dari puding buah, karamel, strawberry dan lain sebagainya mungkin menjadi inspirasi ide bisnis puding anda nanti. Oke, yuk langsung saja di simak Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Kumpulan Resep Puding aneka kreasi yang sudah kami rangkum secara jelas di bawah ini. Untuk melihat resepnya tinggal klik saja di judul resepnya ya :)

Kumpulan Resep Puding Murah Meriah

Kumpulan Resep Puding Murah Meriah

Untuk kumpulan resep puding pertama yaitu puding mentega. Puding ini di sukai banyak orang karena rasanya yang manis dengan kombinasi rasa mentega yang khas yaitu asin gurih. Lebih lengkapnya Langsung saja di simak resepnya ya...

Daftar Kumpulan Resep Puding :
Hayo sudah bisa menentukan puding apa saja yang akan dijadikan menu untuk bakulan atau jualan nanti belum nih? Kalau untuk bakulan atau jualan di kantin, atau depan sekolahan jangan lupa di kemas dengan cup kecil saja ya. Kalau untuk homemade mungkin bisa memakai cetakan puding yang unik, agar semakin menarik pembeli.

Oke, selamat mencoba dan berkreasi sendiri dengan 19 Kumpulan Resep Puding Yang Cocok Untuk Jualan Terbaru 2017. Semoga dengan adanya kumpulan resep puding dari saya ini dapat menambah referensi jenis puding jualan anda. Apa lagi sebentar lagi Natal dan Tahun Baru, pasti akan banyak pesanan kue / cake dan puding deh.

Semangat, semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa share ya, terimakasih :)

19 Kumpulan Resep Puding Yang Cocok Untuk Jualan Terbaru 2017